Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Genesis 11 -12   Noah's sons and their families quickly dispersed and started multiplying as they were directed.  However, it didn't take long for them to forget that the Lord had spared them from destruction by the flood and some to forgot God altogether.  When they started to build cities and then a tower to reach heaven and "make for ourselves a name"... the Lord intervened once again.

" Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language... so the Lord scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth; and they stopped building the city."  ( v7-8)

The narrative then switches here, as the generations leading from Shem to Abraham - 10 generations are recorded.  In chapter 12 we read of the covenant that God makes with Abraham as they enter into what will become God's promised land.

The nations were appointed.  The languages were appointed.  The scattering of people across the whole earth was accomplished.  God's plan was put into action.  One man, Abram, was chosen to start a specific nation in a specific location, with a specific language... for God's purposes - that  " all the families of the earth shall be blessed..." 

Father in heaven,  You are the One who holds all of creation in Your hands.  Your will be done!
Only You, Eternal, all wise God,  full of grace and mercy.. would and could set in motion a plan of redemption so great!  Thank You for being faithful and trustworthy. Thank You for this extraordinary gift of salvation.. perfect in every way.. We come to You because of Your grace, through faith, in the salvation that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

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