Tuesday, July 19, 2022

 Matthew 17:14-20 A desperate father pleads for mercy on behalf of his son.  The disciples could not help him.. but it took only a word from Jesus to free him from the demon.  What was the problem?  Jesus said, "Because of the littleness of your faith... "  The problem was puny trust.. Faith the size of a mustard seed is enough to move a mountain, Jesus said.. but their faith was smaller than that.

With Jesus nothing is impossible. We still have trouble believing that, don't we?  We pray.. we even pray persistently.. and sometimes those prayers are answered.  But, often.. too often.. they seem to bounce off the ceiling.  Puny faith. 

Again I find the words of Andrew Murray addressing this issue.. ".. experience has taught us that there is nothing in which we fall so short as the simple and absolute trust in God to fulfill literally in us all that He has promised. A life in the abiding presence of God must of necessity be a life of unceasing faith."  What is the secret to stronger faith?  Murray writes.. "Under a sense of its own nothingness and utter impotence, faith trusts the power of an almighty God to work wonders in the heart in which He dwells."  Faith recognizes the need for obedience to God's word.  Faith recognizes the need to wait on God and to rest in Him.. in all of His promises. "It does not rest content with taking some of the promises; it seeks nothing less than to claim every promise that God has made, in its largest and fullest meaning." 

Father in heaven,  help us to have bold faith.. absolute trust.. confidence in the power of our great and mighty God.. for You will never fail to keep Your promises.  You desire for us to come in faith, in surrender, and in obedience.. seeking You with all of our hearts.  You call us to believing prayer and perfect rest in our Lord Jesus Christ, who is able to do anything according to Your will... for nothing is impossible for You.  Help us to remember.. mountains can be moved.. seas can be parted.. people can be delivered from the evil one.. from death.. and from judgement!  For You have shown us mercy and have lavished us with grace. Thank You Father! Our dear Abba! Amen. 

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