Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Revelation 10-11
Mysteries and more mysteries!  A little book, seven peals of thunder, two witnesses, and the seventh angel sounding his trumpet..

The glory and power and greatness of God.. hidden to mankind, will finally be revealed to all.  His reign is "forever and ever".  The time is coming.. soon.

The thing that hits me most in these passages, is how important, how absolutely vital it is that we are prepared for that day.  He is coming! May we persevere.  May we remain faithful.  May we be sanctified fully, blameless to stand before Him...

Father in heaven, search our hearts and renew our minds.  May we be fully surrendered and fully Yours.  Let us hold nothing back from  yielding to Your will for us.  May Your Kingdom come.
We lay ourselves at Your feet and cling to Jesus, our Gracious Lord. Amen.

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