Thursday, September 2, 2021

 II Peter 3;1-9  Peter says that he wrote this letter to stir "up your sincere mind by way of reminder.."  He exhorts us to remember what the prophets wrote beforehand and what Jesus said and the apostles taught. One of those vital truths is that Jesus is coming again!

Some unbelievers were mocking those who believed in the return of Jesus.. and that is still true today.  "Where is the promise of His coming?"  Nothing has happened in 2000 years.. or since "the beginning of creation".. they might say. But, Peter reminds us, that definitely does not mean that He isn't coming!

First of all, we need to remember that God is the Creator... "by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water, through which the world at that time was destroyed being flooded with water."  God was and is in control.. He chose to make the world just like it is and He chose to judge the sinfulness of mankind by sending the flood.  This is a fundamental truth. We serve a Mighty God who is transcendent over all of His creation.  He does not answer to us, but we answer to Him!

Secondly, "the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgement and destruction of ungodly men."   Just as the first thing happened.. the second will.  Peter wants us, his readers, to remember this.. take it seriously.. and live accordingly.. God said it and it will be so. It is a reality that, if we take seriously, will effect.. well.. everything! 

Thirdly, Peter reminds us that God doesn't view things the way we do.. time is in His Hands. "with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."  Time is God's creation.  It doesn't not affect Him.  It does not worry Him. It does not rush Him.  He has been known to turn back time and to make time stand still!  Moreover, we are reminded too, that our times are in His Hands.  He knew our whole life before we were even conceived!  Think about that!

"The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance." (v9)

O Hallelujah! Thank You Father, for You are merciful and compassionate, and Your love is everlasting. Thank You for patiently waiting for us to come to repentance and find salvation in Jesus Christ, our gracious Savior.  Keep our minds fixed.. stayed.. steadfast.. in Christ.  Holy Spirit, strengthen our faith, increase our perseverance, and fill us with this great Love that flows from our God and Father, and through Jesus Christ, our King. As we read and believe Your Word, Lord, help us to live holy lives and to share the gospel before the day of judgement comes, so that many more will not perish, but come to repentance also. We ask this in the Name of Jesus.  Amen. 

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