Wednesday, July 13, 2022

 Matthew 16:1-12  Oh, those Pharisees and Sadducees.. wanting a sign from heaven!  How easily we can also fall into that mindset... wanting to see the miraculous according to our own will.  We need to heed Jesus' warning.. "beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees.. "  Beware of the "leaven" that leads us in their ways.. looking only at the outward appearance.. keeping  traditions instead of the Word.. demanding that everyone look to men... or government.. or whatever.. instead of God.  

We can be like the disciples sometimes.. worrying about the wrong things.. about the physical bread.. or lack thereof.. instead of the issues of importance.. truth and righteousness that come from a heart full of faith.  We also need to grow our "little faith".. don't we?

Andrew Murray wrote "How is it that we cannot live the life of unbroken fellowship with Christ, which Scripture promises?...  We do not realize that faith must accept and expect that God will, by His almighty power, fulfill every promise He has made. We do not live in that utter helplessness and dependence on God alone which is the very essence of faith. We are not strong in faith, fully persuaded that what God has promised He is able and willing to perform. We do not give ourselves with our whole heart simply to believe that God, by His almighty power, will work wonders in our hearts." 

Murray goes on to say the the reason our faith is lacking is because "there is not enough prayer and fasting."  He adds.. "To have strong faith in God requires that we keep in close touch with Him by persistent prayer. We cannot call up faith at our bidding; it needs close communion with God... faith requires the whole man to be utterly given up to God." ( from Daily in His Presence)

Father in heaven, forgive us for our "little faith" and grant us the manifest Presence of Jesus.. filling us with Your Spirit.. that we might have that unbroken fellowship.. living in faith.. walking in faith.. staying in that close communion through prayer without ceasing.  We look to You alone for life.. for truth.. and for Your will to be done.  We exalt You and thank You for patiently working in our hearts, sanctifying us.. preserving us.. and making us complete for the day that we stand before our King... blameless.. hallelujah!  Let Your Kingdom come and Your Name honored in all the earth we pray. Amen. 

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