Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Genesis 5-7  Chapter 5 gives the genealogy from Adam to Noah and his sons.  Chapter 6 gives the reasons for the flood and chapter 7 gives the details of the flood.

10 generations - sons and daughters born to these families; plus the "sons of God" and the "Nephilim" intermarrying with these "daughters of men"...  the result - violence; evil; corruption;

The Lord found favor only with Noah. Noah heard the command of the Lord and obeyed.
Because of his obedience Noah and his family were saved in the ark.
All of the earth was covered by the flood water and only those in the ark were preserved.

I am a bit fascinated with the record of the generations of Adam - Noah.  Looking at the numbers, it appears to me that all of the ancestors of Noah were dead before the flood, except one - Methuselah, Noah's grandfather,  died the year of the flood.  When you consider that Methusaleh was the son of Enoch, who walked with God, and the grandfather of Noah, who found favor with the Lord.. it is interesting to think about this man, famous for living longer than all the rest.   But, what if he died in the flood? An unbeliever.   Perhaps he died before it happened.. he was 969 years old.. but we are not told.

The truth is.. we each have to decide to believe and obey.  It doesn't matter how wonderful our family is - our faith has to be an individual decision.  I am re-reading the Left Behind series.. which is fictional but filled with Scriptural truths.  The premise of the story is that the Rapture occurs and some who failed to put their faith in Christ are left behind. They quickly realize that they were wrong and turn to Jesus. The truth is that Jesus is going to come again and if we aren't His children, we will not be saved from the destruction to come.  Like in the days of Noah...

Father, You are holy and Your desire is for us to live holy lives, set apart for You.  May we know (and receive)  the salvation that is in Christ alone. He is the way, the truth, and the life.  May Your Word be preached to every tongue, tribe, and nation, so that many more will put their faith in Jesus Christ.   May we be ready for that day when Jesus comes again.  Amen.

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