Wednesday, July 6, 2022

 Matthew 14:23-33  The disciples had been sent away in a boat.  The multitude had been sent away by land.  Jesus was finally alone.. and "He went up to the mountain by Himself to pray".  It was not until the early hours of the morning that Jesus came to His disciples, walking on the water. 

The disciples had seen Jesus do so many miracles.. they had already experienced the calming of a storm once before.  But, this was something they had never seen.. something impossible and unbelievable.  To walk on water.. in the middle of the sea.. in a storm.. it was more than their brains could handle! No wonder they were afraid..

It was when Jesus spoke to them that things changed. "Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid."  These words are our saving grace.. 
When we face the storms of life.. we can take courage for He is with us. 
When we are afraid.. we can come to Him.. even across stormy waters.. and He is with us. 
When we doubt.. even then.. He reaches out His hand to us.. O Yes!  He is with us. 

It was then that the disciples began to understand that Jesus is "God's Son". It is the moment that the storm calmed.  It was what brought them to their knees in worship. 

Father in heaven, we praise You.. from Whom all blessings flow.  We praise Your holy Name and desire that You will fill our hearts and lives with Your great love and grace.. to know with all our being that Jesus is the Son of God... and He is with us.  We set our hearts on "nothing less than the presence of the living Lord" (Andrew Murray).. believing He abides in us always.. with fervent love and almighty power.. to do Your will and to bless Your Name.  Help us to have greater faith and bold courage in Your Truth. Hallelujah!  Jesus is with us always. Amen and amen. 

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