Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hosea 5   Israel went into captivity - into Assyria.  Judah would be taken to Babylon.  Judgement had come.  The priests and the kings had failed in their responsibilities.  The nations had gone down the slippery slope and ended up "deep in depravity".   They could not even return to God because of their deeds. ( v4)  "For a spirit of harlotry is within them, and they do not know the Lord." 

The "spirit" - the breath, the wind, the mind of a living rational being, and the seat of emotions; The very life of Israel had become idolatrous. They could not even acknowledge the Lord any longer.

In their pride, in their iniquity - Israel and Judah "stumbled".  They tottered, they wavered, their legs weakened and they faltered. They fell.  They failed. And they were overthrown.  If they even wanted to seek the Lord, they would no longer find Him. " He has withdrawn from them." (v6)

Israel was desolate and Judah was wounded. Rottenness.. sickness.. incurable disease.. they were torn to pieces by the judgement and chastisement of God.

But, a time will come, when once again they will "acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me." the Lord says.

America is headed down that same slippery slope of deep depravity.  A spirit of harlotry lives on in our present world where many do not know the Lord and want to keep all others from even acknowledging Him.  They are stumbling, tottering, and falling down all around us..  Rottenness and sickness abounds.. rising up in acts of violence and senseless killing.   School shootings... mothers who kill their own children.. a man who pulls a gun and shoots another.. for nothing.. over a cell phone call or a parking space!  Daily murder counts among children in big cities like Chicago..
Pride.. a word that the homosexual community has adopted as their own.. not realizing that the word they use as a banner is actually a word of condemnation and shame in the eyes of the Creator God.

When will America "acknowledge their guilt" and seek God's face?  What chastisement from the Lord's hands will come and bring the affliction that causes us to seek Him?

O Father, let us come and return to You.. Let our nation call out to You, repent before You, and find You once again.  You are the Healer.  You are the Redeemer.  You are the only One who can bring us back to the Truth.. Jesus Christ.   Have mercy on us.. Gracious Lord.  We ask this in the Name of the One who came to seek and to save the lost,  Jesus, our Lord and King. Amen.

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