Monday, September 30, 2019

Mark 14:12-72

The Lord and His disciples eat their final Passover together.  This, usually joyful, celebration is filled with sadness...

Jesus reveals that He will be betrayed and that the one guilty of this is one of His closest friends,
".. one who dips with Me in the bowl..." .

Jesus brings new meaning to the bread and the wine of the Passover.  It represents His broken body and His poured out blood.

Jesus warns the disciples that they will all flee from Him and be scattered.  He refutes Peter's insistent  promise to stay faithful to the death.

Jesus prays passionately and fervently in the garden, while His disciples cannot even stay awake one hour.

The time comes and Judas arrives with the multitude of soldiers armed with swords and clubs. The betrayal is completed with a kiss of friendship.  The Lord is seized as if He were a violent criminal and not one who stood in the temple, peacefully teaching, just hours before.

The disciples scatter. Peter denies the Lord just as He had said. And the Christ, the Son of God.. the One who will sit "at the right hand of Power"  and  come "with the clouds of Heaven." .. is condemned to die.   They spit on Him, punch Him, slap Him, and mock Him..  the King of Heaven!

How can it be?

This was the Father's plan.
This sacrifice of the only Begotten Son.
This complete surrender and obedience of our Lord.
He did it for us.
He is the Way. He is the Truth.  And He alone is Life.
Life purchased through His cruel death.  Through His sorrow and His pain.

O how thankful I am that He came and died for me.  So thankful that He has allowed me to know these truths and to receive His forgiveness and cleansing.  So thankful that this is not the end of the story!

Father in heaven,  we exalt You.  You gave Your all - Your Son- to provide salvation to all who will believe on Him.  Help us to remember.. to know this is a deeper way.. that we might know and love Him more and more.  You have forgiven us much... and like the woman with the alabaster vial.. we kneel at Your feet and wash Your feet with our tears. We will do what we can.. to remember, to love You deeply, to surrender fully, to obey completely.. and to wait on You always.  For You are our God and there is none like You.  Sanctify us through and through by Your Spirit, that we might be made complete in the name of Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Mark 14:1-11  Jesus is dining at the home of Simon the leper. A woman comes to Jesus with an expensive vial of costly perfume.  John writes that this is Mary.  Mark and Matthew say that the perfume is poured over His head, but John writes that Mary poured it on His feet and wiped them with her hair.  In both accounts it is the disciples who become indignant and complain about the wasted gift.  Judas Iscariot seems to be the spearhead of this argument and John tells us that he (Judas) was in charge of the money box and pilfered what was put in it.

It is Jesus' response that is most touching.. "Let her alone; who do you bother her? She has done a good deed to Me... She has done what she could; she has anointed My body before hand for the burial." ( v6, 8)   "She has done what she could.."  

The disciples could not stay awake in the garden.
They could not stand with Him at the trial.
Judas could not wait to betray Him.
The chief priests could not wait to kill Him.
Peter could not keep his promise and denied Him.

But, this woman.. did what she could.

Like the widow who gave the tiny sum.. all that she had; this woman, gave all that she could.
She anointed Jesus for His burial.. before it was too late.

Luke writes of another ( or maybe the same?) incident where Jesus is dining.. this time at the home of Simon the Pharisee..  A woman, labeled here as a "sinner".. comes in with an alabaster vial.  She anoints Jesus, weeping and wetting His feet with her tears, kissing His feet, and anointing them with the perfume.   Simon is indignant, not because of the money spent, but because he considers her unclean and unworthy to worship Jesus this way.   Here, Jesus tells a parable.. two debtors, both forgiven.. one owed 500 denarii and the other fifty.  "Which one will love him more?" Jesus asks.   The one forgiven more.. Simon answers. Yes..

These acts of sacrifice. and worship... from a sinful woman, from Mary, or from another anonymous woman... are the fruit of forgiveness, a greater love... for the One who would give His life for them.

May we do what we can. May we receive His sacrifice that brings us forgiveness from all our sin. May we come with loving tears to give Him our all.  Paul wrote this, " I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship."  ( Romans 12:1)  This is doing what we can.. 

