Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hosea 8-9
The fate of Israel was sealed.. they had ignored every warning.
They had "forgotten their Maker." 
They had forsaken the Law and lost their innocence.
They had "gone deep in depravity". 

God remembered their iniquity and punished their sins.
They were driven out of the land.
They lost any glory that they once had.
They were cast away from God.
They were made unfruitful.. in their land,  and in their families.

 Father in heaven,  You are our Maker and we do not ever want to forget You or forsake You.  Draw us nearer to You and fill our hearts with Your Spirit.  Thank You for the forgiveness that we have in Christ Jesus.  Thank You for giving us Your Word that we might learn more of Your Truth.  May we be reproved and chastised when we step away from the Truth and trust in anything or anyone besides You alone.  You are worthy of our worship and of our loyalty.  Guide us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake, we pray.   You are our hope, our peace, and our life.. all glory and praise to You we bring, in Jesus Christ our Lord's name. amen.

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