Friday, May 29, 2020

Deuteronomy 6-7

Deuteronomy 6 and 7  underscore the importance of observing the commandments of God.  His Words are Life and Wholeness and Blessing!   In chapter 6 we find the most important prayer of the Jewish faith.. "Hear Israel! Adonai our god, Adonai is one, and you are to love Adonai your God with all your heart, all your being, and all your resources." ( v. 4-5 ; CJB)

God would bring Israel into a land prepared for them.. there would be cities that they didn't have to build, houses full of furnishings they didn't have to buy; wells they didn't have to dig; vineyards and groves that they didn't have to plant.  All they needed to do was "be careful not to forget Adonai." 

Fear Him; serve Him; do what is right and good... and everything would be theirs.   It was good land and the Lord was giving them everything that they could ever want..
God would bless them and increase their numbers.
He would bless the "fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground.. 
He would bless them more than any other nation.
He would remove any illnesses.
He would fight every enemy.
There would be no one able to stand against them.

...  how heartbreaking that they did forget.. they did turn to false gods.. they didn't teach their children the Laws or the love for God and all those blessings were lost.

Father in heaven, You alone are God, the Self-existent, infinite Creator of everything that exists.  All that You have revealed to us about Yourself is so amazing and beyond our grasp to even imagine.. and then the thought that You are even greater still.. for You are infinite.. Oh the Majesty of Your glory!  We exalt You!  That You have loved us and brought us into Your Kingdom through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ.. how can we ever say thank You enough?  We love You from the depths of our hearts.. with all that is in us.. with all that we have.. knowing this all comes from You in the first place.  May we never forget, never turn away, never give up this covenant of Love that You have given us in Christ Jesus.  All glory and honor and praise to our great and glorious God! Amen.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Deuteronomy 5

The first 3 commandments establish the relationship that we are meant to have with our God.  They were given to Israel as a covenant of love... Adonai, the One and only God, wanted them to know Him and that meant they had to forsake all others.  Our God desires for us to walk in Truth and Light, not the darkness and evil that try to deceive us through idols that are worthless, that can destroy our lives.  When we come to know the Lord our God, we will see through the lies of worldly thinking.
We will acknowledge Him as the Lord of heaven and earth.. and there is no other!  We will honor His Name and we will cherish His Sabbath rest, which we have in Christ Jesus.

The rest of the commandments  also were given for the people to live, to have wisdom and understanding, to make their new land a great land and the people an inheritance for Adonai Himself.

V16 "Honor your father and mother.. " God established the home as a building block of society.  This basic, seemingly simple command, is actually so profound.. so a nations well-being. We see proof in the news every day what happens when this law is transgressed.. broken homes, violence, depression, rebellion... it's a downward spiral from there.  There is tragedy after tragedy around the world that began with the destruction of the family.  Can we even imagine a place where families are intact, where children respect and honor their parents?  What a nation Israel would be if they would go back to the 10 commandments!

V17-21 "Do not murder.  Do not commit adultery. Do not steal. Do not give false evidence against your neighbor. Do not covet..  anything that belongs to your neighbor."  God gave clear laws that establish what is sin in His sight. To keep His laws.. to "be careful  to do as Adonai your God has ordered you;"  brings about a good result.. "you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are about to possess." 

Father in heaven, You have written Your laws on our hearts so that we might live.  Through Christ Jesus we have found forgiveness for our sins and a new life of holy living.  We see that Your Laws are good and profitable, yet we know that "all have sinned and fallen short"  of fully obeying them.
We pray that Israel will return to You and humble themselves before You once again.  We pray that our nation will also be one to join herself to You and be Your people.  There is such sorrow and sinfulness here, Lord.  But, we know that You are LORD of heaven and earth and there is no other, so we pray that You would heal our land and bring us back to Your Word.  May Your Kingdom Come!
In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Deuteronomy 5-6

Israel and Adonai entered a covenant relationship at Horeb.  Adonai spoke to them from the fire and they heard His voice for themselves.  The Laws that the Lord gave Israel were meant for their good. "You are to follow the entire way which Adonai your God has ordered you; so that you will live, things will go well with you, and you will live long in the land you are to possess." ( v33) 

God had chosen Israel because He loved Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He brought them out of Egypt.. out of bondage, revealing His great power and presence with them.  They needed to "know and establish it in [their] heart, that Adonai is God in heaven and on earth below - there is no other."
God had shown them His heart - for them- offering a covenant relationship like none other.  In response, Israel's was to "love Adonai your God with all you heart, all your being, and all your resources." ( 6:5)  The core of this covenant between Adonai and Israel was always meant to be love!

The commandments are good because they protect lives, bring peace, wholeness, and well -being to the individual and to the nation.  Moses wrote that they should "listen".. "learn".. and "take care to obey" all of God's "law and rulings."

"I am Adonai your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, where you lived as slaves. You are to have no other gods before me. You are not to make for yourselves a carved image... "   If only Israel would have obeyed these first two commandments!  It should have been a no-brainer, as they say... How could they.. how could anyone trust in any idol made of wood, stone, or any man-made thing after they had experienced the Presence of God Himself?   Yet, they failed time after time.. and there are still millions of lost souls who bow down to false idols or serve things created instead of the Creator.

