Friday, April 28, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 4:46-54  After two days in Samaria, Jesus went to Galilee.  He was heading towards His home.. and He knew that not everyone would accept Him as the Savior of the world.. but some would.  They had heard and seen what had happened in Jerusalem at the Passover.. they wanted to see some more signs.. "Unless you people see signs and wonders you simply will not believe." Jesus said.  Isn't that the truth?  We would like it to be so even now.. miracles and healings and multiplied bread.. water walking and storms calmed..   O Lord, help us to believe anyway.. to hold on to You and trust You.. even when we can't see... 

The man who came to Jesus was a "royal official".  He had a powerful position and enough money to do what he wanted.. but what he wanted most, he had no power to do. His son was dying and he was desperate for Jesus to come before it was too late. But, Jesus did not go.. He simply said, "Go your way; your son lives."   Wonderful words! And, the man believed and went towards home.  On the way.. .before he even got home, the good news came.. the boy was alive and well!  "So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, 'Your son lives' "  that he was healed and he and his whole household believed. 

The words of Jesus can be trusted.  It may not seem like it sometimes.. but don't quit believing.  Jesus will answer your prayers.. He will help you. You don't need a sign.. but sometimes He will give you one anyway. Determine to trust Him no matter what.. ask, seek, and knock and don't give up. Rest in His power and love. Listen to His voice as a sheep does his shepherd's.. and follow Him. 

Father in heaven, write Your words on our hearts that we might treasure them and walk by faith in them.  Yours are the words of life.. of hope and love and truth.  Jesus, speak these precious words over my grandchildren today.. that they "live".. that they have everlasting life through faith in You.  Open their ears to hear and their eyes to see You.. and believe. I ask this in Your powerful name.. Amen.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 4:1-45  Jesus chose to go back to Galilee through Samaria.  Most Jews would take the long way around so that they didn't have to go that way.. they hated the Samaritans so much.  But, not Jesus.   He was willing to go anywhere that His Father wanted Him to go.. and so they went through Samaria and stopped at a city called Sychar.  "Jesus therefore, being wearied from His journey, was sitting thus by the well.. " 

We may not understand all the cultural prohibitions that were at play during this encounter, but the passage tells us enough... that Jesus even spoke to the woman.. that He asked her for a drink of water.. that He had a deep conversation with her... These things would never have happened except for Jesus. No Jewish man, especially a rabbi or priest would ever even dare go there, let alone have a conversation. 

Jesus asked for a simple drink of water.. but what He offered was anything but that.. He offered "living water".. .Water that would quench your thirst for eternity.  Water that would keep "springing up".  Jesus who was given "the Spirit without measure".. offered this gift of living water to a woman who had a very sketchy life.. married 5 times, living with a man she wasn't married to.. without social standing.. ashamed and outcast...  Jesus saw the need in her life for Truth and He gave it to her freely. 

He told her that worship was not about a place.. it is about the Father.  Worshiping in "spirit and truth" is the only acceptable worship. Real, genuine, heart-felt worship of the True God.. the Lord Almighty.. the Creator.. the One who loves us and sent His Son to save us.. This is true worship.. when we surrender all of ourselves.. to Him. 

He told her that He was the Messiah. And she believed.  He knew her.. "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done.. "she testified to those in her city.  They came and saw.. and heard and also believed.. "And many more believed because of His word.. saying...  we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world." 

This was a "field.. white for harvest"..  a place ignored, hated,  and scorned by the Jews.. but a place where "fruit for life eternal" was gathered that day. 

Listen to the Words of Jesus and know that He loves you and desires for you to know Him and love Him too.  He wants to offer you the same "living water" that He offered to the woman at the well.  It is a gift that never ends.. never fails... never runs dry.. but quenches every thirsty soul.  Seek Him and You will find Him and the life that only He can give. 

Father may we seek You and drink deeply of Your gift.. Your Spirit that flows freely and never runs dry. Come and speak Your words of life through us that others might also come and see.. and believe in Jesus.  May there be fruit for eternity gathered today.  In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 3:22-36  Jesus and His disciples came to Judea.  They began to baptize those who came to Jesus.  John, the Baptist was still baptizing also. His disciples were concerned.. maybe jealous.. that more were turning to Jesus than to John.  But, John was not at all concerned.. he was joyful!

John's last recorded testimony about Jesus is written here..  It begins with the acknowledgment that he was not the Christ.. that all he had.. his ministry was "given him from heaven".. that he had been sent for one purpose.. to prepare the way of the testify about Him. 

John called Jesus "the bridegroom".. and himself "the friend of the bridegroom".  The bride was not his.. she was the bridegroom's.  John wanted the Lord to "increase" and for himself to "decrease".  This would make his joy full. 

