Wednesday, April 19, 2023

 John 1:1-14  "In the beginning was the Word.". the logos - the Divine Expression - the thought; the reasoning; the account; the communication; the utterance;  -"and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 

Jesus Christ, God the Son, the "true light".. came into the world to "enlighten" every one of us.  Four times the word  ginomai is used... "came into being" v3; "made"; v10 "become";  v12 and "became" v14.  Jesus is the Maker, the Cause, the Motive, the requirement... "All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." 

Jesus is the source of Life.  He is the source of Light.... light that overcomes darkness and can not be seized or possessed by it.  Jesus the "true light" came to "enlighten us"  - to photizo - to shed rays; to shine; to illuminate.. to make to see.  When Jesus said that none could come to the Father except through Him.. this truth resonates.. we can't come because we are blind and in darkness.. only Jesus produces the kind of Light that makes us able to see..

Jesus came to the world that was "made through Him" - to His own possession, His own domain.. and was not received.. not accepted.  God came near.. the incomprehensible came to be comprehended.. and was rejected. ".. the world did not know Him." 

"But.... " O Hallelujah!  ".. as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become (ginomai) children of God".  When we receive Jesus.. we are made, created, caused to be.. God's children.. produced- born of God.  Born by His will....not by accident or by force.. but born out of the wonderful grace and love of God the Father through the Divine Expression.. the Word.. Jesus.  This privilege belongs to those who "believe in His name.".. those who trust in His authority.  Those who answer the call to believe.. who accept and not reject the Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us. 

Father in heaven, thank You for this truth, for the Son of God who came to reveal YOU to us.. He has conquered the darkness.. conquered death.. and conquered our blindness so that we might behold His glory.... "the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  In His Light we stand and we live... and we pray in His Name asking that His Light will fill this land.  Amen

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