Wednesday, April 26, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 3:22-36  Jesus and His disciples came to Judea.  They began to baptize those who came to Jesus.  John, the Baptist was still baptizing also. His disciples were concerned.. maybe jealous.. that more were turning to Jesus than to John.  But, John was not at all concerned.. he was joyful!

John's last recorded testimony about Jesus is written here..  It begins with the acknowledgment that he was not the Christ.. that all he had.. his ministry was "given him from heaven".. that he had been sent for one purpose.. to prepare the way of the testify about Him. 

John called Jesus "the bridegroom".. and himself "the friend of the bridegroom".  The bride was not his.. she was the bridegroom's.  John wanted the Lord to "increase" and for himself to "decrease".  This would make his joy full. 

John testified that Jesus came "from above" and was "above all".   Jesus came from heaven, so He could testify of what He had "seen and heard"..  John could not do that for he was from earth and could only speak of earthly things.  

Yet, "no man receives His witness".  Those who would not believe Jesus would not receive the Truth.  Jesus spoke "the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure".  Words that we need to hear and receive and believe. Oh Holy Spirit fill us without measure that we might have ears to hear and hearts to receive the Words of life. 

"The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." 

What a powerful message from this man who would "decrease".. who would suffer.. who would be killed at the whim of a spiteful woman. John lived his whole life in preparation for the events that were now happening right before him.. and it filled him with joy. Even when he seemed to doubt while in prison.. Jesus said of him, " Truly... among those born of women there had not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist...yet, he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."  ( Matthew 11:11) 

In our society and our world the push is to be "greater".. stronger, wealthier, prettier, whatever..  but that is not what pleases our God.  Our God delights in a heart, like John's, willing to decrease.. to be less.. to lay it all down before the One who is "above all" because He is from heaven.. the Son of God who came humbling Himself.. even to die on a cross.. so that we might have eternal life. Oh what a wonderful truth... we can stop the constant pressures and struggles to be more.. and find peace and rest and joy in being "less"...  in Jesus. 

Father in heaven, our Great Shepherd, may we find the joy of believing and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and King.  Jesus is greater. Jesus is above all things.  Jesus brought us the Words of life and gave His life that we might be saved.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  May we willingly lay down our lives for Jesus.. that He might be exalted in us and through our testimonies.  In His name we ask this, Amen. 

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