Father, here I am and I give You my all, today.  Take this body, I lay it down for You.  May Your will be done.  May I be filled with Your Holy Spirit today, that I might walk in Your ways and glorify Your holy Name.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mark 13  Jesus talks about the end of the age of mankind.  He invites His disciples into this conversation by telling them that the temple.. that beautiful and solid building made of stone.. would one day be torn apart.  What they never considered possible, this place that they cherished and revered.. would be destroyed.

When?  That is always the question, isn't it?  What signs?  How can we know? How long, Lord?

Jesus gives us some things to pay attention to, and tells us to be alert!

Don't be mislead by false christs.. they will come.
Don't be afraid of wars, earthquakes, or famines... they will happen.
Be prepared for persecution.. it will happen.

Don't worry about what to say - for the Holy Spirit will speak for you.
Be ready when you are betrayed by your own family.
Be ready to leave behind all you have.
Be ready for a tribulation like never seen on the earth - more devastating than even the flood.

Take heed.
Take heed.
Take heed...
Be on the alert!

The time will come when Christ will return and we cannot know when that will be, but He tells us still to take heed and be alert.  Jesus is coming in the clouds with "great power and glory". 

Father in heaven, help us to be ready, to not be asleep and unprepared.  It is so easy to be caught up in the busyness of this world, to be preoccupied with work and family and entertainment. Like the disciples there are structures that we cannot imagine falling.. but they will.  Open our eyes to what is unseen and yet more real than the material things of this world. Help us to know that You are near and Your Kingdom is coming soon.  May we wait with eager expectation for that day.  We wait on You with absolute dependence and hope, that You will complete in us all that You have prepared for each of us. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.. and may we take heed and be alert, ready for that day. In the name of Jesus our Lord we pray. Amen.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mark 12:28-34  This third question asked of Jesus is different than the first two.  The others asked their questions with a desire to test and trap Jesus.  This third one seems more genuine.. "What commandment is the foremost of all?"

Jesus quotes Deuteronomy 6:4-5 "Hear O Israel! The Lord our God is one Lord; And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."  And then He adds, "The second is this,'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' " This came from Leviticus 19:18.

The scribe completely agreed with the answer Jesus gave. He shows that he was well acquainted with the command in Deuteronomy and that he also knew the words of the prophets.. that obedience to God's commands to love are "much more than all burnt offerings and sacrifices."  This answer seems to please Jesus.. "You are not far from the kingdom of God."  He says to the scribe.  And no more questions are asked of Jesus after this.

Jesus has a question of His own to ask.. " How is it that the scribes say that the Christ is the son of David ? David himself said in the Holy Spirit, 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, until I put Thine enemies beneath Thy feet,'" David himself calls Him 'Lord'; and so in what sense is He his son?" 

No-one ventures to answer this question. They couldn't because they would have to admit that they don't know.. or that they are completely wrong in their theology.  To say that the "Lord" is the Son of David only.. makes him just another king.. completely human.. unable to sit at the right hand of God.
To say that the "Lord" is the Lord of David.. is to say that He is God.   To say that the son of David is the Son of God.. would be to admit that Jesus was exactly Who He said He was.. and the scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees..wouldn't do it, their pride wouldn't let them.

Jesus points to this great problem of pride.. the scribes wanted to strut around in their "long robes".. sit in "places of honor" and "chief seats".  But they devoured "widows' houses".

Three questions and three powerful answers...
Render to God what is God's... everything!
Know the Truth about God's Word and power.. and live by it!
Focus on the most important commandments - to love God and to love others.

Father in heaven, Your word is the lamp for our feet and the light for our path.  If we fail to know it and live by it, we will be lost, empty, and condemned.  We cannot enter into the glorious presence of our Lord without knowing the One who is the Son of God and the son of David.   Jesus Christ is the Lord and we chose to follow You all the days of our lives.  Help us. Teach us. Fill us with the power of Your Holy Spirit as we wait on You with "absolute dependence and confident expectation."  In the name of our Savior we pray, Amen.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mark 12:18-27  The second question was brought by the Sadducees, who did not believe in the resurrection. It was a story about a woman who was married and without children... seven times! It was an exaggerated example making the point that this could not possibly be resolved in heaven.. so how could there be a heaven?   Jesus is very pointed in His reply... " Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scripture, or the power of God?"

