Friday, September 28, 2018

I Corinthians 5 - In this chapter, Paul deals with a particular man in the church who is living in sin.. having a sinful relationship with his father's wife.  Paul pulls no punches in condemning the man and also the church's tolerance of this sin.  This man should be removed from the church immediately, Paul commands.  This step of discipline is meant to (hopefully) cause repentance.. but also to protect the church as a whole.

Paul preaches that this tolerance of sin in the church is like leaven in a lump of dough.  It will expand and spread.  Leaven/ sin brings "malice and wickedness".   Unleavened bread - "sincerity and truth " is what the church must have and that is found only in Christ Jesus.

The world is full of "immoral people" - "the covetous and swindlers... idolaters" etc.  We know this is true. They will always remain.    But, the church, those who call themselves Christians,  should never have this kind of reputation.  Nor should they be revilers or drunkards.  Those who live in these ways should be removed from the church.. Paul declares  this "in the name of Jesus" and with "the power of our Lord Jesus". 

Paul cuts right through our use of the Words of Jesus when He taught us "Do not judge lest you be judged."  There IS a time and place for spiritual judgement.... and that is when unrepentant sinners arrogantly infiltrate the church.. the temple of the Holy God.  The life of the church is at stake.

Sadly our world today is facing these same issues on a much larger scale..  there are whole churches and denominations that not only accept those living in immorality, but they have embraced the sin as a "lifestyle".   We are considered intolerant and bigoted when we speak the truth.   The Word of God is ignored and God's Spirit quenched.   It is heartbreaking.

Father God,  You are our Creator and our Sovereign Lord.  Your name is holy and Your Word is Truth.  Forgive us, Lord, for the leaven that has been allowed into Your church.  Please send Your Holy Spirit to convict Your people of sin.. and to bring us all to sincere and holy living by the Power of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is in His name that we pray. Amen.

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