Thursday, August 10, 2023

 Romans 15 Paul has encouraged believers to not pass judgement on one another.. whether they are "weak" in faith.. or not.  He taught that each of us are accountable to God for our own choices and that we need to act according to faith.. according the the convictions we have before God.  

He continues with this.. telling  us to "bear the weaknesses of those without strength".  It goes back to remembering that we serve Jesus.. we are not slaves to sin or to selfish ways.  We desire to be like Jesus in every way.. and this is one more way.. "Christ did not please Himself.. "  We are able.. through His Spirit to surrender our own wills and think of others.. to help them to persevere and to have hope. 

"Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another  according to Christ Jesus; that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." (v5-6)   This prayer is one that should be remembered and prayed continually for our church.. for all the churches.. for our denomination.  May God answer this prayer in America... in the world today!

"Wherefore, accepts one another just as Christ also accepted us to the glory of God."  Paul was focused on the need for Jews and Gentiles to accept one another as fellow believers in Jesus.  Who is it that Jesus wants us to accept? Who is it that we need to bear with.. encourage.. and help.. in matters of faith and hope?

Paul is coming to the end of his letter to the Romans.  He longs to see them and to share the love of fellow believers with them. He asks for prayers and he prays for them.  May we follow his example and pray for one another and encourage one another.. and may we most of all.. bear with one another in love. 

Father in heaven, we are Your people, Your sheep, and we long to be all that You have created us to be.. a people of God, a holy priesthood, servants of the Most High God.  Transform us from the inside out.. that we might be like Jesus.. laying down our lives, taking up our crosses and following Him.. so that the world would come to know Your great and marvelous salvation. We ask this in His holy and wonderful name. Amen. 

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