Indeed.. is this not the problem with all those who would deny Christ.. deny heaven.. deny truth..
They do not understand Scripture and they do not know the power of God.

Jesus gives us two revealing truths in His conversation with the Sadducees:

First, in the resurrection, there will be no marriage...
Second, God is "not the God of the dead but of the living;.."

The first truth takes us aback.. no marriage?  What happens to us...  to our years of being united with our spouses.. of being "one flesh"?   Yet, the fact that we will be "like angels in heaven".. not that we become angels.. for that is a false belief that our world likes to spout when they lose a loved one.. especially a child... but that in the resurrection bodies..  it will all be different.  We can't even imagine but believe that "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered into the heart of man, All that God has prepared for those who love Him." ( I Corinthians 2:9)

All will be glorious beyond anything we could ask or imagine!  Knowing our Lord... we can rest assured that whatever He has for us in eternity will be perfect.. and our loved ones will be perfected too.. We will have a greater depth of love than we can ever know in this lifetime.  We need not fear, but trust that God's glory will cover all our concerns, needs, and desires.

The second answer that Jesus gives is so powerful and encouraging!  He is the God of "Abraham and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.."  They were long gone from their earthly bodies.. but they were not gone from the Presence of God. I like the way Luke writes this, " Now He is not the God of the dead but of the living for all live to Him."  The Old Testament is full of truth about this.. yet the Sadducees missed it.   Let us not miss it too!

Heaven is a real and wonderful place that God has prepared for those who belong to Him.  The world has foolish and stupid things to say about heaven, but we know that the Bible reveals the truth.  There will be a resurrection.  There will also be a judgement.  Those who belong to God have a glorious future and hope.  Those who do not belong to Him.. will never see the glory of heaven. We are called to live this life in light of eternity. We never know when that day will come so it is vital that we are alert and ready.

A book I recently read says this.. " Live in the light of forever. Choose and think and act now in the light, not of what was, not of what is, but of what is to come.  Our future - who we are becoming, where we are going - matters more than our past - where and who we have been.  Our future has more power to name us and define us than our past...  in God's economy the person we become, not the person we have been, is the person we truly are."  (Things Unseen by Mark Buchanan)   He also says this, " Don't let an event as important as death take you by surprise." ( A quote from Jeremy Taylor)

Father in heaven,  there is a day coming soon when we will finally meet You face to face.  How marvelous is that very thought.  Like Moses we pray.. help us to number our days.  Help us to be aware and alert and awake!  Help us to live holy and blameless lives that are consecrated to You.
Help us to love like You love. Help us to walk in truth and righteousness and grace.  Deliver us from evil and lead us in Your ways.  We ask this in the name of Jesus, waiting on Your gracious Hand. amen.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mark 12:13-40  This passage in the book of Mark records a series of inquisitions..

First comes the Herodians and Pharisees with a question about paying taxes.  Jesus teaches them that there are things to be rendered to the government, Caesar at that time... but more importantly they should, "Render.. to God the things that are God's."   This answer astonished them and shut them up.
What belongs to God?  Absolutely everything.

We saw from the parable of the vineyard that God owns everything and that the fruit belongs to Him. Those who would try to keep it for themselves will find only destruction.  The religious leaders wanted it all to themselves and were unwilling to hear the truth that they asked for.

How do we render to God that which is His?  The example comes in verses 41-44... "the poor widow came and put in two small copper coins which amount to a cent...And calling His disciples to Him, He said to them, ' Truly I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the contributors to the treasury; for they all put in out of their surplus, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she owned, all she had to live on.'"   

It is not the size of our gift that matters to God as much as it is the willingness with which we render it..
"... whoever gives you a cup of water to drink... he shall not lose his reward" (Mark 9:41)

 Paul writes: "Let each one do just as he has purposed in his heart; not grudgingly or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver." ( 2 Corinthians 9:7) 

The Old Testament prophets had this to say about rendering to God what is His:

Amos 6:22 "Even though you offer up to Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not accept them; And I will not even look at the peace offerings of your fatlings. Take away from Me the noise of Your songs; I will not even listen to the sound of your harps.  But, let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like an overflowing stream."