John testified that Jesus came "from above" and was "above all".   Jesus came from heaven, so He could testify of what He had "seen and heard"..  John could not do that for he was from earth and could only speak of earthly things.  

Yet, "no man receives His witness".  Those who would not believe Jesus would not receive the Truth.  Jesus spoke "the words of God; for He gives the Spirit without measure".  Words that we need to hear and receive and believe. Oh Holy Spirit fill us without measure that we might have ears to hear and hearts to receive the Words of life. 

"The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him." 

What a powerful message from this man who would "decrease".. who would suffer.. who would be killed at the whim of a spiteful woman. John lived his whole life in preparation for the events that were now happening right before him.. and it filled him with joy. Even when he seemed to doubt while in prison.. Jesus said of him, " Truly... among those born of women there had not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist...yet, he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he."  ( Matthew 11:11) 

In our society and our world the push is to be "greater".. stronger, wealthier, prettier, whatever..  but that is not what pleases our God.  Our God delights in a heart, like John's, willing to decrease.. to be less.. to lay it all down before the One who is "above all" because He is from heaven.. the Son of God who came humbling Himself.. even to die on a cross.. so that we might have eternal life. Oh what a wonderful truth... we can stop the constant pressures and struggles to be more.. and find peace and rest and joy in being "less"...  in Jesus. 

Father in heaven, our Great Shepherd, may we find the joy of believing and receiving Jesus Christ as Lord and King.  Jesus is greater. Jesus is above all things.  Jesus brought us the Words of life and gave His life that we might be saved.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  May we willingly lay down our lives for Jesus.. that He might be exalted in us and through our testimonies.  In His name we ask this, Amen. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

For my grandchildren

 John 3:1-21  Nicodemus was an important man.. a Pharisee.. a "ruler of the Jews".   When he came to Jesus that night he knew that He was "from God".  He saw the signs.. he understood the implications. But, he had questions.. Jesus didn't address Nicodemus's doubts.. He taught him the truth about believing faith. 

"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."  This is essential truth.  We are all "born of the flesh".  We are not all "born of the Spirit".  It is this second "birth" that determines whether we can see God's kingdom or whether we can enter into it.  Spiritual life does not come through the flesh.. through our physical bodies.. or our human nature. It will never come "naturally" but only supernaturally.. by the Holy Spirit. It is God's work.

Nicodemus asks the questions that we need to ask.. "HOW...?"   Jesus gave him an interesting answer.. "The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit." (v8)   We cannot control wind.. we cannot see wind.. but we can feel it and see the results of it at work.  When a person is "born of the Spirit" we may not see something change in their physical nature.. but we can see the results.. their lives are changed.. they will manifest the Light that has overcome the darkness in them.. they will display the Life of Christ in their deeds. 

Nicodemus is still not certain.. "How can these things be?" he asks.  Jesus tells him to listen to His witness.. He will show him what he cannot see.. He has come from heaven for this purpose.  He has come because God loves the world. He has come to be lifted up.. He has come so that "the world should be saved through Him."  

Just "believe".. Jesus tells this man.. and us.  Believe that Jesus is God's Son who came to save. Believe that God loves you. Believe that God wants you to come out of the darkness and into His light. Believe that He will lead you to eternal life.  Believe that. without Jesus there will be only darkness and judgement.  Believe and be born again.. born of the Spirit of God.. supernaturally transformed into God's child.. His work of art.. His masterpiece.. So that His glory will be seen in you. 

Think of a beautiful painting or sculpture.... look at it with admiration and awe.. Do you give credit to the picture or sculpture for its own beauty?  No, you praise the artist for his talent and creativity.. for his time and effort.. Look at God in this same way.. He has chosen you... to shape you and mold you.. first physically.. forming you in your mother's womb.. and then.. when you believe in Jesus,  He makes you a new creation.. an eternal being.. spiritually alive.. who practices the truth.. who walks in Light.. who manifests His glory.. to the praise of the One who did that great work in you. 

Father in heaven, thank You for sending Jesus so that we might be saved and eternally transformed. Thank You for such a great love that.. even when we were filled with sin and darkness.. You sent a Savior from heaven to bring us Light.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  Father, there are so many people who still want to hide in the darkness and do their evil deeds..  Once again .. will You manifest Your light in us so that they can "come and see".. and believe on the name of Jesus, the only Begotten Son, and be saved eternally.  We ask this in His wonderful name. Amen. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

 John 2  As you read the book of John, notice that he intentionally chooses to write the story of Jesus from a different perspective than the other gospel writers did.  He wants you to know the Jesus that he loved and trusted. In this chapter he chose to give us two particular events that led him to believe in Jesus as the Messiah.. as the Son of God, the Lamb. 

