Thursday, May 16, 2019

Genesis 2 The creation of man is an amazing thing.  The earth, the sky, the animals, the plants.. water and light.. time and space.. all prepared beforehand.. and "then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being." 

God prepared and planned it all.  He caused life to begin on what started out dead and dark and empty.  Even here.. in the beginning we experience His heart - for He gives Adam a wife... " a helper suitable for him.." 

This beginning .. this grand story.. is the theme of His Story - life, love, provision... GRACE and more GRACE..  Because He chose to speak it into existence.

And the Word was with God.  And the Word was God.  And nothing that was made was made apart from Him... the Word "became flesh and dwelt among us.. " 

Father, fill our hearts with true Light, the Light of the world, Jesus Christ.  Let us experience Your love and grace.  May we abide in You and You in us today. Amen.

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