Micah 6: 6-8 "With what shall I come to the Lord and bow myself before the God on high? Shall I come to Him with burnt offerings, with yearling calves? Does the Lord take delight in thousands of rams, in ten thousand rivers of oil? Shall I present my first-born for my rebellious acts, the fruit of my body for my rebellious acts?  The fruit of my body for the sin of my soul? He has told you O man, what is good; and what does  the Lord requires of you but to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"

Father, teach us to walk in Your ways and to do Your will.  We lift up our lives to You and pray that Your good Spirit will lead us on level ground. Teach us to give to You what is Yours.. willingly, cheerfully, humbly, and faithfully.  In the Name of our Lord, Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Mark 12   A parable; A inquisition ; and An example.   Three different passages in one chapter that give us more insight into the Kingdom of God.

Verses 1-12  Jesus tells the parable of the vineyard.  The vineyard belonged to the one who planted it, built a wall around it, and prepared the wine press, the tower, and the vat.  When this was completed he rented it to some vine-growers and went on a journey.  But, when it was harvest time, the owner expected a part of the produce. It was his, after all. The renters, however, were unwilling to pay and proceeded to beat, wound, and mistreat all of the servants sent to receive what should have been given.  When the "beloved son" was sent, they not only failed to respect him, they killed him.  They falsely believed that they would keep the vineyard as their inheritance.. They were deceived by their own greedy desires.  Their end would be destruction.   Jesus explained that this is what is happening and the Pharisees and chief priests knew that He was talking about them. What should have brought them to their knees in repentance, only led them to more anger and a stronger desire to do away with the Son.

What does this teach us about God's Kingdom?

 First of all, it tells us that it belongs to God. He is the Creator and He provided all that was needed.  It tells us that the fruit belongs to Him.  It tells us that the servants of God.. the prophets were sent for this very reason.  It tells us the Jesus, the Beloved Son, also came for this.. for God wants His own.. His people.  It tells us that, every part of the gospel narrative was known from eternity past.. and that Jesus would be rejected and killed. And that God's Kingdom would be taken away from those who could have been part of it... but they chose their own greed instead.

We have a choice also.. to choose Christ or to choose destruction.  As believers it is "black and white".. a clear choice!  But, to those filled with the world's desires... they are deceived into thinking they can have it all.. not knowing they will end up with nothing.

Father in heaven,  we desire Your Kingdom, the reign and rule of our God and King and of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved Son.  Keep our eyes fixed on the glory and greatness of the Savior.  Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear the Truth.  Remind us again that everything on earth will pass away... not one thing that we see or touch or think we know.. will remain.  It is the unseen.. the wonderful and glorious, eternal dwelling place of God that will never pass away.  That is our home forever, and we long for it, praying" Thy Kingdom come".  Amen.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mark 11 tells of the palm Sunday entrance into Jerusalem, the cursing of the fig tree, the cleansing of the temple, and the question of authority from the chief priests and elders.

The "triumphal entry" is a fulfillment of Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your king is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, humble and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey."

Yet, even in the shouts of "Hosanna!"  The people were looking for the "kingdom of our father David"..  Jesus came as the King of heaven and earth, but He was not what they wanted.

Jesus looked for fruit on a tree that was out of season.  And then He cursed it and it withered.  Was it just a demonstration?  Or an illustration?  Or both?  When the disciples saw the result and mentioned it to Jesus, He spoke to them on the power of prayer.  But, some have said that it was about Israel. The nation was without fruit.  They rejected the One who could change all that.. and so they were cursed to not bear fruit again.

Jesus had cleansed the temple once before, at the beginning of His ministry.  Now, at the end, He once again throws out those who were using it for their own gains and declared that it was only meant to be for "a house of prayer for all the nations."   It was meant to be the place where God's Name would be honored and the Presence of God would be found. A Holy place...   Instead, they used it for "buying and selling.. " a marketplace, a common and unholy place...  How far they had fallen.

The leaders tried every way possible to discredit Jesus.  He blocked every challenge.  The only thing left for them was to lie.. and so they would.. in just a few more days.