Verses 1-11 tell about the first miracle that Jesus performed publicly.. although not everyone knew what had happened.  The water drawn out of the "six stone water-pots" each containing 20-30 gallons.. instantly became the best wine that the headwaiter had ever tasted. Only the servants and the disciples and Mary seemed to know that a miracle had taken place. Think about that.. Mary had such faith that Jesus would solve this problem.. this problem that was not a physical crisis, but a social embarrassment.. that she just trusted Him to take care of it, even as He said, "Woman, what do I have to do with you?"  He loved her enough to take care of it... 

Do we hesitate to ask Jesus for help with such things as social blunders.. embarrassing situations.. things that bother us but aren't life or death?  Mary didn't hesitate to ask.   Perhaps we need to learn to trust Jesus with more.. with everything!  He loves us enough, too!

"This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him."   John shares this with us.. perhaps because it was a turning point for him.  Yes, Jesus had called him and he had followed.. but now he saw Christ's glory.. his eyes were being opened a bit more. The Lord works in our hearts this way too.. He calls us to follow Him.. and when we say yes, He begins to show us more of Himself... we just have to keep looking!

In verses 13-25 John writes about the first Passover that Jesus and His disciples attend after beginning His ministry.  Jesus goes straight to the temple.. His Father's house.. and sees what has happened there.  It makes Him angry!  Instead of worship and prayer, where God is honored and revered, Jesus finds oxen, sheep, and doves being sold at outrageous prices.. he finds moneychangers.. crooked men fleecing the people who are trying to honor the Lord in obedience to the Word of God.  So, Jesus does something dramatic... He makes a scourge of cords.. a whip.. and He drives out the animals and the men.. He overturns tables and scatters the money.  He tells them, "Take these things away; stop making My Father's house a house of merchandise." 

This is a fulfillment of prophecy about the Messiah.  David wrote in Psalm 69:9 "For zeal for Thy house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach Thee have fallen on me."  David felt that passion about God's house too, but it was displayed vividly in the actions Jesus took that day.  John recognized this and it affirmed his faith again.. helping him to believe that Jesus was exactly who He said he was. 

The Jewish leaders also took notice of this event.. they wanted to know "what sign" Jesus was going to give them to show He had such authority.. He had only one... three days in the grave and then the resurrection!  

Father in heaven, we are like so many.. we want signs.. we want instant results to our prayers.. we forget to look at You instead of the miracles.  Help us to seek You and to find You.. to see Your glory and power and grace.  Jesus, we believe You are exactly who You said you are.  Grow our faith.. grow our knowledge of You that like Mary.. we simply put every problem in Your hand, and trust You for the answers.  Thank You for loving us and hearing our prayers. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

 John 1: 35-51  Two of John's disciples heard him say, "Behold, the Lamb of God.. "  and followed Jesus. When Jesus asked them what they wanted, they just asked where He was staying.  Perhaps they only planned on a short visit.. but when Jesus answered, "Come, and you will see." it turned into a much longer stay. 

Andrew was one of those two.. and he went to get his brother, Peter.."We have found the Messiah.." 

Then Jesus found Philip and called him to follow.. Philip found Nathanael and told him to "Come and see" too. 

This is the message we also have.. "Behold the Lamb of God.. we have found the Messiah.. Come and see."  Just as Jesus saw and knew Nathanael, even as he was.. He sees and knows us .  When we "come and see".. He will show us Himself... and "greater things".. than we can ever imagine. 

Father in heaven, let us behold the glory of the Lamb.. to know Him more and more.. and to go to those who have not seen Him yet, that they might also "come and see" the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

 John 1:6-8; 15-34  John the Baptist "came for a witness"  to "bear witness".. he was born for this purpose.. to be a witness and to testify about "the light".. Jesus.  John fulfilled his calling when he cried out, "This is He of whom I said, 'He who comes after me has a higher rank that I, for He existed before me.'" (v15) 

John had been questioned by the Jews.. for they wanted to know who he was. Was he the Messiah? Was he a prophet? Was he Elijah?  John did  not consider himself anything but , ".. a voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,'"  He was only sure of this one thing.. that he was supposed to be preaching repentance and baptizing.. because the Messiah was coming. 

When John saw Jesus at first he did not recognize Him.. "And I did not recognize Him but in order that He might be manifested to Israel, I came baptizing in water."  It was when he baptized Jesus and saw the Holy Spirit descend on Him and remain on Him.. that John knew that Jesus was the Messiah. " And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God."  John had been told what to look for so that when he saw it.. he would know.  He could then say with confidence, "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!"