"You are not to misuse the name of Adonai your God. "   When the name of the Lord is misused for evil, for destruction, for deception, for a lie, or for anything useless and not kept HOLY.. He will  "not leave unpunished.. "  the one who "misuses His name."  As Jesus taught His disciples to pray.. "Hallowed be Your Name" reflects on this commandment that we often pass over as simply a caution on swearing..

" Observe the day of Shabbat" the Sabbath day was God's gift to His people.  It is a day that is holy.  It is a day where all people.. slaves or masters.. and even the animals were allowed to rest.  It was meant to be for the well-being of all. How sad that the Jewish leaders ended up making it just the opposite - a day of hardship and judgement and unnecessary guilt..

Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name!  Help us to know and establish in our own hearts the truths of Your Word that we might truly desire Your will to be done. that we might love You with all of our hearts, all of our beings.. and all of our resources.  Thank You for the covenant of Love that You have given to us through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Deuteronomy 4   Moses reminds the people of Israel of the reason they are to keep the Laws of God.

That reason is "so that you may live".   Don't add to it, don't take anything away from it, Moses teaches.. but, "behave accordingly".   They were to observe and follow the Law so that "all peoples will see you as having wisdom and understanding."   A nation that lived according to God's Word would be a great nation.. a respected nation.  They would be a Light to other nations and a testimony to the greatness of God.

Israel was God's chosen inheritance .  He is " a consuming fire, a jealous God".  He would not abandon Israel and He desired for them to keep the covenant they had with Him.  And even when they would go astray, He would be merciful to them and never fail them, destroy them, or forget the covenant He made with Abraham.  Never before in the history of the world, Moses taught, did God do anything like He did with Israel:

Israel heard God's voice "speaking out of the fire" from the mountain.
Israel was rescued out of Egypt with "ordeals, signs, wonders, war, a mighty hand, an outstretched arm and great terrors..." 
" This was shown to you, so that you would know that Adonai is God, and there is no other beside him." (v35)

The reason Israel needed to obey God's law was so that they could live forever with Him.  ".. know today, and establish it in your heart, that Adonai is God in heaven above and on earth below- there is no other." 

Like Israel, the church has be called to live according to God's Word, to be seen as having wisdom and understanding, to testify that He is God and there is no other!  Our God speaks to us, not from the fire on a mountain, but through His Spirit and His Word.  He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us miraculously into the Kingdom of His beloved Son.  He has shown us that He alone is God and there is no other!   Adonai made a covenant with Israel and He has made a New Covenant with all who will trust in Jesus Christ as Lord. He has written His laws on our hearts and given us His Spirit that we might live in fellowship with Him.

Father , even now we ask that You would help us to live accordingly.. fully surrendered and obedient to You, our Great and mighty God.  There is none like You!  Empower us, Your Church, to be all that You have called us to be.  To God be the glory. Amen.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Deuteronomy 2-3  Moses summarized the journey up to the point where Israel stood - awaiting the day they would cross the Jordan and possess the land that God would give them.  God had blessed them with everything they needed for those 40 years and they "lacked nothing".  He had also kept His promise that none of those who had refused to enter the land previously would be alive to see the day that their children went in and possessed it.

Moses also reminded the people that God kept His covenants with Esau and with Lot.. not allowing Israel to take their land as they traveled through. But, He did give them the land of Bashan and Moab.

It was God that handed the land over to them.. but they had to take possession of it.  The same would happen when Israel crossed the Jordan and took the Promised land. Joshua was encouraged to remember what God had already done and know without doubt that He would complete His promise to Israel.

Moses ended chapter 3 with a final plea to God.. that he be allowed to set foot in the promised land. But, that request was denied.  The most he would be able to do was look at it from the top of the mountain.  We don't always get what we want.. but we know that God always knows best.

40 years.. the life span of my daughter.. and I can testify that through ups and downs and struggles and joys.. we have "lacked nothing"!  God has kept us in His hands.  He has blessed us with great kindness and given us strength through struggles.  Thank You Father!

There is a Promised Land that we look forward to.. greater still than the land that Israel received! Our Lord Jesus is King of that land.  He will bring us there and we will dwell with Him forever!
The battle has already been won.  He will keep every promise and bring us safely into His Kingdom .

Father, once again, this Truth fills my heart with joy!  You have brought us through the wilderness and we will one day soon enter the Promised Land of Heaven, to be in Your Presence forever. Thank You for loving us and for being our faithful and mighty God, for providing all we have needed along our journeys.  Keep our eyes focused on You and on the great Hope that You have given us. May our lives reflect the beauty of Your grace and mercy and love, that many more will take hold of the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.. so that they might also enter the land with us..  In His name we pray. amen.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Deuteronomy 1
 It is the first day of the eleventh month of the fortieth year. Moses gives a final review of all that had happened up until that moment in time.. standing at the door of the promised land.  Moses knows that he will not be entering the land. He just wants those who are going in to be ready.

