Monday, September 10, 2018

Hosea 1   To be called as a prophet of God was not an easy thing... Hosea's first encounter with God's calling on his life was the command to go and marry "a wife of harlotry".    Imagine what his mother thought!   Yet, Hosea was obedient and married Gomer.  They immediately had a son and they were commanded by the Lord to name him "Jezreel", which means" God sows."   It was downhill after that.

Gomer had 2 more children right after the other, but they were not Hosea's children.  The first was a daughter named "Loruhamah" - meaning - she who receives no compassion.  The next was "Lo-ammi" meaning -  not my people .

The message was meant for Israel.  They were going to receive what they deserved because of their harlotry with idols.  God's compassion would be withheld and they would no longer be called God's people.  The nation of Israel would go into captivity and would not return .

However, God had a plan that would still unfold .. a plan to bring the "sons of the living God" - the descendants of Israel and Judah back together.  They would have "one leader".  God will still fulfill His promises to Abraham and to David.

Paul quoted Hosea in Romans 9 when he wrote about the Gentiles who were not God's people, but who would be called "My people".  Like Israel, every single person has failed to remain faithful to the One True God.  We all were "not [His] people".. but through Jesus Christ, we have come into the family and are His true children.  What grace and mercy!

Father God, may we hear Your Word and Your heart for us.. remembering that Christ died for us even while we were yet sinners.  We rejoice in the sweet and wonderful work of salvation!  Thank You!  Bless Your holy name!  Father, as Your children, called by Your name.. help us to walk in complete faithfulness and purity.  Keep us from the evil one.  Lead us in Your righteous paths. Be exalted in all the earth, Lord, as You show compassion once again, bringing many sons to glory!  Amen and amen!

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