Monday, August 7, 2023

 Romans 12 " I urge you therefore... "  Because of the kindness of God.. the grace that He has given to us.. His gracious choice to preserve a remnant of His people and to extend His grace to the Gentiles.. Because Jesus did what no one else could do.. because of the "mercies of God".. we need to "present [our] bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is [our] spiritual service of worship." 

There is no Temple in Jerusalem any more.. there are no burnt offerings to be offered.. there are none needed because Jesus paid it all!  But, those of us who know the kindness of God.. the greatness of His salvation through Jesus Christ.. are called to present our whole selves to Him.. this, Paul says, is our "worship".  This is how we serve Him.. how we honor Him.. how we live and abide with Him. 

We must begin by being "transformed by the renewing of [our] minds.."  No longer conformed to the way that the world thinks and teaches.. we allow the Word of God to fill our thoughts and dictate our actions.  We allow His Spirit to "prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect."  He gives us discernment and shows us His ways.. He helps us examine our lives and choose that which is acceptable in His sight. 

He helps us to understand that all we have.. we have been given by His grace. 

He helps us to know that even our faith has been "alloted" to each of us according to His measure. 

He gives each of us gifts to serve others and urges us to use what He provides with diligence and humility.. and love. 

He will work in us.. as we allow Him to transform us.. and make us like Jesus.. so that our character is like His.. loving without hypocrisy; abhorring what is evil; clinging to what is good; being devoted to one another in brotherly love; giving preference to one another in honor.. 

His good and perfect will.. is for us to be "...fervent in spirit, rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality... blessing those who curse us; rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep..."

He wants us to trust Him in every circumstance.. not taking vengeance but allowing Him to judge as He desires.  He wants us to seek peace.. and to "overcome evil with good."

This is a life that has been presented to God as a "living sacrifice".  This is the "good" that He wants to work in our lives.  

May God have His way in me.

Father in heaven, I present myself.. by body, my soul, my mind.. all of me.. to You.. a living sacrifice..Have Your way in me.  May I live for You..  constantly abiding in my Savior, Jesus Christ.. may I be all that You have called me to be and do the things that You have shown me to do.  Renew  Your Spirit in me each and every day..that I might please You.. honor You.. and grow in love for You. Thank You for the grace that You have chosen to pour out on me.  I deserve nothing and You have given me everything.. How can I ever thank You enough?  May Your name  and Your praise be ever on my lips! Amen!

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