He reminds the people of the rebellion of their fathers.  They were "burdensome, bothersome, and quarrelsome.." !  They refused to go take possession of the land when they were told to do so.  They decided to go up when they were told not to!  What a mess.

Moses does not want this new generation to make the same mistakes as their predecessors.
Isn't that what we pray for too?

The mistakes we made in our lives are way too burdensome, bothersome, and rebellious.  We are thankful for the redemption and forgiveness that we have found in our Lord Jesus, but we would rather our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren avoid those sins and their consequences.
What can we do but pray?

There are a few principles here that make great prayers..

We can pray that God will raise up "wise, understanding, and knowledgable" leaders.. in our country, our churches, and our families.. ( v13)
We can pray that our children and their children will not be easily dismayed or fearful, but that they would trust God.. knowing that what He provides "is good".  ( v21,25)
We can pray that they will recognize and be thankful for all God had already done for them. ( v29-30)
We can pray that God will go with them and that they will "fully follow" Him, like Caleb did. (v36)

We can encourage them to trust God and obey His directions.. to take possession of the "riches of His kindness" towards them in Christ Jesus. ( Col. 2:3)

Father in heaven,  these are  our prayers for our children and for their children. We ask that You would bless them and keep them, that You would shine Your Light on them and that You would be gracious and kind to them.  We pray that You would lift up Your countenance on them, that they might know Your Presence and hear Your voice and follow You fully.  We pray that they will find shalom - wholeness, happiness, and rest - in Jesus, the Good Shepherd who cares for them.  Bring them through the trials of this life, strong in faith and love and hope, through Jesus Christ the Mighty Lord and Savior of us all.  We pray this in His name. Amen.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Romans 15-16  As Paul comes to the end of his letter to Rome he offers two prayers in particular that we can and should incorporate into our prayers for one another and for the church:

v 5-6 " And may God, the source of encouragement and patience, give you the same attitude among yourselves as the Messiah Yeshua had, so that with one accord and with one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah." 

v13 "May God, the source of hope, fill you completely with joy and shalom ( peace) as you continue trusting, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may overflow with hope." 

Paul encourages the believers to bear with one another ( v1) and to act in ways that build up each other ( v2).  He wants them to act like Jesus did, in not pleasing themselves, but patiently encouraging one another.

Paul's purpose and plan was to keep sharing the Good News of Jesus no matter what.  He invited the believers in Rome to join him in his "struggle by praying to God" on his behalf.

The final  chapter in Romans is full of greetings to men and women who were his friends, fellow workers in the Gospel, relatives, and other brothers and sisters in Christ.  He had a great love and concern for them all.  He encouraged and prayed for them all.  His example is one that we can follow with assurance that God will be glorified.

Father in heaven, we thank You for the Word that fills us with knowledge and understanding so that we can live in "trust-grounded obedience" - the obedience of faith, to the glory of "the only wise God, through Jesus Christ" Amen.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Romans 14  As we lay down our lives as living, holy sacrifices to our  merciful God, and as we clothe ourselves with the Lord Jesus; we begin to  exhibit His character.  Paul tells us that we will show respect and honor and love to all.. including those in authority over us.  In this section Paul gets personal...

Sometimes we will disagree with each other!  In Rome the issues had to do with certain foods and certain holy days.  Our issues today are different,  but the principles that Paul taught still apply and are really helpful:

First,  don't judge each other.  Each person has to decide for themselves.. be "fully convinced in his own mind".. what is acceptable and what is not. We really need to think carefully about our choices.. for it is between each of us and our Lord.  We are God's servants and we "stand or fall" before Him.

Second, whatever decision we make about an issue needs to be something that will honor the Lord.
Is our choice something we can give thanks to the Lord for? Is it something we want to bring into our relationship with Jesus?

Thirdly, we need to practice love and patience.  Paul says to ".. make this one judgement -not to put a stumbling block or snare in a brother's way."  Whatever ways we disagree with one another about a particular action or food or drink or whatever.. is not more important than living in "righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.." 

Father in heaven, help us to love and forgive one another. Help us to practice love and patience, accepting and welcoming those who might have a different opinion from us. You are the God who "gives perseverance and encouragement.."  Please.. "grant us to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus that with one accord we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." ( 15:5-6)  Amen!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Romans 13 As living sacrifices offered to our heavenly Father and servants to our Lord Jesus Christ, we are to live as holy, set apart people.  We are to exhibit a life of faith in our Master, transformed to His image and character.  Paul continues to show us what that looks like...

We are called to be good citizens, regardless of the governing authorities placed over us.  Paul teaches that all authorities.. whether we like them or not.. are in place because God put them there!
We are to "simply do what is good." 
We are to respect those placed in authority.
We are to pay what we owe.. taxes, revenue.. and honor. 

God desires us to obey the one law that fulfills all the rest - "love one another". 
"Love does not do harm to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulness of Torah." ( v10)

Verse 11-12 are even more significant for us today than for Paul's original readers:
 "Besides all this, you know at what point of history we stand; so it is high time for you to rouse yourselves from sleep; for the final deliverance is nearer than when we first came to trust. The night is almost over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and arm ourselves with the weapons of light." 