The kingdom of God is all about the King.  The King that came was not the king expected.  Yet, He was the King that was revealed to the prophets and anticipated by the saints who had gone before.
The King demonstrated His power and authority.  He demonstrated His humility and obedience to the Father's Word.  He demonstrated His love for the Father's House.  And He would ultimately demonstrate His love for us.

Father in heaven, how wonderful is the gospel of Jesus Christ, our King forever.  Thank You for Your lovingkindness and mercy. Once again, I bow before You and give You all of my heart and soul and body.. I am Your servant.  Lead me in Your ways and may Your will be done.  In the name and authority of Jesus Christ the Lord I pray. Amen.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Mark 10

The Kingdom of God is made known through Jesus - in all He did and all He said while He walked on earth.  In this chapter we learn that:

God's plan for mankind includes marriage that unites a man and a woman into one flesh. This unity creates a family... they are kindred.. not meant to become separate again. Divorce breaks this family unit and God's law was given to protect that.  But, because of "hardness of heart" Moses permitted them to give a "certificate of divorce".  This was meant as a protection for the woman, sent away from her family, who may have no other home.

Jesus loves the little children.  Over and over we find that He would take them in His arms and bless them.  These were the examples for all who wanted to come into God's kingdom.  They came with no doubt, no fear, and no hesitation ... and were welcomed by Jesus Himself!

The "rich young ruler"... came to Jesus, but he had not learned the lesson of coming like a child.  He came with his own expectations.. his own pedigree.. his own ideas.  We are told that Jesus "felt a love for him."  Yet, when Jesus told him to sell all he had and come walk with Him, the man could not do it.  A child would have abandoned it all to run into the arms of Jesus, but a man with many world goods and responsibilities .. finds it impossible.  Oh the wonderful truth that Jesus shares here.."With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God." 

The disciples had given up much to follow Jesus and He assures them that it has been and will be worth it all.  In the end.. "eternal life". 

Once again the disciples are talking about who is greater.. with James and John asking for thrones.. and once again Jesus talks about serving.. and giving.. and dying.

Bartimaeus called out to Jesus and wouldn't stop.. until Jesus called him to come.  Up he jumped and made his way to the Lord.  "What do you want Me to do for you?"  Jesus asked him.  It was obvious, I'm sure, that he was blind.. but Jesus asked this question. "Rabboni, I want to regain my sight!" Bartimaeus replies and it was granted.. because of his faith.  And by faith, Bartimaeus followed Jesus.

Father in heaven,  teach me the way in which I should walk, for to You I lift up my soul.  Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. May Your Spirit lead me on Your good paths.  May we come like children and jump into the arms of Jesus without hesitation.  May we leave all things behind and run the race that You have for each of us.  Do the impossible in each of us.. so that we can be true servants, even to the day of our deaths.  We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Blessed Savior. Amen.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mark 9:30-

Jesus took His disciples on a walk to spend time with just them, so He could prepare them for what was coming - He would die. He would rise again.  "But they did not understand this statement and they were afraid to ask Him."   Afraid?  To ask Jesus?  He had rebuked Peter when he had tried to rebuke Him... ( Mark 8:32-33)  But, they were together with Jesus and He was clearly laying it out before them.  Why not ask the questions?

Instead, it appears that they withdrew a bit as they walked and began discussing which of them "was the greatest".  When Jesus asked them what they had been discussing, they were silent.. a bit embarrassed, maybe?  But, gently and firmly, Jesus takes a child and sets him before the twelve and holds the child in His arms.  "Whoever receives one child like this in My name, receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me but Him who sent Me."  In God's kingdom there is a different order of things.. God's priorities are not what we think.  Receiving a child like Jesus was doing right in front of their faces... precious!

This is greatness, Jesus explains.. being last, being a servant.. even serving a small child.   Still holding this child, Jesus says, "And whoever causes one of these little ones who believe to stumble, it would be better for him if, with a heavy millstone hung around his neck, he had been cast into the sea. 

