Friday, May 3, 2019

Revelation 12  

The woman - Israel? 
The Red Dragon - Satan
The male child - Jesus
The Angel - Michael

These all play a part in this great drama of God's creation, redemption, and completion of life on planet earth.  There is a war coming.. one that we cannot fathom.  A war that will truly end all wars, for in the end, the earth will be completely destroyed. 

To me the most important message from this passage is that God already knows.. to the day.. all that is about to happen.  He has put His plans into effect and it will accomplish His good and perfect will. 
Satan has no power to stop God's plan. 
Mankind has no power to change what God has willed. 
Our only hope is to "overcome.. because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of [our] testimony."   We also must be willing to not love our lives.. "even to death".. for the sake of our Lord. 

Father in heaven, strengthen us by Your strength that we might stand firm and resist evil. We are weak but You are strong. Your promises are sure.  You will keep us and protect us when we hide ourselves in Christ. We cling to Your Word that we might abide in You. We desire Your will and Your  kingdom and Your glory.  Thank You for loving us and for showing us such mercy through Jesus Christ who died for us.  Thank You that we have a King and High Priest who is holy and pure,  and who is coming again soon.  Fill us once again with Your Spirit that we might be sanctified through and through.. preserved complete without blame at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. 

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