Paul calls us to live properly.. to "clothe yourselves with the Lord Yeshua the Messiah; and don't waste your time thinking about how to provide for the sinful desires of your old nature.

Father in heaven, we are waiting for that final deliverance.. believing that the night is almost over and that the day is almost here!  Help us to live in full obedience to all of Your Word.  Help us to live in the Light, clothed in Christ Jesus, overcoming evil with good and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
May we know Your great love and mercy, fully immersed in Your Spirit.  We ask this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, amen.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Romans 12 "... in view of God's mercies.. "  Paul begins.. because God has chosen us and shown mercy to us, that we might belong to Him by faith in Jesus Christ... we are to live as His people. And this begins with us offering ourselves as "a sacrifice, living and set apart for God."   Paul calls this "logical Temple worship" ( CJB) or " your spiritual service of worship" ( NASB).

A living sacrifice.  As Jesus laid down His life for us.. we are called to lay down our lives, take up our crosses and follow Him.  This is true worship.  It is a blessed union with our Lord, possible only because of His choice to show us mercy.  We are "acceptable" and "holy" sacrifices, because Jesus has made us so!  We can only please God by fully surrendering to Him, fully worshiping Him.. as living sacrifices.

The rest of this chapter spells out for us what this looks like -

First of all, we won't look like the rest of the world - we won't think like them, nor will we fit into their boxes.  We will be "transformed" - metamorphosis will take place as our minds are renewed by the Holy Spirit and the Word.  This is how we will begin to know what God wants for us.  This is how we know what is "good and acceptable and perfect".

A transformed mind will allow us to have a proper or "sober estimate" of ourselves.  We will recognize that we are part of the "one body" - made up of Jews and Gentiles alike; the body of Christ consists of all who are grafted into the Root.  We are all "in this together".. if we trust in Jesus.

We who are transformed by our Lord are given gifts to serve one another.  We are called to use our individual gifts to the fullest extent of our faith.  These are gifts of grace, given for the whole body of Christ, the church.
Prophets should prophecy by faith.
Servants should serve by faith.
Teachers should teach by faith.
Counselors should counsel - comforting and encouraging others.. by faith.
Givers should give... generously by faith.
Leader should lead with diligence... by faith.
Those who do acts of mercy should do them with "cheerfulness.".. and faith .

As fully surrendered, holy, living sacrifices, transformed by God's Word and Spirit we will exhibit His character:
Our love will be real.. not hypocritical.
We will hate evil and cling to what is good.
We will be devoted to each other, showing brotherly love and respect.
We will work hard in our service to our Lord.
We will "rejoice in hope, be patient in [our] troubles, and continue steadfastly in prayer." 
We will share with others, practicing hospitality.
And finally, we will forgive those who mistreat us, help those who are in need, keep peace between us whenever we can, and allow God to take care of any "vengeance. " 

This way of living doesn't come naturally.  It is the opposite of "being conformed to the world".
It is a tranformation brought about by God when we offer ourselves to Him fully.

Father in heaven... may Your will be done in us according to these Truths. We need to be transformed by Your Word and Spirit. Take our bodies, they are living sacrifices, given to You in worship today. In view or Your mercies, through Christ Jesus our Lord, for it is in His name we pray. amen

Friday, May 15, 2020

Romans 11  Paul wanted his Gentile readers to know that God has not rejected His chosen people -the Jews.  ".. there is a remnant, chosen by grace.."  All through the history of Israel there has been this same promise - a remnant, true to God, who would remain faithful.   Just because some rejected Jesus the Messiah, does not mean that God is through with the Jews.

On the contrary, Paul argues, it is because the Jews stumbled that the Gentiles are delivered!  God had a greater plan - He will save the Jews and the Gentiles - both!  Paul warns the Gentiles to not be arrogant, thinking that they are better than the Jews, but instead to help them turn to Jesus.. even provoking them to jealousy in order to save them!

Paul makes this important argument.. . " .. Just as you yourselves were disobedient to God before you received mercy now because of Israel's disobedience; so also Israel has been disobedient now, so that by your showing the same mercy that God has shown you, they too may now receive God's mercy. For God has shut up all mankind together in disobedience, in order that he might show mercy to all. " ( v30-32)

God's plan is so much greater than we can understand.  He chose Israel to be His people.  He gave them His promises and His commands.   Then, He gave them a Messiah.  God knew that His Son would be rejected, crucified, and laid in a tomb.  He also knew that He would raise Him up from the dead to be the Savior of all who would trust in His atonement sacrifice - Jew or Gentile.  He has shown mercy to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews.. and in view of that mercy, Paul says, "offer yourselves as a sacrifice, living and set apart for God.. " ( 12:1)

Merciful and Mighty God,  You are unsearchable in all Your ways,  We cannot know the depth of Your wisdom and knowledge.  ".. from [You] and through [You] and to [You] are all things. " To You be glory and honor.. forever and ever!  Thank You for the riches of Your mercy, given to us that we might be called Your children! In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray. Amen.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Romans 9-10
 Paul's heart is so broken for his fellow Jews that he would go under the curse for them.  They had the covenants.  They had the promises. They had the Law.  And, they had the Messiah.
But many would not believe or trust in Jesus.

