Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Corinthians 4  Paul sums up his message about the divisions that the church in Corinth had been displaying .  He and Apollos, and Peter  and/or any of the apostles.. were all "servants of Christ". They all had been called to be "stewards" of the gospel.. the "mysteries of God."  As servants and stewards they took their responsibilities seriously and served as examples of how to live according to the Word. But, they weren't in it for fame or to be looked up to..
They had learned to "not exceed what is written."
They had learned humility.

The Corinthians were arrogant and thought themselves "kings".   They thought themselves to be wise.
But, they were still "babes in Christ".  

Paul gives them a picture of what true servants of God looked like:

They looked like "fools for Christ's sake" . v10
They were weak and without honor. 
They were hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, roughly treated, and homeless. v11
They toiled, working with their hands; they were reviled; and they were persecuted. v12
They were slandered.. called "scum of the world" and the "dregs" of the world. v13

And in spite of all that they blessed those who cursed them; endured the suffering; and consoled those who slandered them. 

This is the lesson that Paul desired his "beloved children" to learn.  Not because he wanted to shame them, but because he wanted them to walk in Christ.  He wanted them to belong to the kingdom of God.. not just in words but in "power"... in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual maturity does not come through arrogance, pride, wisdom, or riches.
It comes when the hard things of life bring us to Jesus. It comes when we are most weak, most humbled, and most needy.  It is  only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can admit our weaknesses, humbly trust God to provide in our neediness, and bless those who curse us.
It is in the suffering that we see the power of God displayed.. when the "supernatural " overcomes that which is "natural".

Father in heaven, I hallow Your Name, for You alone are God.  You alone are worthy of worship and praise.  Thank You for the salvation given to me in Christ Jesus.  Let the power of Your Spirit be displayed in my life as I walk in the ways of Christ Jesus my Lord.  Truly it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit.. that any of us can live.. and move.. and be Your beloved ones.  Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in me.. in us today.  I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen .

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