Monday, August 30, 2021

 II Peter 2 Peter has reminded his readers of the most important thing.. to know Jesus Christ.  It is in knowing Him that we find life.  He came with power and Peter testifies of seeing His glory and hearing the voice of God saying, "This is My Beloved Son with whom I am  well pleased."  Peter reminds us that Truth came to us through the Scriptures, not "by an act of human will but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." ( 1:21)

Now Peter writes to teach and warn his readers about false prophets, false teachers, and those who turn away from faith.  It is a sorrowful and haunting look at those who reject the Savior, who will face destruction at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I usually read a psalm as I begin my time with the Lord.  Today I read Psalm 58- also a message of the judgement of the Lord against those who do evil. It also describes the life of wickedness and the future judgement.  The last line of this Psalm struck me once again.. ".. there is, after all, a God who judges the earth."  This is exactly what Peter is writing about. ( I don't believe this is a coincidence.. but a clear message that I need to listen to carefully!)

God will judge those who are false prophets or teachers.  They introduce "destructive heresies". They "deny the Master".  They are sensual, greedy, corrupt, self-willed, deceptive, carousing, adulterous, arrogant and vain. "These are springs without water, mists driven by a storm, for whom the black darkness has been reserved."  (v 17)  We see it throughout our world today!

Judgement will come, Peter says,  just like it did in the days of Noah.  Just as it did when Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed.  Just as it did when the rebellious angels were not spared "but cast into hell and committed" to "the pits of darkness reserved for judgement."(v4-5) There is a God who judges the earth!

False teaching excuses sinful behavior.. "promising them freedom while they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved."  The worst thing to happen is when a person comes to "the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.. [then] they are again entangled in them ( defilements) and are overcome.. "  Peter says, ".. the last state has become worse for them than the first." 

But.. we who believe and remain steadfast in Jesus Christ have this promise.. "the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation ..."  We rejoice in the saving power of Christ our Lord

Father in heaven, You are Holy and Mighty, exalted in heaven and on earth. We hallow Your Name.  We are thankful for Your Word and for the Light of Salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank You for calling us to Yourself that we might find Life.  Father, You know us.  You know we do get entangled with the things of this world and that we need You to keep us in Your Hands.  We cling to Jesus and pray for strength to stand in Your strength, to put on the armor of Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Faith, Salvation and to stay faithful to the end. Make us overcomers. Father, there are many in this world that have walked away from You and we pray for them to return like the prodigal son.  There are many who have never heard the Word of Life and we ask that You would send the Light to all the world that many more can be saved.  We pray for grace and mercy for all of Your children, especially those in lands where persecution is severe today.  Thank You for doing impossible and mighty things for the sake of Your children.  May Your Name be glorified today. Amen. 

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