Paul explains how this has always been and will always be...
God chose Abraham's son Isaac and not Ishmael.
God chose Jacob and not Esau.
God is sovereign..  "I will have mercy on whom I have mercy and I will pity whom I pity."  He declared.

God's people are chosen.  
They cannot be born into His kingdom by being a descendant of Abraham.
They cannot earn their way into the kingdom by their works or the Law.
The only way is God's way - through faith - and that is not something we can manufacture on our own initiative -

We cannot believe unless we hear the Word of God.
We cannot hear unless someone proclaims Him.
No one can proclaim Him, unless they are sent - by God. 

Only those who hear the Word and call on the name of the Lord can be saved.
We must hear the Word and put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, publicly acknowledging  Him as Lord and trusting in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead.

The Word tells us that God loves us and is near to us.  We can find Him if we seek Him.  We will find that His arms are open wide to receive us to Himself.  We must make the choice to call on His Name, to trust His Word, and to proclaim with our mouths that He is Lord. 

"For with the heart one goes on trusting and thus continues toward righteousness, while with the mouth one keeps on making public acknowledgment and thus continues toward deliverance." (v10)

Father, there are people that we know and love.. who are stumbling over the Rock.. not trusting in the salvation purchased by Jesus Christ our Lord.. and we pray for their ears to be opened, so that they will hear the Word and call on Your name and be saved.  O, Gracious and Merciful Father, have mercy on them and send forth workers into Your harvest field to bring many more of our brothers and sisters to faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord.  We ask this in His mighty Name, Amen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Romans 8   We greatly rejoice in the words that we read here!  Starting with the very first verse:

"Therefore, there is no longer any condemnation awaiting those who are in union with the Messiah Yeshua."
We have been set free from the old masters of sin and death!  We belong to Jesus now!
Because He came..
Because He lived as a "human being with a nature like our own sinful one, but without sin"..
Because He met the requirements of the Torah, the Law...
Because He died and rose again!
Because He has given us His Spirit...

We are not condemned.  We are free to live in union with Christ Jesus.  We are free to live in obedience to the Holy Spirit.  We are able to "keep putting to death the practices of the body". 
We are made "sons of God". 
We call to Him.. "Abba!"

Paul tells us that all of creation is waiting for that day when we, "the sons of God" will be revealed.. when we will be wholly "redeemed and set free".. our bodies as well as our souls.  This is our HOPE, and that day is drawing nearer!

We wait with "perseverance".  
We wait with the help of the Holy Spirit who "pleads on our behalf". 
We wait as our loving God "causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called in accordance with his purpose." 
We wait, trusting the One who knew us "in advance";  who "determined in advance [that we]would be conformed to the pattern of His Son".  The One who called us; The One who considers us "righteous".  The One who glorifies us!

Would God be against us after all He has done for us?  No!
Would Jesus be against us after He died for us? No!
Can anyone or anything separate us from Him?  NO!
No "trouble.. hardship...hunger.. poverty.. danger.. war.."  Nothing can separate us from Him.
"No,"  Paul writes, " in all these things we are super conquerors, through the one who has loved us." 

Father in heaven,  our Mighty God and Loving Master,  You have not condemned us. You have not left us in slavery to sin and death.  Hallelujah!  You have bought us with a great Price!  We are Yours completely and we eagerly await that day when our hope will be fulfilled and we will be completely redeemed and free forever!  You are not against us and will always be for us.. let that Truth transform our minds and lives. Help us to know the greatness of Your Love, more and more and more.  Spirit, plead for us!  Jesus, intercede for us!  That we might know You and walk in union with You every moment of every day.  To God be the glory!  amen.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Romans 7  Paul clarifies the role of the Torah, the Law, for his Jewish brothers.  The Torah is not wrong and not evil.  It is still the Word of God, a "prescription for righteous living". (CJB commentary).   The Torah can not make a person righteous,  but instead only has the ability  of making people "conscious " of sin.  Sin took a foothold, "seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, worked in [me ]all kinds of evil desires."  Paul notes.

Sin deceives us. Sin kills us.  Sin uses the Law to put us to death.  The Law, Paul says, bound him to his old nature, " sold to sin as a slave".   He couldn't do the things he wanted to do.  He did the things he didn't want to do... He agreed with the Law, but was controlled by sin.

Paul, like all of us, needed to be rescued.

"What a miserable creature I am! Who will rescue me from this body bound for death? Thanks be to God [He will!] - through Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord!" ( v25)

"Blessed are the poor in spirit... "  Jesus taught us, ".. for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."  (Matthew 5:3)  We are all poor, desperate, enslaved, and without hope.. except for Jesus who came to rescue  us. We are no longer bound to this master called sin!  We have a New Master who will bring us into His very own Kingdom.  We must only choose to trust in Him!

