Wednesday, August 9, 2023

 Romans 14 In this chapter Paul addresses another potentially explosive topic.. differences of conscience. He uses the example of those who believe that they can eat anything.. and those who think that it is wrong to eat certain things (meat) and eat only vegetables.  There was also a disagreement over holy days.. some still believed that certain days.. the Sabbath.. the Feast days.. should be kept according to the Law.. others felt that this no longer applied to them.  

Paul's teaching helps us know how to deal with these differences.. " accept the one.. " Accept the one who disagrees with your opinion.. because "God has accepted him."  Paul tells us to .. "let each man be fully convinced in his own mind.. "   The one who chooses to eat meat and gives thanks for it.. and the one who does not and gives thanks also... are equally living for the Lord. It is the Lord who judges and not us. We each give account to God for our choices. 

The biggest problem with this is that we need to be careful not to cause our brother or sister to stumble.. because we are free to "eat meat".. they choose to do so also, but in their minds it is still sinful.. so.. it is sin for them to do it.  We have unintentionally caused someone else to sin.  This is not loving or righteous and does not bring peace and joy to our fellowship. 

What we do need to do is serve Christ .. and each other.. pursuing peace and building up one another in faith. We need spiritual discernment in all things.. Come Holy Spirit and fill us now!

Father in heaven, help us to have understanding and discernment in all things.  We desire to serve You and seek Your kingdom and Your righteousness.. to love others and to humbly submit ourselves for the sake of Your Body.. that there be unity and encouragement and grace that flows through us and from us into a world that needs Your Light.  Whatever our differences might be.. help us to not judge but to build up each other in faith.  Strengthen my faith Lord Jesus.. that all I do will be pleasing in Your sight. Amen. 

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