Monday, April 3, 2023

 Proverbs 17  This chapter focuses more on the wicked than the righteous, although it is still contrasting the difference.. From it we learn that:

The wicked may have more feasting.. but also more strife.
A wise servant will do better than a shameful son. 
Someone who listens to "wicked lips" will end up doing evil. 
Liars pay more attention to "destructive tongues". 
Mocking the poor is a reproach to God.. rejoicing over someone else's pain will bring trouble.
Fools talk too much.. 
A lying "prince" is unfitting for his office.  
Telling rumors or secrets will destroy friendships.
Fools do not learn from their errors.
The rebel is seeking evil.. and will find it. 
A "fool in his folly" is worse than a "bear robbed of her cubs."
To return evil for good will result in nothing but more evil in your house. 

And much more... 

What is most important to remember is found in verse 3 "... But the Lord tests hearts.."  As David wrote, "O Lord, Thou hast searched me and know me.. " ( Psalm 139:1)  He knows everything about us.. has known it since before we were even created in our mothers' wombs.  He thinks of us.. He holds us.. He sees us.  May our prayer be like David's .. " Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way."

Father in heaven, help us to choose wisdom.. to choose Your Word.. in humble obedience and surrender to Your Spirit's leading. We do not want to walk in folly and wickedness.. but in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus.. our Wonderful Counselor and Risen King. Direct our paths today we pray, in His name. Amen. 

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