Tuesday, July 12, 2022

 Matthew 15:29-39 Jesus left Tyre and Sidon and returned to the Sea of Galilee.. according to Mark 7 they went to the region called Decapolis.  It is suggested by some commentaries that those brought to Jesus at this time were Gentiles... "And great multitudes came to Him, bringing with them those who were lame, crippled, blind, dumb, and many others, and they laid them down at His feet; and He healed them." 

It is this possibly Gentile crowd that "marveled" and "glorified the God of Israel".  What a different reaction than that of the Israelites.  Jesus ministered to these people for 3 days.  Three days of healing people.. thousands of people who came to lay their loved ones at His feet.  Three days.. without enough food.. with no place to sleep..  in a "desolate" place.  

Sometimes, we can't even manage to spend an hour on behalf of those in need... 

Jesus felt compassion for this multitude of people and He decided to feed them before He sent them home.  Again, the resources were small.. 7 loaves of bread and a few fish... and again, Jesus took it, gave thanks for it, and gave it to His disciples to distribute.  And, again there was more than enough to satisfy all those who were there.. "four thousand men, besides women and children." 

Father in heaven, You are greater than every need we might have.. greater than any problem we might face.. greater than any resource we think is insufficient.  We just need to come to You in faith.. come to You in utter dependance and complete trust.. for You are Lord.. the God of Heaven and earth and there is no other.  Your love is incomparable.  Your grace in unending.  Your kindness fills the universe.  How do we forget.. how do we get so discouraged.. so anxious.. so fearful?  Fill us Lord with Your Spirit and have Your way in our hearts and minds.. so that we know Your manifest Presence every day.. and rest in Your arms with peace and overflowing love.. Christ Jesus.. abides in us. Hallelujah! Amen!

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