Monday, April 24, 2023

 John 2  As you read the book of John, notice that he intentionally chooses to write the story of Jesus from a different perspective than the other gospel writers did.  He wants you to know the Jesus that he loved and trusted. In this chapter he chose to give us two particular events that led him to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.. as the Son of God, the Lamb. 

Verses 1-11 tell about the first miracle that Jesus performed publicly.. although not everyone knew what had happened.  The water drawn out of the "six stone water-pots" each containing 20-30 gallons.. instantly became the best wine that the headwaiter had ever tasted. Only the servants and the disciples and Mary seemed to know that a miracle had taken place. Think about that.. Mary had such faith that Jesus would solve this problem.. this problem that was not a physical crisis, but a social embarrassment.. that she just trusted Him to take care of it, even as He said, "Woman, what do I have to do with you?"  He loved her enough to take care of it... 

Do we hesitate to ask Jesus for help with such things as social blunders.. embarrassing situations.. things that bother us but aren't life or death?  Mary didn't hesitate to ask.   Perhaps we need to learn to trust Jesus with more.. with everything!  He loves us enough, too!

"This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him."   John shares this with us.. perhaps because it was a turning point for him.  Yes, Jesus had called him and he had followed.. but now he saw Christ's glory.. his eyes were being opened a bit more. The Lord works in our hearts this way too.. He calls us to follow Him.. and when we say yes, He begins to show us more of Himself... we just have to keep looking!

In verses 13-25 John writes about the first Passover that Jesus and His disciples attend after beginning His ministry.  Jesus goes straight to the temple.. His Father's house.. and sees what has happened there.  It makes Him angry!  Instead of worship and prayer, where God is honored and revered, Jesus finds oxen, sheep, and doves being sold at outrageous prices.. he finds moneychangers.. crooked men fleecing the people who are trying to honor the Lord in obedience to the Word of God.  So, Jesus does something dramatic... He makes a scourge of cords.. a whip.. and He drives out the animals and the men.. He overturns tables and scatters the money.  He tells them, "Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a house of merchandise." 

This is a fulfillment of prophecy about the Messiah.  David wrote in Psalm 69:9 "For zeal for Thy house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach Thee have fallen on me."  David felt that passion about God's house too, but it was displayed vividly in the actions Jesus took that day.  John recognized this and it affirmed his faith again.. helping him to believe that Jesus was exactly who He said he was. 

The Jewish leaders also took notice of this event.. they wanted to know "what sign" Jesus was going to give them to show He had such authority.. He had only one... three days in the grave and then the resurrection!  

Father in heaven, we are like so many.. we want signs.. we want instant results to our prayers.. we forget to look at You instead of the miracles.  Help us to seek You and to find You.. to see Your glory and power and grace.  Jesus, we believe You are exactly who You said you are.  Grow our faith.. grow our knowledge of You that like Mary.. we simply put every problem in Your hand, and trust You for the answers.  Thank You for loving us and hearing our prayers. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

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