Saturday, September 18, 2021

 Job 6-7  Job tries to answer his friend, but all he feels is "vexation".  He still thinks he would be better off dead than in his current condition.  We can relate.. when we are sick or in pain, it is hard to be patient with others.. especially those who aren't being helpful.  Job does not feel any kind of comfort from Eliphaz's long speech.  Instead, he just feels worse. 

Job contemplates his coming death. As far as he knows, life is over for him and he just wants it done with.  "I waste away; I will not live forever. Leave me alone, for my days are but a breath."   In 7:17, Job turns to the Lord again.. "What is man that Thou dost magnify him, and that Thou art concerned about him, that Thou dost examine him every morning, and try him every moment?"

Job questions God "Have I sinned? What have I done to Thee, O watcher of men?"  Job asks for pardon and forgiveness.. so he can just lay down and die.  His anguish is as deep as it could be. 

Father in heaven, there are times in our lives when we think our pain is more than we can bear.. whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual... we know that You do see us, You do care for us, and You are our hope and salvation.  Like Job, we might think that our lives are over or that we would be better off dead.. but, we know that You see us and that Your plan is always for our good and for Your purposes.  Keep us faithful, keep us hopeful, and keep us steadfast in Your love and grace we pray. That even in those kinds of times, we will trust in You.  Thank You for being our Healer, our Protector, and our always faithful Father. amen. 

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