Father, You have called us to be witnesses and to bear witness.. just like John the Baptist.  You have created us to be filled with His light and His life.. to recognize the truth of Who Jesus really is and to proclaim this truth to a world that is still in darkness.. Jesus, the Light of the World, came to take away the sin of the world.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!  When we are asked "Who are you?"  may our answer be.. we are the voice of ones crying in the wilderness of this world.. "We are children of God, through Jesus Christ, the Lamb.. the Son of the Most High God.. who came to seek and to save the lost.. to enlighten men and women that we might see." Thank You for such love and grace poured out on us.. be glorified and honored and exalted in every nation and in all the earth. In Jesus' name. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

 John 1:1-14  "In the beginning was the Word.". the logos - the Divine Expression - the thought; the reasoning; the account; the communication; the utterance;  -"and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." 

Jesus Christ, God the Son, the "true light".. came into the world to "enlighten" every one of us.  Four times the word  ginomai is used... "came into being" v3; "made"; v10 "become";  v12 and "became" v14.  Jesus is the Maker, the Cause, the Motive, the requirement... "All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being." 

Jesus is the source of Life.  He is the source of Light.... light that overcomes darkness and can not be seized or possessed by it.  Jesus the "true light" came to "enlighten us"  - to photizo - to shed rays; to shine; to illuminate.. to make to see.  When Jesus said that none could come to the Father except through Him.. this truth resonates.. we can't come because we are blind and in darkness.. only Jesus produces the kind of Light that makes us able to see..

Jesus came to the world that was "made through Him" - to His own possession, His own domain.. and was not received.. not accepted.  God came near.. the incomprehensible came to be comprehended.. and was rejected. ".. the world did not know Him." 

"But.... " O Hallelujah!  ".. as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become (ginomai) children of God".  When we receive Jesus.. we are made, created, caused to be.. God's children.. produced- born of God.  Born by His will....not by accident or by force.. but born out of the wonderful grace and love of God the Father through the Divine Expression.. the Word.. Jesus.  This privilege belongs to those who "believe in His name.".. those who trust in His authority.  Those who answer the call to believe.. who accept and not reject the Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us. 

Father in heaven, thank You for this truth, for the Son of God who came to reveal YOU to us.. He has conquered the darkness.. conquered death.. and conquered our blindness so that we might behold His glory.... "the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  In His Light we stand and we live... and we pray in His Name asking that His Light will fill this land.  Amen

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

 Proverbs 31  I noticed something that I don't remember noticing before.. "The words of King Lemuel, the oracle which his mother taught him..

These are the words of a mother to her son.. "What, O my son?"   What words of wisdom and love can she offer her son, the king?

"Do not give your strength to women, or your ways to that which destroys kings. "   The Message puts it this way, " Oh, son of  mine, what can you be thinking of! Child whom I bore! The son I dedicated to God! Don't dilute your strength on fortune-hunting women, promiscuous women who shipwreck leaders." This advice reflects the first few chapters of Proverbs that warned again and again.. of those who would lead sons ( or daughters)  into dens of iniquity and death.  This mother sees her son taking the wrong road and desperately wants him to choose the way of life... 

Verses 4-6 "It is not for kings to drink wine, or for rulers to desire strong drink, lest they drink and forget the rights of the afflicted.. "  She tells her son that drinking is for the perishing.. not for the strong leader.  It helps the stricken to forget.. but it does not help the righteous leader to do right. As Paul wrote, "And do not get drunk with wine, for that is dissipation, but be filled with the Spirit." ( Ephesians 5:18)   Filled with the Holy Spirit, the son will be able to do what is right.. "Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy."  This is the path that a godly mother desires and prays for her children. 

I know of women who do not like this next section.. the description of a "worthy woman".. it is a bit intimidating for us to try to become as ambitious, wise, strong, resourceful, and powerful as this ideal woman.. we just don't have that much energy.. But, when we think of this as mothers.. advising our sons to look for such virtues in a wife ( or our daughters for their husbands).... well, it sounds pretty good!  We want our children to find spouses who are industrious, trustworthy, good, faithful, kind, generous, and noble.  We want more than anything for our children to find a mate who "fears the Lord.. " A wife... or a husband.. who is praiseworthy, dignified, respected, and worthy..   godly qualities of a  much greater value than "jewels" or riches. 

