Monday, July 4, 2022

 Matthew 14:1-12  Matthew tells us that Herod hears about Jesus and thinks that He is a resurrected John the Baptist.  The circumstances of John's death are given here.  Herod had arrested him because he condemned Herod's taking of his brother's wife.  Herodias hated John, so when her daughter danced for Herod and was given the opportunity to ask for anything she wanted.. she asked for John's head on a platter.. for her mother.  A whole family filled with anger and resentment... immorality and evil.  Do you even wonder what on earth she did with that head? How evil must a person be to ask such a thing?

When Jesus heard of John's death "He withdrew from there in a boat, to a lonely place by Himself.. "  His time of mourning was interrupted.. but eventually He was able to go "up to the mountain by Himself to pray."  There He was totally alone, having sent the disciples off on the boat and the multitudes away. 

Was it grief that Jesus felt? The "Man of Sorrows".. knows our grief and sorrow.  He knows the lostness of men and the sadness of those who lose loved ones because of the evil done to them.  The world often wonders why God allows things like this to happen.  We question the God who is supposed to be Love.. wondering why evil comes into our lives.  Jesus did not question the death of John.. He knew it would happen.. He felt the sadness of it.. and He accepted the fact of it.  

This makes me think of how it is with each of us.. after all it is appointed unto man once to die.... that we all will die, unless He returns before that..  He knows the hour and the way it will happen to each.  Even more, He knows those who are His.. and rejoices when we enter His Presence.  And, He knows those who have rejected Him. He knows their eternal suffering in the lake of fire.. where there is "weeping and gnashing of teeth".   What sorrow that must bring to His heart.  It brings sorrow to mine.. 

Father in heaven, again You have put on my heart a prayer for the lost.. the rebellious and the ignorant.. the blatant atheist and the despondent deceived ones.  You are a  compassionate and merciful, God.  You are slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  Bring revival our God!  Bring hope to the hopeless and life to the dead.  Heal the sick and rescue the perishing, Lord, for You alone can save. Raise up Your church to take courage and to have great faith.. to reach out to a dying world.. to those greatly deceived by the evil one.  Lead us in Your ways, Father God, to speak truth in love, with compassion and grace.. and may eyes be opened to see You.. and ears opened to hear Your voice.  We plead this in the name of Jesus. Amen. 

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