Don't cause a child of God to stumble, but instead serve him.  Don't allow yourself to stumble either, Jesus tells us.   A hand, a foot, or an eye - can cause you to stumble.  Stumble - trip up, entrap, entice, fall, offend - cause of sin. Sin brings death and death in sin leads to hell. ".. where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched."  What causes us to stumble?  James wrote, "But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust, then when lust has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.  Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren."  Don't be deceived and  don't stumble... put aside all "filthiness and all that remains of wickedness, in humility receive the word implanted which is able to save you souls." James continues. ( James 1:14-21)  Be a doer of the word.

To be a doer of the Word - receive a child, take every possible action to not stumble, don't cause anyone else to stumble... serve.  Give a drink of water in Jesus' name.  Be salt... be what is good.. be at peace with each other. SERVE.

Father in heaven, teach me Your ways O Lord and lead me in Your paths of righteousness. You are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and great in lovingkindness.  You are good to all and Your mercies are over all Your works.   Sustain us. Our desire is to do Your will.  Thank You for the truth of Your word that says, " He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him." ( Psalm 145:19)  You love us and keep us.  You own us. We are Yours and give ourselves to obey You. In the name of Jesus we come. Amen.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mark 9:14-29   "All things are possible to him who believes."  Jesus tells the father of the boy tormented by an unclean spirit for all of his life.   There are some things that we need to pay attention to here, in Mark's account :

The father says..
" I brought You my son... "
"I told Your disciples to cast it out... "
"... if You can do anything..." 

He is a desperate, loving father. But, he needed an adjustment in his attitude... In the presence of Jesus,  he went from being a demanding, maybe arrogant.. may unbelieving man... desperate in need of help, ---to humbly crying out to Jesus, "I do believe; help my unbelief."  It is this humble confession that brings Jesus to deliver this young boy from the unclean spirit and from death. 

The disciples could not effect the change in the father or the deliverance of the son.  Was their faith insufficient?  No,  I don't think so, for they acted in faith when they attempted to cast out the demon.  Was the demon too powerful?  Jesus says, "This kind cannot come out by anything but prayer."  Yet, maybe it wasn't that either. Jesus commanded the demon to come out and to "not enter him again."  There was a need in this family greater than the deliverance of this child... a need for truth and righteousness, for humility before God.. for true faith.  The disciples also needed to see beyond the immediate need.. to the heart problem.. the thing that had brought this child under the oppression in the first place.

Father in heaven, open our eyes to see that which is unseen.. to look beyond the immediate to the heart needs of those we walk alongside of today.  May we be people of prayer. May we be faithful and filled with Your Spirit of love and wisdom, strength and the fear of the Lord. Thank You Lord for Your Word and for Your grace and eternal, amazing love.  Be with us Lord Jesus and do the impossible things that only You can do.. delivering our world from darkness and oppression into the Light of Your Kingdom. Amen.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Mark 9:1-13  We call this section "the transfiguration"..  for Peter, James, and John accompany Jesus up a high mountain where He is "transfigured" before them.  His garments change.. and Matthew writes that His "face shone like the sun".  Elijah and Moses appeared.  The three disciples were stunned.. "terrified".  This encounter may be the thing that Jesus was talking about when He said that some of them would "see the kingdom of God.. "  Not only that but they also heard the voice of God, "This is My Beloved Son, listen to Him!"

Makes me think of heaven.  We cannot begin to imagine what we will encounter on that day when God calls us home.  Oh, may we be ready!  For the day is coming soon.

Father in heaven, keep working on me.  Purify my heart and my mind and my whole being that I may stand firm in Christ Jesus until that day when I see Him in His glory!  Be glorified in my every thought and action.  Fill me with the light of Your grace that Jesus will shine through my life, amen.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Mark 7-8 Jesus did a remarkable amount of traveling here - He went to Tyre, then back to the Decapolis, then to Dalmanutha on the west side of the Galilee, leaves by boat again, going to Bethsaida, on the north point of the Galilee, and the way north to Caesarea Philippi.

Not only did Jesus have mercy on the Syrophoenician woman.. but He fed 4000 plus in the desolate countryside of the Decapolis.. an entirely Gentile area.  He healed a deaf/dumb man by putting His fingers in his ears and touching his tongue with His saliva.  He healed a blind man by using saliva on his eyes.  The message of the kingdom of God was taking an unexpected turn and the disciples were a bit confused by all of it.

