Tuesday, April 25, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 3:1-21  Nicodemus was an important man.. a Pharisee.. a "ruler of the Jews".   When he came to Jesus that night he knew that He was "from God".  He saw the signs.. he understood the implications. But, he had questions.. Jesus didn't address Nicodemus's doubts.. He taught him the truth about believing faith. 

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."  This is essential truth.  We are all "born of the flesh".  We are not all "born of the Spirit".  It is this second "birth" that determines whether we can see God's kingdom or whether we can enter into it.  Spiritual life does not come through the flesh.. through our physical bodies.. or our human nature. It will never come "naturally" but only supernaturally.. by the Holy Spirit. It is God's work.

Nicodemus asks the questions that we need to ask.. "HOW...?"   Jesus gave him an interesting answer.. "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (v8)   We cannot control wind.. we cannot see wind.. but we can feel it and see the results of it at work.  When a person is "born of the Spirit" we may not see something change in their physical nature.. but we can see the results.. their lives are changed.. they will manifest the Light that has overcome the darkness in them.. they will display the Life of Christ in their deeds. 

Nicodemus is still not certain.. "How can these things be?" he asks.  Jesus tells him to listen to His witness.. He will show him what he cannot see.. He has come from heaven for this purpose.  He has come because God loves the world. He has come to be lifted up.. He has come so that "the world should be saved through Him."  

Just "believe".. Jesus tells this man.. and us.  Believe that Jesus is God's Son who came to save. Believe that God loves you. Believe that God wants you to come out of the darkness and into His light. Believe that He will lead you to eternal life.  Believe that. without Jesus there will be only darkness and judgement.  Believe and be born again.. born of the Spirit of God.. supernaturally transformed into God's child.. His work of art.. His masterpiece.. So that His glory will be seen in you. 

Think of a beautiful painting or sculpture.... look at it with admiration and awe.. Do you give credit to the picture or sculpture for its own beauty?  No, you praise the artist for his talent and creativity.. for his time and effort.. Look at God in this same way.. He has chosen you... to shape you and mold you.. first physically.. forming you in your mother's womb.. and then.. when you believe in Jesus,  He makes you a new creation.. an eternal being.. spiritually alive.. who practices the truth.. who walks in Light.. who manifests His glory.. to the praise of the One who did that great work in you. 

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Jesus so that we might be saved and eternally transformed. Thank You for such a great love that.. even when we were filled with sin and darkness.. You sent a Savior from heaven to bring us Light.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  Father, there are so many people who still want to hide in the darkness and do their evil deeds..  Once again .. will You manifest Your light in us so that they can "come and see".. and believe on the name of Jesus, the only Begotten Son, and be saved eternally.  We ask this in His wonderful name. Amen. 

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