Thursday, April 6, 2023

 Proverbs 20 The character of a man is determined by his choices.. does he choose to seek wisdom and understanding.. to fear God and to walk in righteousness according to God's word?  Only then will his character be honorable, noble, and pleasing to God.. for Christ will be exalted and His character will be formed in them.  

They will not be carried away with drinking and brawling.  They will not cause strife and violence. They will be trustworthy and loyal.. walking in integrity.  They will be a blessing to their families.. they will act justly and honestly. ( v1, 3, 7, 8, 10, and 23)

The Lord God sees and knows our hearts. He sees our actions and hears our words.  He searches our hearts and ordains our steps. 

"Wait for the Lord, and He will save you."( v22)  This is the promise of God's word.  So thankful!   This reminds me of a phrase from a song I heard recently that has resonated with me.. "... you will be found".  Just those words.. bring comfort and peace.. that no matter what.. no matter how I feel.. He will not let me go. I will wait on Him and He will save me.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, you know me and care for me.  I am Your child.. the work of Your hands. I am seeking You and asking for Your wisdom and grace to fill me so that I can be the person that You want me to be. Fulfill Your purposes in me and through me.. so that the Name of Jesus is made known..  so that Your Kingdom will come and Your will be done.. in my life, my family, and my church. I lift up our country, the USA.. asking for the "evil of the wicked" to come to an end and that You would establish the righteous. ( Psalm 7:9)  In Jesus' name I ask these things. Amen. 

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