When Jesus talked about the leaven of the Pharisees, the disciples thought about the lack of bread.
"Do you not yet see and understand? Do you have a hardened heart? Having eyes do you not see?
And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?"   They had 12 baskets of bread left over from 5 loaves!  They had 7 baskets left over from 7 loaves!  They saw it for themselves and yet they were still not understanding..

Perhaps this is why Jesus takes them on the long walk to Caesarea Philippi.  They needed to talk!
Jesus starts the conversation with a question, " Who do people say that I am?"  After they answered that some thought He was John the Baptist or one of the prophets, Jesus asks the vital question - "But who do you say that I am?"  Peter responds, " Thou art the Christ."  Finally, the Truth has come to Peter's heart. Matthew writes, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven,"  

Who do we say that Jesus is?  We can only say what the Father has revealed to us.  We say that He is the Lord, the Messiah, the Chosen and Sent One, the Lamb of God, the Coming King.. the Savior and the Sanctifier, the Healer, and the Beloved Son of God.  And we say these things because our Heavenly Father has revealed this to us!  Praise the Lord!

The unsaved cannot say this. They may respect Him. They may call Him a great teacher.  They may even use religious words to say He was a prophet.. but they cannot say that He is the Christ, the Son of God and really mean it. Our answer to this question matters! Who do you say that Jesus is?

Now that this is known.. Jesus begins to tell His disciples the Father's full plan -  He will suffer, He will be rejected, He will die, and He will rise again.  But, Peter doesn't like this plan at all and tells Jesus so... and is rebuked, " Get behind Me , Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God's interests but man's."  Peter goes from being the rock, the foundation of the church.. to being called out for having Satan's thoughts!  "God's interests" - so much higher  and deeper and greater than man's best plans!

Jesus also begins to teach about the cost of discipleship.. the cost of following Him.
And the cost is great :
It begins with denying oneself - to disown oneself.
It includes a willingness to take up a cross - to take a stand - to die for Him.
It means following Jesus - walking the same road with Him.
It means losing your life so you can save it.
It means giving everything,  for nothing can be exchanged for your soul.
It means not being ashamed of the name of Jesus in the midst of adulterous and sinful people.

Father in heaven, thank You for giving us such a Savior, Jesus Christ, who walks with us and leads us in Your ways. How wonderful are Your plans, Lord God! How great is Your Word, revealing to us all Truth and bring us to know Jesus.  Deepen our walk with You.. draw us ever nearer we pray. And as we count the cost of following Jesus, strengthen us by Your Spirit so that we can remain steadfast in Him.. Amen.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Mark 7  The Pharisees come out from Jerusalem to confront Jesus.  These are the big guys, the chief leaders as opposed to the local yokels.   They are looking for a sign, but they start with criticism.  The disciples were not observing the traditional rituals and the Pharisees judged them based on this failure.  Jesus responds to this with truth.  They were being hypocrites.  They made their traditions equal to or more important than God's word.  This revealed the hardness of their hearts.

Jesus goes on to teach that there is nothing that you eat that defiles you. It simply goes into the stomach and is eliminated naturally.  But.. the heart of man is the source of everything that defiles us.
Evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness... "all these evil things proceed from within and defile the man."

In God's Kingdom, the heart condition matters more than anything else.. more than traditions, more than actions, more than food, more than money... A hard heart that is full of evil of any kind is far from God and cannot see Him. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God."  Jesus taught.
Only He can make our hearts pure.  It begins with the Word of God.. not with man's traditions.
We must recognize our poverty of spirit. We must mourn over our evil hearts.  We must humble ourselves before our heavenly Father. We must hunger and thirst for HIS righteousness.  And we must follow Jesus by denying ourselves, taking up our crosses, losing our lives, and proclaiming Him as Lord of all.

The end of this chapter is about a trip that Jesus takes clear across the countryside to Tyre.  He is looking for a private place, but "He could not escape notice."  A woman with a little daughter came to beg Jesus for help. Jesus tells her, "Let the children be satisfied first, for it is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs."  But, she had a great response.. " Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table feed on the children's crumbs."  And He delivers the little girl immediately.
This is interesting.  We know Jesus had already delivered Legion.. not a Jew.  And he healed all those that came to Him in Gennesaret.  Why did He say this to this Gentile woman?  Yet, it elicited a response of faith.. and perhaps that was the point.

