Friday, July 1, 2022

 Matthew 13: 53-58  Matthew tells us that Jesus and His disciples left and went to Nazareth, His home town.  His family seems to be still living there, although Jesus stayed in Capernaum.  In Nazareth, Jesus was known as the "carpenter's son".   His mother and His four brothers were well known.. James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas.  We learn that Jesus also had sisters that lived in Nazareth.  It is a glimpse of the human side of the Lord.  Perhaps this is why the people of Nazareth had such a hard time accepting Jesus as the Messiah.

Jesus taught in the synagogue in Nazareth... causing the people to be "astonished".  He also did some miracles.. but not "many" there.  They heard.. they saw.. but they did not receive Him.. instead "they took offense at Him."  

It makes me think about the fact that everywhere on this earth, it seems,  unbelievers still "take offense" at the Name of Jesus.  Christians are hated.. persecuted.. sneered at.. and blamed for problems... all over the world.  It really makes no sense. True Christians are kind, good, loving, giving... they.. we.. are law abiding citizens.  We aren't the ones to start riots, trample and destroy businesses.. or attack others.  Yet, there is a constant criticism ( and more)  thrown at us.  Why?  Perhaps it is for the same reason that the hometown people of Nazareth rejected Jesus.. they "took offense".  They stumbled.. they tripped up.. they are scandalized. There is resentment and anger.. even outrage when one's moral feelings are challenged.. even if those beliefs are wrong. 

Father in heaven, we live today in a culture where offense is taken at everything.. especially at the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There is a lot of resentment and anger.. even moral outrage over the issues of today.. abortion.. lgbtq...whatever.. and so much more.  There is much unbelief in our country.. our community.. and even in our own families.  How we need Your Holy Spirit to move in power to open blind eyes and deaf ears.. that many more will hear the Word and that seed, planted in hearts will grow and expand; that revival will come once again... that the lost will be saved.  Come, Lord Jesus, and bring Life and truth, shining the Light of the gospel in and through Your people.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, we pray, in Jesus' name. Amen. 

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