Father, You have made a way when there was no other way.  Help us to recognize how desperately poor we are without Your salvation through Jesus Christ.  Thank You for wanting us and for purchasing us for Yourself.  What a great price You paid! And now we stand, no longer condemned, but made children of God.  Praise and honor and glory to our God and to our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Romans 6   Paul teaches here that when we are immersed or baptized into Christ Jesus we have been "immersed into His death".  We are so united with Jesus that His death is our death.  And His resurrection Life is our resurrected life.  Our old self has died.  We are no longer slaves to sin.  We are no longer slaves to legalism.  "... consider yourselves to be dead to sin but alive for God, by your union with the Messiah Yeshua." 

Our new life is in union with Jesus.   Just as He "keeps on living for God..."  we are to live for God.
".. offer yourselves to God as people alive from the dead, and your various parts to God as instruments for righteousness."  ( v13)

Once again we see the clear division, there are only two choices...  and every one of us must  choose -  we will either be a slave to sin - or a slave to righteousness.

If we obey the slave -ownership of sin it will lead to death.  There is "no benefit" in this relationship,   there is only shame.  Jeremiah 12:13 says, " They have sown wheat and have reaped thorns, they have strained themselves to no profit.  Be be ashamed of your harvest, because of the fierce anger of the Lord." The harvest is impurity and and lawlessness. Lawlessness, which  leads to more lawlessness.    Wickedness which leads to more wickedness. This way, the broad way, "leads to destruction" Jesus says.  ( Matthew 7:13)  ".. the bad tree bears bad fruit." ( v17b)

But, we have been bought with a great price!  A new owner has come and taken us down from the slave market block and has set us free.  We can consider ourselves dead to that old master, for we have  been delivered by grace.   We are now able to live.  Our new owner is God.  We are slaves of righteousness and we willingly obey Him who has bought us!  There is a benefit to this new ownership - ".. freed from sin and enslaved to God, you do get the benefit - it consists of being made holy, set apart for God, and its end result is eternal life. " (v22)

In obedience, we "offer [our] various parts as slaves to righteousness, which leads to being made holy, set apart for God."  As God's slaves we offer our hands, our feet, our mouths... our whole selves, from the heart.. in submission to Him. Our attitude is one of thankfulness and love for our Savior. As we obey Him and offer ourselves to Him... He sanctifies us..  He clothes us in holy robes of righteousness and love and peace.. He makes us blameless to stand before Him.  "... the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." 

Father in heaven, how can we say thank you enough?  We praise You and bless Your Name.  We proclaim these truths.. In Jesus we are no longer slaves to sin, we are dead to that master!  We are slaves to righteousness through Christ Jesus and we will obey Your voice and walk in Your ways by the power of Your Spirit until that day when we will finally be able to stand in Your Presence forevermore. Be glorified in our lives in every act of obedience we pray..  Amen and amen!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Romans 5  The truth of God's Word shared here by the apostle Paul is so magnificent !  I love the phrase Paul repeats.. " how much more.. " !
How much more is God's grace!
How much more is His deliverance from God's wrath...
How much more is His overflowing grace.. "the gift of being considered righteous .. "
How much more is His forgiveness!
How much more is His love!

 "So, let us boast about the hope of experiencing God's glory."  Paul encourages us,  "For while we were still helpless, at the right time, the Messiah died on behalf of ungodly people." 

God demonstrated "his own love for us in that the Messiah died on our behalf while we were yet sinners." 

How much more...  Oh Father in heaven, You have "blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.."  You have done so much more than we could ask or imagine.  And, You are not finished yet!  You have taken us out of darkness and into the Kingdom of the Beloved Son.  You have acquitted us from all our offenses and given us the free gift of righteousness.  You have given us hope for a life that will have no end.. with You.. in Your eternal Kingdom.  We boast about how Great and Amazing You are!  Thank You for demonstrating Your love to us while we were helpless, by sending Jesus Christ to die on our behalf.  Praise and honor and glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. amen.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Romans 4  Paul teaches and argues his point that salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ alone.  He has explained that the fact that one man is a Jew and the other a Gentile.. really has no bearing on his being made right with God.  Paul uses the facts about Abraham to once again prove and persuade his readers to believe that what really matters is faith.   He reminds his readers that Abraham was not circumcised, nor had he received the Law, when God declared him righteous.

 "Abraham put his trust in God, and it was credited to his account as righteousness." 

Paul goes on, "Now the account of someone who is working is credited not on the ground of grace but on the ground of what is owed him. However, in the case of one who is not working but rather trusting in Him who makes ungodly people righteous, his trust is credited to him as righteousness." (v4-5)

Abraham was given a great promise. He would be the father of nations.  He was 100 years old.  His wife was far past childbearing age.  Yet, Abraham believed that God would do what He said.  This faith, this trusting in God's promise, is what God credited to him as righteousness .

 Paul says, "The reason the promise is based on trusting is so that it may come as God's free gift, a promise that can be relied on by all the seed, not only those who live within the framework of the Torah, but also those with the kind of trust Avraham had.. " (v16)  Abraham was "fully convinced that what God had promised he could also accomplish." 