Father, this is our prayer for our children and grandchildren.. that they walk in the wisdom of Your Word, that they choose Life.. following Jesus Christ all the days of their lives.  We come boldly to ask that You would help us to lead our families into the Truth that they would never leave the path that You set out before them. Father, hear this mother's heart for her children and grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.. for their salvation, for their perseverance in faith, for their future ( or current) spouses.. may they walk in the Spirit.. in a manner worthy of Your calling.. for Your glory!  We praise You Lord for such love and grace that You have poured out on us.. that we can come before You as children and ask such wonderful things.. in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Monday, April 17, 2023

 Proverbs 30 "The words of Agur... 'Surely I am more stupid than any man, and I do not have the understanding of a man. Neither have I learned wisdom, nor do I have the knowledge of the Holy One.'"

This man then goes on to write some very profound and wise words.. "Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name or His son's name? Surely you know!" 

O Hallelujah! We do know!  Yahweh.. the Lord God Almighty and Jesus Christ the Son! John wrote, "And no one has ascended into heaven, but He who descended from heaven, even the Son of Man." (John 3:13)  Isaiah wrote "For I am the Lord your God, who stirs up the sea and its waves roar, the Lord of Hosts is His name. And I have put My words in your mouth, and have covered you with the shadow of My hand, to establish the heavens, to found the earth, and to say to Zion, ' You are My people'" (Isaiah 51:15-16)

Agur goes on to share wise observations.. 

He asks that he doesn't have too much.. lest he be too full and deny the Lord; and that he doesn't have too little.. lest he be in want and steal. What a great prayer.. "Feed me with the food that is my portion"... Daily bread...  He asks for nothing more.. and nothing less.  

He warns of the liars.. and of the greedy... of the mockers and of those who do not respect their parents. 

Agur wonders at the beauty of nature; and he grieves at the things that shake the earth and his soul.

He observes the ironies of life.. an ant that is not strong but  wisely prepares food for the winter; a badger that is "not mighty"  but lives among rocks; locusts that have no leader but are organized like an army; and a lizard which is small and helpless.. but can live in a palace!

In humility, Agur warns the proud.. who have foolishly exalted "put your hand on your mouth".. 

Father in heaven, You are God alone.. in heaven above and on earth below.. and there is no other.  You stir up the sea... You established the universe.. every star, You know by name.. every creature on earth.. You have ordained according to Your great wisdom. We desire to know You, even as the prophets and poets of old desired to know You.  Thank You for the Word of Life.. for Jesus Christ, the Word who became flesh and dwelt among us. . so that we can know You more! Open our eyes to see the beauty and wonder of Your creation and to exalt Your Holy Name. Open our hearts to receive the Truth of Your Word.. to know Your love and grace and wisdom.. that we might exalt Your Name! Fill us, Spirit of God, that we might give honor and glory to the Father and to the Son.  Let the love of God..and love for God fill our hearts today we pray.. in Jesus' name.  Amen. 

Friday, April 14, 2023

 Proverbs 27-29  More warnings and instructions.. all pointing to the same truths.. wisdom and righteousness are the way to  life and deliverance and blessing.  Foolishness and wickedness will lead to destruction.  We all make a choice.. to believe and obey God's Word or we ignore it, spurn it, and go our own way.  The path is clearly spelled out in every proverb throughout this book. They help us to discern what is right and what is evil.  They give us understanding of God's ways.. they are lived out in the life of our Lord Jesus. 

We need this knowledge and understanding.. so that we can endure in this world.. and so that we can be found in His righteousness on that day when we stand before His throne.  Have we stood up for what is right and good?  Have we treated others with justice and mercy? Have we loved Jesus and others more than wealth and ourselves?

These proverbs teach us to be faithful, to be kind, to be generous.. to watch what we say and do.. to care for others; to take responsibility for ourselves and our families; and to keep on trusting the Lord. 

They also show us what foolish and wicked ways we must not walk.. scorning and mocking, cheating and scheming against others. 

"The poor man and the oppressor have this in common; The Lord gives light to the eyes of both." (29:13) This truth is vital.. we all are His creation.. we all are accountable to Him. The choices we make.. big or small matter to Him.. what is in our hearts - matters to Him!

Oh God our God, we need You. We need You to fill our hearts with Your great love and goodness.  We need You to keep us in Your Mighty hands so that we will not fall.. that we will not act foolishly.. Deliver us from evil.. and lead us in the paths of righteousness.. for Your Name's sake!  Forgive us our trespasses and help us to forgive others.. to love even our enemies.. to do good.. even in return for evil. Thank You for the salvation that comes through Jesus Christ the Lord.  He is our Light and our Salvation. Blessed be the name of the Lord.  We give You all praise and honor and glory. Amen. 

