Friday, April 14, 2023

 Proverbs 27-29  More warnings and instructions.. all pointing to the same truths.. wisdom and righteousness are the way to  life and deliverance and blessing.  Foolishness and wickedness will lead to destruction.  We all make a choice.. to believe and obey God's Word or we ignore it, spurn it, and go our own way.  The path is clearly spelled out in every proverb throughout this book. They help us to discern what is right and what is evil.  They give us understanding of God's ways.. they are lived out in the life of our Lord Jesus. 

We need this knowledge and understanding.. so that we can endure in this world.. and so that we can be found in His righteousness on that day when we stand before His throne.  Have we stood up for what is right and good?  Have we treated others with justice and mercy? Have we loved Jesus and others more than wealth and ourselves?

These proverbs teach us to be faithful, to be kind, to be generous.. to watch what we say and do.. to care for others; to take responsibility for ourselves and our families; and to keep on trusting the Lord. 

They also show us what foolish and wicked ways we must not walk.. scorning and mocking, cheating and scheming against others. 

"The poor man and the oppressor have this in common; The Lord gives light to the eyes of both." (29:13) This truth is vital.. we all are His creation.. we all are accountable to Him. The choices we make.. big or small matter to Him.. what is in our hearts - matters to Him!

Oh God our God, we need You. We need You to fill our hearts with Your great love and goodness.  We need You to keep us in Your Mighty hands so that we will not fall.. that we will not act foolishly.. Deliver us from evil.. and lead us in the paths of righteousness.. for Your Name's sake!  Forgive us our trespasses and help us to forgive others.. to love even our enemies.. to do good.. even in return for evil. Thank You for the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ the Lord.  He is our Light and our Salvation. Blessed be the name of the Lord.  We give You all praise and honor and glory. Amen. 

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