"But the words, 'it was credited to his account.. ' were not written for him only. They were written also for us, who will certainly have our account credited too, because we have trusted in Him who raised Yeshua ( Jesus) our Lord from the dead - Yeshua, who was delivered over to death because of our offenses and raised to life in order to make us righteous." (v23-25)

Praise the name of the Lord Most High! This free gift of righteousness has been given to all who will trust in Jesus Christ the Lord, who died on the cross to atone for our sins and who rose again to reign forever more! We "will certainly have our account credited too.. " !!  Amazing grace!  This is God's promise to us and He will accomplish what He has purposed to do.  Praise the Lord!

Father, we thank You for the truth of Your word that fills our hearts with hope and faith and love.  We pray for our world, that Your Word would " spread rapidly and be glorified" so that people of every tongue and tribe and nation will put their trust in Jesus Christ and be made righteous by Your grace.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Romans 3   David, writing in Psalm 19, says that God's Word is ".. more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the drippings of the honeycomb.." ( v 10).
I find this so true as I read Romans 3.  It is one of those passages that fills my soul.

Paul starts by saying that there is a special advantage to being a Jew.. even if the Gentiles are also able to come to God, for  " the Jews were entrusted with the very words of God."  Yet, they were not without need of repentance, for as it is written, "all have sinned and come short of earning God's praise."  ( v23)  The Law belonged to the Jews, but it only showed them how sinful they really were.  It could not make them righteous, even if they fulfilled it perfectly, which they couldn't.

The only way that  anyone, Jew or Gentile, can be made righteous, is God's way.  That has been made clear through the Old Testament.. in the Law and by the prophets.. and is still clear now... " .. it is a righteousness that comes from God, through the faithfulness of Jesus the Messiah, to all who continue trusting." (v22)  Through faith alone.

"By God's grace, without earning it, all are granted the status of being considered righteous before him through the act redeeming us from our enslavement to sin that was accomplished by the Messiah Yeshua. God put Yeshua (Jesus) forward as the kapparah ( propitiation/atonement) for sin through His faithfulness in respect to his bloody sacrificial death. This vindicated God's righteousness; because in His forbearance, he had passed over the sin people had committed in the past; and it vindicates his righteousness in the present age by showing that he is righteous Himself and is also the one who makes people righteous on the ground of Yeshua's faithfulness." 

Paul continues.. no one can boast.. because we can not earn salvation.. "we hold the view that a person comes to be considered righteous by God on the ground of trusting.. "   Trusting in Jesus the kapparah for sin.. the ransom, the atonement sacrifice, the only sacrifice that could ever satisfy the requirements that God demanded. 

Does this make your heart sing?  God demands righteousness, that we can never earn, and then He provides the only sacrifice, His only Son, nailed to a cross, that could ever pay the price to atone for sin.. all sin.. every sin.. of every person.  And then He makes it available to anyone who will trust in  Him.  Hallelujah!  What a Savior!  What an awesome God we serve!

Father in heaven, You are so good, so kind, and so gracious to us.  Thank You for the good news that brings us to life.  Jesus Christ is Lord and He is our Savior.  We trust You to save us from sin and all unrighteousness because Jesus  has made atonement for us.  Fill us again with the joy of salvation through Your Word as we think about these things. All honor and glory and thanksgiving to our God and Father and to the Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Romans 2  There are two groups of people, Paul says, those who honor God and those who do not.
The church in Rome was divided between Jews and Gentiles, but Paul wanted them to see that this was not the issue that really mattered.  They were judging each other, when they really should have been judging themselves.

The Jews had the Law.  They were circumcised accordingly. To them Paul said, ".. all who have sinned within the framework of the Torah would be judged by the Torah."   They were judging others for not keeping the Law, but they weren't keeping it themselves!  "You who take such pride in the Torah, do you, by disobeying the Torah, dishonor God?"  If that is true, then circumcision "has become uncircumcision." 

The Gentiles did not have the Law.  But,  those who had come to trust in Jesus were showing by their conduct that the Law was "written in their hearts."  "Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the Torah, won't his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision?"

Paul's point here is that what really matters is that God judgement is impartial and exact - "... for He will pay back each one according to his deeds." 

 Paul warns his readers.. ".. do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?" 

God looks at our hearts... which must be circumcised... cut around.. changed, transformed.  When a person  has repented, turned away from sin and wickedness, and found the righteousness that comes from trusting in Jesus Christ.. only then is he truly a "Jew".  (This word "Jew" actually means - one who praises.)

A changed heart will result in changed conduct. Law or no law.  Paul writes, "To those who seek glory, honor, and immortality by perseverance in doing good, He will pay back eternal life. But to those who are self-seeking, who disobey the truth and obey evil, he will pay back wrath and anger." 

A changed heart, a changed life, will result in what is good.
A stubborn, unrepentant heart stores up anger.... God's anger and He will judge accordingly.