Thursday, April 13, 2023

 Proverbs 28-29  These two chapters are filled with somewhat random bits of wisdom that Solomon left  behind.  We are told that the "men of Hezekiah" transcribed them.  Here are a few that stand out:

v11 "Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances."   Jesus did that often.. when they tried to trap Him with hard questions.. He would answer simply with exquisite beauty and wisdom, so that they had no more to say.  Lord, help us to have this godly wisdom.. with patience and self-control.. to speak beautiful words of truth.. with grace and love. 

v21-22 "If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink; for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you."  Paul quoted this proverb in his letter to the Romans (12:20).  This chapter in Romans is filled with instructions for living a dedicated life of service to the Lord.. beginning with " I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God which is your spiritual service of worship."  A life of obedience, service, and love.. filled with the wisdom of God's Spirit through the Word. 

Chapter 29: 20-22  "For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down. Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife. The word of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, and they go down into the innermost parts of the body."   James reminds us about the danger of the tongue,  " So also the tongue is a small part of the body, and yet it boasts of great things. Behold, how great a forest is set aflame by such a small fire!"  How much we need the "wisdom from above.." that is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits.. unwavering and without hypocrisy.

Father, sow in us the fruit of righteousness and fill us with wisdom from above.  Let our hearts be conformed to Yours.. let our wills be yielded to Yours.. let our lives be transformed by the power of Your Spirit living in us.. so that You are glorified in all that we do and say. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 Proverbs 24   Verses 3-4  "By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; and by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches."

This book is meant to help us build our houses.. our lives.. with wisdom.  It has instructed us to seek wisdom, to treasure it.. to choose the narrow road that begins with the "fear of the Lord".  As we read and study the Word of God we will gain knowledge that is true and pure and right.  The Spirit of God Himself is the One to give us understanding so that we can walk in His paths.. knowing it is our God who orders our steps. 

As we walk in God's ways we discern the difference between foolishness and wisdom.  We shun what is evil and choose good.  We forsake idleness and choose to take responsibility for our lives and families.  We understand that wrong choices will lead to destruction and sorrow and pain... that following Jesus is the way to  Life. 

There are truths hidden throughout the proverbs that are reflected in the life and teaching of our Lord.. forgiveness.. humility... love.. " Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work?"  

Jesus taught that we should love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us.. ( Matthew 6)  Proverbs 24: 11 says, "Deliver those who being taken away to death, and those who are staggering to slaughter, O hold them back." And verses 17-18 say, "Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; let the Lord see it and be displeased..

We are called to speak truth.. "He who says to the wicked, 'You are righteous'..( v24)  are to be condemned.. but to "rebuke the wicked"..(v25)  with the heart of mercy and love.. like Jesus did with the religious leaders of His time on earth.. like He does with all of us.. this will bring "blessing". 

All the wisdom found in the Word of God.. points to the Son of God. To follow Jesus is to walk in wisdom. May we seek Him.. treasure Him.. and trust in His power to work in us His will.. His good and perfect will.. that will bring Him glory and honor!

Father in heaven, Your will be done. Sanctify us by Your Spirit that we might become more and more like Jesus. 


Tuesday, April 11, 2023

 Proverbs 23  Here is some good advice:

v1-3   "When you sit down to dine with a ruler, consider carefully what is before you... do not desire his delicacies, for it is deceptive food."   Self-control and discretion in any situation is important, especially in a place where the wrong move is a matter of life and death. 

v4-5  More good advice.. "Do not weary yourself to gain wealth.. when you set your eyes on it, it is gone."

v 6-8  This warning is about taking food from a "selfish man"..  it will come back at you.. and not in a good way!

Being just and honest and wise.. taking responsibility to raise your children well.. living in a right and reverent relationship with the Lord.. these are the things that will make your father and mother glad!

The last section, verses 29-35  are directed at the problem of drinking.. "Who has woe? Who has sorrow? Who has contentions? Who has complaining? Who has wounds without cause? Who has redness of eyes? Those who linger over wine... " It "sparkles".. it "goes down smoothly;"  but.. "At the last it bites like a serpent, and stings like a viper.. " It begins to dictate your life and negates any wisdom or understanding. 

Did Solomon experience this himself? Or did he see this happening to his son? It seems a very specific and personal warning. 

Everything we do, the Word tells us,  "whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." ( I Corinthians 10:31)  As James reminds ,  "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all men generously and without reproach and it will be given him.. " ( James 1:5)  And so we ask... 

Father in heaven, we pray for wisdom so that we can walk in the way of righteousness and truth .. to honor You and give You glory in everything we do and say.  Let Your will be done in us as we seek to obey Your word.  Oh how we need that holy wisdom from above which is  pure and peaceable, gentle and reasonable, full of mercy and good fruit.. unwavering and without hypocrisy!  Come Holy Spirit and fill us that we might "walk by the Spirit " and not "carry out the desire of the flesh" (Gal. 5:16) Let the fruit of the Spirit of God be multiplied in us we pray.. in the name of Jesus our Lord, amen. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

 Proverbs 22  Verses 17-21 "Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge; for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you. that they may be ready on your lips. So that your trust may be in the Lord, I have taught you today, even you. Have I not written to you excellent things of counsels and knowledge, to make you know the certainty of the words of truth that you may correctly answer to him who sent you?" 

