Thursday, July 7, 2022

 Matthew 14:34-36  "And when they had crossed over, they came  to land at Gennesaret."   As soon as Jesus was recognized the people started gathering.. bringing "all who were sick".  Here were people of faith.. people who just touched His cloak and found healing.  What a change from those who didn't want Him near before!  What a change from the people of His hometown.. of His own family.  What a change from those who were with Him so often but still had "little faith".  

What about us?  Do we have the faith to bring the sick to Him? Do we have the faith to reach out for "the fringe of His robe." ?  

So thankful that Jesus still heals the sick and calms the seas.. that He reminds us that we do not need to be afraid but to know that He is here.. and that we can trust Him no matter what we face. 

A quote from Andrew Murray - "Where Jesus Christ is the one object of our desire and our confidence, He will manifest Himself in divine power.  He will make His holy promise a reality in our conscious experience. Pray for this kind of faith in His blessed Word, in His divine power, and in His abiding presence. Christ will indeed manifest Himself, abide with you, and dwell in your heart as His home." (from the devotional Daily in His Presence) 

Father in heaven, this is my desire.. to be with Jesus! Daily.. always.  To know Him more. To walk with Him morning, noon, and night. To touch the fringe of His robe.. to be confident and steadfast in His Presence.  Abide in us, gracious Lord, we plead.. Amen. 

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