Father in heaven, we are so thankful that You provide every need for every one who will call upon the Lord.  Will You purify our hearts more and more so that we can live for You, abiding with You and walking the path with Jesus!  Thank You. Amen.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Mark 6:45- 56

What can we learn about God's kingdom from this passage?

Jesus sends His disciples away in a boat.
He sends the multitude away on land.
He heads up the mountain to pray.
He walks across the water in the early morning hours.. in a great wind.
He frightens the disciples at first...
 and then gets in the boat with them.
And, he sees that their hearts are still hardened....

But, when they get across the sea of Galilee something remarkable is waiting:

He is immediately recognized.
The people "ran about the whole country and began to carry.. those who were sick.."
In every village there were people waiting for Him.. just to touch "the fringe of His cloak."
".. and as many as touched it were being cured." 

This was the same general area where Jesus had delivered the Legion of demons out of the man and sent them into the pigs.  This is the same area where the people asked Him to go away! This is the same area where the delivered man went about telling everyone what "great things the Lord [had] done.. " (Mark 5:19-20)  A great transformation  had happened in that land. The Kingdom had come.

The Kingdom of God.. Jesus said.. is like a mustard seed.. so small.  But, when sown in good soil it grows large enough for the birds to make nests.  The disciples still had some growing to do.  But, Jesus was revealing so much to them.. and their faith had to be increasing as they saw and experienced His power and authority in these amazing events.

And so we learn, that the testimony of one man.. one unlikely, raving, demon-filled.. and delivered man.. can change a country.  In God' s Kingdom.. nothing is impossible.
And we learn that even those who just reach out to touch Jesus.. will find that He is enough.

Father in heaven, may we be transformed by You.  May we abide in Christ and may our hearts be filled with faith.  Let our eyes see Your glory and our ears hear Your voice.  May we not be afraid.. but keep our eyes on Jesus.  Thank You for this Word.  Be glorified today in all of our lives.
We pray in Jesus' name. amen.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Mark 6: 33-44  As Jesus and His disciples sail away to a place where they can rest, the crowd of people ran along the shore and actually got there before them.  We are told that the place was desolate and it was late in the day. "And when He went ashore, He saw a great multitude, and He felt compassion for them because they were like sheep without a shepherd... " 

They came from "all the cities", on foot.. running along the seashore.. in desperation.. for Jesus.  "...sheep without a shepherd.."  have no help, no defense, no provisions, no way to get home again.. They get lost, they fall over and can't right themselves, they eat what they shouldn't, they get scared and run to the point of exhaustion, they fall prey to enemies..  without a Shepherd, this describes all of mankind.

But, we have a Great Shepherd. Jesus has compassion on us.. and when we seek Him, we will find Him.

The disciples wanted to send the crowd to go get food.  That was a wise suggestion... common sense.. they were in the middle of nowhere, had no resources, and there was genuine concern.  But, Jesus told them to, "Give them something to eat!"  After the death and resurrection of Jesus, before His ascension, Jesus has a conversation with Peter.  Three times He asks Peter, "... do you love Me?" Three times Peter says yes.. and three times Jesus says, ".. Tend My sheep.. ".  Here, in this wilderness setting, surrounded by more than 5000 people, Jesus shows them how a Shepherd tends His sheep.  He takes the 5 loaves and 2 fish.  He blesses the food and breaks the loaves and "He kept giving them to the disciples.."  And "they all ate.. and were satisfied. "

Remarkable! The leftovers measured more than they began with.. 12 baskets full!  This is God's economy in His Kingdom.  He provides more than we need.  He gives to overflowing.  And, He uses us.. His disciples be part of His great works!

Father, how great is Your grace and love and compassion for the lost and abandoned sheep!  Thank You for giving to us such a Loving and kind Shepherd.  May we be faithful to tend Your sheep, to care for the lambs, to take of Your gifts and allow You to multiply them to all who are waiting and in need. Teach us to walk in the ways of Christ our Lord, the Good Shepherd.  We pray this in His holy name. Amen.