Tuesday, August 15, 2023

 Jeremiah 2:1-19   This first message that Jeremiah was given for Judah is a strong indictment against the apostasy of the nation.  The Lord said, " I remember concerning you the devotion of your youth, the love of your betrothals, your following after Me in the wilderness, through a land not sown." 

Israel was "holy to the Lord".  A nation called out to be His people. His chosen ones. Under His banner and protection and blessing.  They were brought out of Egypt and given a "fruitful land". They were taken out of the desert and given a land of promise.. "to eat its fruit and its good things." 

But.. " you came and defiled My land."   They walked away from God. 

"They walked after emptiness and became empty..."  (v5)

They "changed their glory for that which did not profit.." (v11)

They forsook the Lord " the fountain of living waters, to hew for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that can hold no water." (v13) 

They did it to themselves.. "by your forsaking the Lord your God... "  (v17) 

They no longer sought the Lord.. not the priests, not the rulers, not even the prophets.. They were a nation that "changed gods". 

"Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter for you to forsake the Lord your God." (v19)

I cannot read these words of Jeremiah without recognizing that these things are true of our own nation.  Our land has become defiled because we have walked away from God.  We see... the emptiness of people everywhere.. trying to satisfy themselves with what can never satisfy them.. forsaking the God who created them.. who sustains them.. who alone can save them.. They have "changed gods".. although they don't even recognize the futility of their devotion to money or fame or "fun" or whatever it is that gives them momentary happiness. 

Father, give us ears to hear... to repent.. to seek You and to find You.. and to pray.  May our nation turn back to You.. bring repentance to our leaders, to our people.. Raise up spiritual leaders who will speak these truths boldly.. for our nation must heed these truths and turn back to You before it is too late.   Help us, we pray, in the name of Jesus Christ,  who is Lord of all. Amen. 

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