Thursday, July 28, 2022

 Matthew 18:1-11  "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"  The disciples continually questioned each other about this...  When Jesus talked about John the Baptist...He said that there was no one "greater" on earth.... but "he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.. "  It is important to recognize that greatness in earthly terms is nothing.. but greatness in heavenly terms is everything. 

But, what the disciples.. and the rest of us.. need to know is what that really means.  For God's measurement of greatness is nothing like man's!

Jesus takes a little child to demonstrate His teaching on greatness. A child in Israel had no legal rights.  He or she could make no claims, do nothing on his or her own power, and relied on adults to meet their needs.  Jesus told His disciples, ".. become like children.. "  Instead of focusing on position and power.. their own "greatness".. they needed to be humble.. and to focus on service.. especially to the "little ones"... to those with no power, no resources, and no help. 

To "receive one such child" in Jesus' name, He says, is to "receive" Him.  To cause a child to stumble is a horrible offense to Him.  A "stumbling block" is one who causes offense.  It is such a severe sinful action that Jesus gives a very graphic warning:  "And if your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off.. if your eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out.. "   Your physical body is expendable.. but to be a stumbling block.. to offend or cause another believer to sin.. to cause anyone to turn from Christ.. that will result in "eternal fire".. a "fiery hell". 

 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones.. " Jesus says.. "their angels in heaven continually behold the face of My Father who is in heaven."  The value of another person.. even a child... is great in our Father's eyes! Jesus came "to save that which was lost".. even a little child with no greatness of his own.  Every lost one is of value to our God.  The shepherd leaves the 99 to find the one that is lost.. Jesus came to earth to find us.. for we were lost too. 

".. it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish."  Jesus tells us.  And if that is true of that little child standing before them.. it is also true of each of us who are "like children".. humbling acknowledging that we have no power, no standing, no resources, and no other way to be saved.  

No, it is not about our standing.. how great we are in the kingdom.. it is about our absolute dependence on the One who came to rescue us.  Hallelujah! If we keep our focus on this.. we will not be stumbling blocks.. we will not offend.. but we will receive others in His Name.  

Father in heaven, we thank You for sending Jesus to rescue us from our sin, for we were lost and without hope until we received Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  He is King and we fully rely on Him alone. Have Your way in us, Lord. .that we might show the love of the Father to every "little one".. and every other one that You bring before us. May we never cause another child to stumble.  May we live lives that do not cause offense that keeps someone from believing in Jesus. May we humbly walk before You every day of our lives.. to serve, to love, to encourage, and to reach others in the Name of Jesus. Amen. 

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