Thursday, May 30, 2019

Genesis 16-17  Sarai/Sarah was quite a character.  She was quite beautiful, we are told, but had a strong will of her own.   When it was clear that she was barren she convinced Abraham to marry her servant girl, Hagar, an Egyptian woman.  Hagar bore Ishmael when Abraham was 86 years old.

Hagar's life was not an easy one.  She became Sarai's maid.  She had no choice in marrying Abraham. She was treated harshly by Sarah ( bringing this on her own self).  She ran away, but returned after meeting the Lord. She raised Ishmael, but was again thrown out when he was 14, after he mocked Isaac.

Antagonism. Rivalry. Jealousy.... Hatred.  God made it clear that Isaac would be the heir and His covenant would be through him.  But, he also promised a future for Ishmael.

God established another covenant with Abraham.  The first covenant was for the land.. this one is for people.... descendants that would become nations.

Knowing how things turned out between the two sons of Abraham , it makes me wonder why God allowed it.  Of course, I wonder why God made any of us... knowing how we would sin and that His Son would die on a cross for our sins.   He has showed us the greatness of His love and grace and mercy.  He has revealed to us His wisdom and power, far beyond what we can grasp.  How wonderful it will be to spend eternity in His Presence worshiping our Mighty God.

Father, along with Abraham we believe and trust You.  We know You are the God who sees and who hears us.  Thank You for showing us mercy and grace. Thank You for being faithful to do all that You have said.  Be glorified and honored by every being in heaven and on the earth! Amen.

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