Father, we see that You are impartial and judge every man and woman according to Your perfect and righteous judgement.  You see our hearts and You know our ways. Make our hearts Your own, Lord God, pure and holy, completely yielded to Your Sovereign rule.  May our lives reflect Your Spirit as we walk according to Your Word. Let love and joy, peace and patience, kindness and gentleness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.. the fruit of Your Spirit.. flow through us we pray.  amen.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Romans 1:17-32   Paul stated that the Good News, God's powerful means of salvation for those who will believe, reveals that only those who live a life of trust, a life of faith in Jesus, will be considered righteous.   In verse 18, he goes on to say that "What is revealed is God's anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth;" 

Paul's argument is that God has revealed Himself since the creation of the universe, through "His invisible qualities - both His eternal power and His divine nature".   

The Greek word translated "revealed"  means to take off the cover.  God took off the cover to show us Himself.. He "made it evident" - rendered apparent; appeared; manifested; declared; showed - Himself to mankind in two ways - by His "eternal power" and His "divine nature".   Paul says that these things are "clearly seen, because they can be understood from what He has made." 

How so?

Job 12:7-10 "But now ask the beasts, and let them teach you; and the birds of the heavens, and let them tell you, Or speak to the earth, and let it teach you; and let all the fish of the sea declare to you. 'Who among all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this, In whose hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind?'"

Psalm 19:1-6  "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.  There is no speech, nor are there words; their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their utterances to the end of the world. In them He has placed a tent for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber; it rejoices as a strong man to run his course. Its rising is from one end of the heavens and its circuit to the other end of them; and there is nothing hidden from its heat." 

Jeremiah 5:21-22 "Hear this, O foolish and senseless people, who have eyes, but see not. Who have ears, but hear not.  'Do you not fear Me?', declares the Lord. 'Do you not tremble in My presence?' For I have placed the sand as a boundary for the sea, an eternal decree, so it cannot cross over it. Though the waves toss, yet they cannot prevail; though they roar, yet they cannot cross over it." 

God says to us.. look at Creation - the animals all know Him! Every breath is in His hands!  Look at the sky - the sun, the moon, the stars - all show Him! When another morning breaks.. we know that God made it happen! Look at the sea and the shore - He has made it and we can trust Him to keep it just like He says.  The evidence is right before our eyes.. but Jeremiah and Paul both agree - foolish, senseless mankind close their eyes and refuse to see it.. refuse to hear the Truth.." refuse to glorify God or thank Him". 

Instead, mankind:
Exchanges truth for lies.
Exchanges the Glory of God for mere images.
Exchanges righteousness for darkness.

And God lets them... lets us... be foolish and senseless; be futile in our thinking; be vile in our hearts;  be shameful in our actions; be filled with wickedness;  be "brainless, faithless, heartless, and ruthless."  And we are all " without excuse". 

O Father, Holy and Righteous, we fall before You with broken and contrite hearts, for we know that all of this is True!  We have no excuse, we have been foolish and senseless, and we have all sinned and deserve the Judgement that is Yours to render!  Praise and thanksgiving we render to You, Lord God, for You have made a way of Salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord!  He is the powerful Savior who gives us His righteousness!  What amazing grace!  What Good News!! O the depths of Your mercy!   How can we even begin to say thanks for such a great salvation?  You are worthy of every praise, of all our love, and all of our lives!  We bless Your Name!  Amen and amen.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Romans 1: 1-17

  The church in Rome was made up of both Jews and Gentiles.  Paul's letter establishes that both groups were equally sinful and equally in need of Jesus Christ.  Paul considered himself a slave of "Messiah Yeshua".. a slave of Jesus, called to preach the Good News.

He makes his point right at the start of his letter:
1. The Good News was promised by God through the prophets.
2. Jesus, the Son, was physically descended through David, fulfilling God's promise to David.
3. Jesus was "powerfully demonstrated to be the Son of God spiritually, set apart by having been resurrected from the dead. "

Paul concludes these truths with this statement " He is Jesus the Messiah, our Lord." 

Paul desired to be with the church in Rome to encourage them and to share spiritual gifts with them to make them stronger.  But most of all he wanted them to know beyond all doubt  the Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  There is no other message like this:

"For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is
God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone 
who keeps on trusting,
to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.
For in it is revealed how God makes people righteous in His sight;
and from the beginning to end it is trust -
as the Tanakh ( the OT)  puts it, 
'But the person who is righteous will live his life by trust.'"
Romans 1:16-17

The Gospel message sometimes gets muddy... covered up by our personal viewpoints, philosophies, or  even church doctrines. But, like Paul, we need to keep it up front and center of our lives and communications... The truth that Jesus is the Messiah, the promised Son of David, the Begotten Son of God, the Resurrected King... . This message is "God's powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting.. " This message is God's revealed method ...the only way... to become righteous in His sight. 
We are made righteous by living our lives by faith.. by trusting the Truth about Jesus. 

Father in heaven, holy and righteous and good... we seek You and desire to walk in faith with You. Give us "trust-grounded obedience". Fill us with Your Spirit that we might know You and worship You fully.  Thank You for the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord.  We pray that eyes would be opened and ears unstopped so that more people would receive the message of the Good News and be made righteous in Your sight. We are Your slaves and we know that You have called us and set us apart for Yourself.  Encourage and empower us to faithfully share the Gospel.  We ask this in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen.