Tuesday, September 21, 2021

 Job 10   Job was desperately seeking a way out of his misery.  He felt that death was near and was seeking an answer from God.  Job's understanding of who he is reminds me of  Psalm 139.

"Thy hands fashioned and made me altogether.. Remember now, that Thou hast made me as clay; and wouldst Thou turn me into dust again? Didst Thou not pour me out like milk, and curdle me as cheese; clothe me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews? " v8-11

Job knew that he was fearfully and wonderfully made.  He recognized the power of God and the kindness of God.  And he realized that God knew a lot more than he could ever imagine.. "Yet these things Thou hast concealed in Thy heart; I know that this is within Thee." 

Job couldn't face the God who was seemingly punishing him for something  that he didn't even know.. .  So, instead he just wished that he had never lived.  And even in all of this, he kept believing.. "Thou hast granted me life and lovingkindness; and Thy care has preserved my soul." v12

Father in heaven,  we look to You, who has made each of us for Your own purposes, and we praise Your Name.  You are the One who knows us intimately, loves us deeply, and saves us from all sin, from death, and from the darkness that sometimes shadows us, like it did Job.  Thank You for the Word and for the example of Your servants who kept their faith even in the midst of misery.  We need You every hour and You are always with us. For this we are so grateful.  Be glorified in our lives we pray. Amen. 

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