These "words of truth"  are given to us through the book of Proverbs.. ( as well as the rest of God's word).. the Lord speaking so that we can know His ways and do what is pleasing to Him.  This chapter continues to point out the difference between a life lived in God's wisdom and grace.. and a life lived without Him.. 

God's people will value a "good name" more than riches of silver and gold. v1

Whether rich or poor.. we all have a "common bond" for .. "the Lord is the maker of them all". v2

If we follow Jesus we will flee from evil.. be humble.. guard ourselves from perverseness.. and train our children in righteousness.  We will not get ourselves into debt, becoming slaves to the lenders. We will  give generously, drive off scoffers and mockers.. and love with purity and speak graciously. 

People who know the Lord, who trust in Him and obey His Word.. will act in love and grace. They will not oppress the poor.. or take a life.. they will control their anger and  stay away from those who are "hot-tempered". They will act and speak with wisdom in all matters.. financial.. physical.. emotional.. and spiritual.  

Father  in heaven, help us to walk in Your ways today.. to make every choice according to Your teaching in wisdom and righteousness. Let Your Words fill our hearts and minds as we seek Your Presence and power in our lives for whatever lies ahead of us today.  I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

 Proverbs 21  Verse 1 "The king's heart is like channels of water in the hand of the Lord; He turns it wherever He wishes."    I believe this is a truth that we need to pray for those in leadership of our country. May God turn the hearts of our President, our Congressmen, our Judges... our Governors and any others who make important decisions that affect our country.. may He turn their hearts towards truth and justice and righteousness. 

"To do righteousness and justice is desired by the Lord rather than sacrifice." (v3)  Another good prayer.. for all people to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness.  To do what is just.. to have mercy.. and to walk humbly with God.  "The execution of justice is joy for the righteous.." ( v15)  "He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor." (v21) 

Father, direct our hearts.. into Your love and into the steadfastness of Jesus Christ.  You weigh our hearts. You see all that it in us.  Remove the chaff.. remove the impurities.. refine us.. cleanse us.. that we might have Your heart.. to do Your will.  May we love You with all of our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.  May we love our neighbors. May we honor You with our actions and words. May we be just and merciful.   On this "Good Friday".. may we wonder anew at the Perfect sacrifice of the Son of God.. who gave His life that we might be saved. How thankful that we have such a Wonderful Savior. Praise and honor and thanksgiving to God our Father and to the Son, Jesus Christ, and to the Spirit. Hallelujah! Amen. 

Thursday, April 6, 2023

 Proverbs 20 The character of a man is determined by his choices.. does he choose to seek wisdom and understanding.. to fear God and to walk in righteousness according to God's word?  Only then will his character be honorable, noble, and pleasing to God.. for Christ will be exalted and His character will be formed in them.  

They will not be carried away with drinking and brawling.  They will not cause strife and violence. They will be trustworthy and loyal.. walking in integrity.  They will be a blessing to their families.. they will act justly and honestly. ( v1, 3, 7, 8, 10, and 23)

The Lord God sees and knows our hearts. He sees our actions and hears our words.  He searches our hearts and ordains our steps. 

"Wait for the Lord, and He will save you."( v22)  This is the promise of God's word.  So thankful!   This reminds me of a phrase from a song I heard recently that has resonated with me.. "... you will be found".  Just those words.. bring comfort and peace.. that no matter what.. no matter how I feel.. He will not let me go. I will wait on Him and He will save me.  Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Father in heaven, you know me and care for me.  I am Your child.. the work of Your hands. I am seeking You and asking for Your wisdom and grace to fill me so that I can be the person that You want me to be. Fulfill Your purposes in me and through me.. so that the Name of Jesus is made known..  so that Your Kingdom will come and Your will be done.. in my life, my family, and my church. I lift up our country, the USA.. asking for the "evil of the wicked" to come to an end and that You would establish the righteous. ( Psalm 7:9)  In Jesus' name I ask these things. Amen. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

 Proverbs 19 Wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are of much more value than wealth or fame.. over and over Solomon has made this point.. yet it was not enough for him to stay faithful to the Lord all of his days.  Nor did his son, Rehoboam, gain from the wisdom of his father.. for his first act as king of Israel was foolish.. rejecting the counsel of the elders and choosing the bad counsel of his friends.  It is somewhat ironic and so sad that they forsook the wisdom of God and lost all that He would have given them. 

