Friday, April 28, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 4:46-54  After two days in Samaria, Jesus went to Galilee.  He was heading towards His home.. and He knew that not everyone would accept Him as the Savior of the world.. but some would.  They had heard and seen what had happened in Jerusalem at the Passover.. they wanted to see some more signs.. "Unless you people see signs and wonders you simply will not believe." Jesus said.  Isn't that the truth?  We would like it to be so even now.. miracles and healings and multiplied bread.. water walking and storms calmed..   O Lord, help us to believe anyway.. to hold on to You and trust You.. even when we can't see... 

The man who came to Jesus was a "royal official".  He had a powerful position and enough money to do what he wanted.. but what he wanted most, he had no power to do. His son was dying and he was desperate for Jesus to come before it was too late. But, Jesus did not go.. He simply said, "Go your way; your son lives."   Wonderful words! And, the man believed and went towards home.  On the way.. .before he even got home, the good news came.. the boy was alive and well!  "So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, 'Your son lives' "  that he was healed and he and his whole household believed. 

The words of Jesus can be trusted.  It may not seem like it sometimes.. but don't quit believing.  Jesus will answer your prayers.. He will help you. You don't need a sign.. but sometimes He will give you one anyway. Determine to trust Him no matter what.. ask, seek, and knock and don't give up. Rest in His power and love. Listen to His voice as a sheep does his shepherd's.. and follow Him. 

Father in heaven, write Your words on our hearts that we might treasure them and walk by faith in them.  Yours are the words of life.. of hope and love and truth.  Jesus, speak these precious words over my grandchildren today.. that they "live".. that they have everlasting life through faith in You.  Open their ears to hear and their eyes to see You.. and believe. I ask this in Your powerful name.. Amen.

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