Thursday, April 27, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 4:1-45  Jesus chose to go back to Galilee through Samaria.  Most Jews would take the long way around so that they didn't have to go that way.. they hated the Samaritans so much.  But, not Jesus.   He was willing to go anywhere that His Father wanted Him to go.. and so they went through Samaria and stopped at a city called Sychar.  "Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, was sitting thus by the well.. " 

We may not understand all the cultural prohibitions that were at play during this encounter, but the passage tells us enough... that Jesus even spoke to the woman.. that He asked her for a drink of water.. that He had a deep conversation with her... These things would never have happened except for Jesus. No Jewish man, especially a rabbi or priest would ever even dare go there, let alone have a conversation. 

Jesus asked for a simple drink of water.. but what He offered was anything but that.. He offered "living water".. .Water that would quench your thirst for eternity.  Water that would keep "springing up".  Jesus who was given "the Spirit without measure".. offered this gift of living water to a woman who had a very sketchy life.. married 5 times, living with a man she wasn't married to.. without social standing.. ashamed and outcast...  Jesus saw the need in her life for Truth and He gave it to her freely. 

He told her that worship was not about a place.. it is about the Father.  Worshiping in "spirit and truth" is the only acceptable worship. Real, genuine, heart-felt worship of the True God.. the Lord Almighty.. the Creator.. the One who loves us and sent His Son to save us.. This is true worship.. when we surrender all of ourselves.. to Him. 

He told her that He was the Messiah. And she believed.  He knew her.. "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done.. "she testified to those in her city.  They came and saw.. and heard and also believed.. "And many more believed because of His word.. saying...  we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world." 

This was a "field.. white for harvest"..  a place ignored, hated,  and scorned by the Jews.. but a place where "fruit for life eternal" was gathered that day. 

Listen to the Words of Jesus and know that He loves you and desires for you to know Him and love Him too.  He wants to offer you the same "living water" that He offered to the woman at the well.  It is a gift that never ends.. never fails... never runs dry.. but quenches every thirsty soul.  Seek Him and You will find Him and the life that only He can give. 

Father may we seek You and drink deeply of Your gift.. Your Spirit that flows freely and never runs dry. Come and speak Your words of life through us that others might also come and see.. and believe in Jesus.  May there be fruit for eternity gathered today.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

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