Nevertheless, we can learn from these truths and gain knowledge and understanding that will help us live in ways that please God. " He who gains wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good." (v8) And so, we continue to have "ears to hear" the Word of the Lord.. earnestly seeking wisdom.. earnestly following Jesus Christ who is the Wisdom of God.. who came in the flesh to live out these truths.. "something greater than Solomon is here" Jesus taught.. ( Matthew 12:42)  It is Christ Jesus who is our "way"; our "truth".. and our "life".. Hallelujah!  What a Savior!

Proverbs 19 admonishes us to gain knowledge (v2) .. to have discretion (v11).. to be gracious to the poor..(v17) to" listen to counsel and accept discipline.." (v20);  and to "fear the Lord" which "leads to life".  (V23) To "cease listening.. to discipline"  will cause us to "stray from the words of knowledge". (v27)

It is important to know that "discipline" is more than just correction.. it means instruction, doctrine, restraint.. it is a check on wrong behavior and a training in right living.  Sometimes that can be a simple adjustment.. like when you are teaching a child to tie his shoe and you show him a step that he is missing.. Sometimes it is a major correction, like when a father stops his child from being unkind.. from being a bully.. from causing harm to another.  It is not just punishment.. although that is necessary at times.  Discipline includes all that the Word of the Lord teaches.. how to love and forgive.. to be kind and generous.. to do good and not evil. When we follow Jesus we listen to His training - all of His Words... accepting His discipline and counsel.. and it is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!

Father in heaven, may our ears be ears that hear.. that heed Your Word and accept Your discipline, that we might gain knowledge and have wisdom and understanding.  Thank You for the Spirit of wisdom who writes Your Words on our hearts and in our minds.  Fill us Spirit of God!  We ask this in Jesus' name. amen.

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

 Proverbs 18  The first 9 verses of this chapter describe a foolish man.. who seeks his own desires, "quarrels against sound wisdom";  does not "delight in understanding"; comes in contempt and dishonor;  shows partiality to the wicked; causes strife; and is lazy.  

In contrast to that.. the Wise one says.. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe." 

Run into the safety of our Lord's Name.. stronger than any city; stronger than any man; stronger than any thing on this earth. 

In His name.. we find refuge and strength. We find wisdom and understanding. We find life and hope and satisfaction.  He is "a friend who sticks closer than a brother."  He is the Living Word.. Who has the power of life and death in His hands. 

This is the truth to live by today and every day.  The Word of God is our daily Bread.  So, for today, let us partake of this wisdom.. run into the Name of the Lord.. and find safety that will not fail. 

Father in heaven, it is Your Name that is holy and set on high.. may it be hallowed and honored above any other name.  May Your Kingdom, the Kingdom of Light and Love.. the Kingdom that has no end.. come!  We pray for Your will to be done on earth as it  is in heaven.  We pray for daily bread.. and thank You for the Word that feeds our souls as well as the food that fuels our bodies.  We pray that You will lead us away from temptation and into all righteousness.. for Your Name's sake.  We pray that You would forgive us every sin.. every trespass.. every debt.. and  help us to forgive others who have sinned against us.  Your's is the kingdom and the power and the glory! Thank You that we can come to You in the wonderful, powerful Name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen. 

Monday, April 3, 2023

 Proverbs 17  This chapter focuses more on the wicked than the righteous, although it is still contrasting the difference.. From it we learn that:

The wicked may have more feasting.. but also more strife.
A wise servant will do better than a shameful son. 
Someone who listens to "wicked lips" will end up doing evil. 
Liars pay more attention to "destructive tongues". 
Mocking the poor is a reproach to God.. rejoicing over someone else's pain will bring trouble.
Fools talk too much.. 
A lying "prince" is unfitting for his office.  
Telling rumors or secrets will destroy friendships.
Fools do not learn from their errors.
The rebel is seeking evil.. and will find it. 
A "fool in his folly" is worse than a "bear robbed of her cubs."
To return evil for good will result in nothing but more evil in your house. 

And much more... 

What is most important to remember is found in verse 3 "... But the Lord tests hearts.."  As David wrote, "O Lord, Thou hast searched me and know me.. " ( Psalm 139:1)  He knows everything about us.. has known it since before we were even created in our mothers' wombs.  He thinks of us.. He holds us.. He sees us.  May our prayer be like David's .. " Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way."

Father in heaven, help us to choose wisdom.. to choose Your Word.. in humble obedience and surrender to Your Spirit's leading. We do not want to walk in folly and wickedness.. but in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus.. our Wonderful Counselor and Risen King. Direct our paths today we pray, in His name. Amen.