Tuesday, July 5, 2022

 Matthew 14:13-21  In this "lonely place", where Jesus goes to be by Himself after He hears of John's death, a multitude of people just show up..  He went by boat.. but they followed along the shore on foot. They were a multitude of desperate people and  He "felt compassion for them and healed their sick." 

What happened next is what boggles our minds.. The disciples wanted Jesus to sent the crowd away to get their own food.  Jesus tells them to feed the crowd themselves!  It is an impossible command.  They had 5 loaves and 2 fish. Perhaps enough for the 13 of them to each have a little... but that's all.  Jesus simply takes what they have and feeds 5000 men plus the women and children.  ".. and they all ate and were satisfied".  The left overs filled 12 baskets full. 

Jesus blessed the food.  He broke the loaves.  He gave the food to His disciples.  The disciples gave the food to the people.   There are so many lessons to learn from this event.  We learn that Jesus cared about the people, yes... but we also learn that He wanted His disciples to see beyond the limits of human ability. Jesus wants us to know this Truth too. 

What impossible task are we facing?  Let us give it to Jesus!
What great needs concern us today... let us give them to Jesus!
What people are suffering around us.. let us bring them to Jesus!

We cannot multiply bread and fish. But we know the One who can. O, don't you wish you could have been there? Perhaps, we will experience His provision in a different way today.. perhaps we can bring Him our little bit and watch Him expand its reach to meet the needs of others. 

Father in heaven, You are the God Who provides. All we have has come from You and it is with gladness that we place it into Your Hands.. to use as You will.  Praise to the Lord, the King of glory who multiplies our offerings to feed a hungry world. What You give to us.. we take and give to those who are hungry.. those who need what only Jesus can give.  Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done, dear Lord! Give to us our daily bread.. and then take it to feed the multitudes we pray.  In Jesus' name Amen. 

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