Monday, September 20, 2021

 Job 8  Bildad is the next to speak to Job and according to  Chapter 9:2, Job agrees with what he has to say.   Bildad's main point is that God is just.  "Does God pervert justice or does the Almighty pervert what is right?" (v3) 

Bildad thinks that Job's sons were taken away because of their own sins.  He encourages Job to "seek God and implore the compassion of the Almighty.. "   He suggests that Job seek counsel and learn from the past generations.  He encourages Job to trust God for the future.. for "God will not reject a man of integrity." And, he encourages Job to have hope because  God would "..yet fill your mouth with laughter." 

Chapter 9 is Job's response to Bildad.  He agrees that God is just, but he feels that he has not been treated justly and that he has no recourse.. no one to argue on his behalf.. and no way to argue with God who will do what He wants to do.. no matter what.  He makes some good points:

"But how can a man be in the right before God? If one wished to dispute with Him, he could not answer Him once in a thousand times." (v2-3)

"It is God who removes the mountains.. He overturns them in His anger;...Who shakes the earth.. .commands the sun not to shine.. stretches out the heavens.. tramples down the waves.. Who does great things, unfathomable, and wondrous works without number.." 

Job says that even if God passed him by, he wouldn't know it. Even if he called on God and He answered him.. he wouldn't have the words to say.  Even if he was righteous.. his mouth would condemn him..Even if he washed himself with snow or lye.. he would not be clean enough for God. 

"For He is not a man as I am that I may answer Him." (v32)

And all this is true, for God is Sovereign and all powerful. We cannot answer Him or question Him...  But, God so loved the world..  all of us.. that He gave us  Jesus!   How can we be right before God?  Jesus!  How can we know His Presence?  Jesus!  How can we be made clean?  Jesus!  We cannot come before the Father in any other way.  Our God is just, but He also is merciful and in His greatness He has given us Living Hope. 

Hallelujah!  Christ Jesus came to bring us into God's Presence, to give us a hope and a future far greater than anything we can imagine!

Father in heaven, thank You for this lesson from Your servant Job.  What he could not imagine, You have provided. How thankful we are for the Hope we have in Christ Jesus who is the Mediator, sitting at Your right hand, interceding for us.. even this very moment. How amazing! As David wrote, "How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them!" These thoughts make my soul sing!   You are the One who moves mountains, parts seas, and rescues Your children from darkness.  We praise You Lord! Thank You for giving us words to praise You! We give You our worship as we surrender to Your will. Be exalted in all the earth and in Your people today.  In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen. 

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