Monday, May 6, 2019

Revelation 13  I have to admit, I don't like this chapter...  the beasts.. the blasphemy.. the idol... and  the mark given to all people in order to just survive...   Plus there is that  whole mystery about the number 666..

Again I am just thankful that God has this all under His control.  He is commanding these events.  He is giving the dragon and the beasts the ability to do what they are going to do.  And, in the middle of this, He reminds us to persevere.. to have faith.. to concentrate on the Lamb and to make sure that our names are written in His book!

Father in heaven,  You are Sovereign and Your will is perfect.. All these things that will occur in the future are things that You have ordained and You will allow for Your purposes.  We do not need to understand, but we need to keep trusting and abiding.  Help us to do so, we pray.  In Jesus' name , amen.

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