Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Genesis 13-15   Abraham went to Egypt, lied about Sarah, and was found out... then he returned to Canaan.  After a while he and Lot have to split up and he ends up in Hebron - thus he becomes Abram the Hebrew.   When a war breaks out and Lot is captured, Abram and his people go after him and are victorious.

Here is what strikes me... two kings greet Abram as he returns to his land - the king of Sodom and the king of Salem.  Melchizedek, the king of Salem "was a priest of the God Most High".   He blesses Abram and Abram gives him a tithe of one tenth of all the spoil.   The king of Sodom meets him and asks for his people back, offering the goods to Abram.   Now, Abram already had all the people and all the goods... he had already given one tenth to Melchizedek.  The king of Sodom had no right to anything... he had fallen in the tar pits and run away!  Yet, Abram graciously gave it all back to him, only allowing his fellow soldiers to take their share.  He would not be known as one to submit to the king of Sodom or be beholden to him.

Once again, we are reminded of the fact that we must always make choices that honor the "Lord God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth."   Abram did this and was wonderfully blessed.  He chose to serve the Lord and to turn from evil.  A choice we make in everything we do and say.. and how we live..

Father, You tell us in Your Word to stand firm and resist evil by taking up the "full armor of God".  We can do this with Your Truth, Your Righteousness, and Your Peace.  We take up our shields of faith and the sword of Your Spirit, the Word of God.. praying at all times in the Spirit, and making petitions for the saints. May we truly live worthy lives, choosing always to honor and worship only You.  We ask for Your grace and for Your peace in the name of the One who loves us and whom we love, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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