Friday, September 3, 2021

 II Peter 3:10-18  "But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.. "  Because God is sovereign.. because He has declared it.. because we have come to know that there is a judgement coming and that the Lord is being patient because of His desire that no one should perish.... since all these things are true.. Peter asks, "what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness.. "

Peter tells us to look for and hasten "the coming of the day of God.. "  because He has promised  "new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells."  We are thankful that God is patient so that we can see more people saved, but we look forward to the day when Christ will return, the old will pass away and the new will come!  "O that will be glory to me"!!!  We do pray for that joyous day when "righteousness" is the atmosphere that we will live in. 

"Therefore, beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless."  There is that word "diligent" again..  Peter started out this letter with that exhortation, telling us to be diligent in our faith, in moral excellence, in knowledge, in self-control, in perseverance, in godliness, in kindness, and in love.  He told us to be diligent "to make certain about His calling and choosing you.. " by practicing these things.  While we look forward to that day.. we must stay "on guard."

Peter also exhorted us to remember.. remember the Scripture, remember the sovereignty and power of our Creator, and to remember that there is a day coming when God will bring a final judgement on this world and all who dwell here.  ".. knowing this beforehand, be on your guard.. " Peter writes.  Stay steadfast. Grow in "the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 

"To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen"

Father in heaven, we thank You for Your patient and steadfast love. Thank You for the Word of Truth. Thank You for our Savior and King, Jesus Christ, Your Beloved Son.  Holy Spirit, lead us in the diligent pursuit of godliness and grace. Teach us more about Jesus. Fill us with His love.  Teach us how to love Him more and more. Teach us to keep our eyes fixed on Him so that we will be ready for the day of His return. We ask this in His Precious Name. Amen. 

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