Friday, August 4, 2023

 Romans 11 Paul turns back again to his discussion about Jews and Gentiles.  The question was asked about whether or not the Jews were rejected now.. by God.. since the Gentiles were now being saved.  Paul's reaction is "May it never be!"   He goes on to explain that God has chosen to keep a remnant of Jewish believers.. "according to God's gracious choice."    When Elijah thought he was the only faithful Israelite left.. God told him that there were ".. seven thousand men who have not bowed to Baal.."  God did not change His ways in Paul's time and He hasn't changed His ways now.. 

God chooses to save people.. by His grace.

".. if it is by grace, it is not longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace.. " (v6) And "Behold the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God's kindness.. "  (v22) This grace.. this kindness and mercy of God.. is offered as He chooses.  As hard as it is to understand.. God sometimes gives "a spirit of stupor, eyes to see not and ears to hear not.. "  In the case of the Jews..who failed to believe.. the result was salvation coming to the Gentiles..  Hallelujah !

But, Paul reminds us, God is not finished yet.. He has a perfect plan.. for the Jews as well as for the Gentiles.. a fulfillment of His promises to Israel is coming.. reconciliation will happen.. deliverance will come.. God has not forgotten His covenants with Abraham or with David.. 

Paul clarifies this further with his illustration of the olive tree.. The Gentiles were "wild branches".. grafted into a "rich root" ( Jesus)!  The Jews who would not believe were natural branches that were cut off from the root.. but "God is able to graft them in again."  He is also able to cut off the wild branches that were grafted in.. if they fail to stay faithful in Christ.  What we need to remember is that it is the Root that holds us all together... by His kindness and grace. So, whether Jew or Gentile.. salvation is by God's gracious choice.. 

"Oh the depth of the riches  both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgements and unfathomable His ways!"  Paul writes.  God's ways are higher and His thoughts greater! We may not understand, but we can trust Him.  We can also pray.. for when we call on His name He hears our prayers.. He opens the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf.  All our hope is in Him.. in the heights and depths and greatness of His love towards mankind. 

Father, thank You for showing us such kindness and grace, that we have come to You and are made Your own.. grafted into the family of God through the Root.. Jesus Christ our Lord.  May the people of God, the nation of Israel, hear Your Word and repent and be saved.. to fulfill all Your purposes for them.  May the nations of the world bow before You and exalt Your Holy Name.  Open eyes and ears, Lord God, that they might hear the Word and come to faith.  Send forth workers into Your harvest fields that many more will be saved.  Open the eyes and ears of our own unsaved loved ones, Lord, we plead! For we  pray these things in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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