Tuesday, September 25, 2018

I Corinthians 2  Paul continues to emphasize the message of the cross - Jesus Christ - crucified.
His message is not about what persuasive words he uses or about his own wisdom or thoughts on the subject.
His message is based on and demonstrated in "the Spirit.. and power of God." 

God's wisdom was hidden and mysterious, not able to be understood by natural man.  No ruler, no human ever... could comprehend what God planned and completed in Christ Jesus.

"... God revealed them ( the things He prepared)  through the Spirit.. "v10
No one but the Spirit knows the thoughts of God. v11
We have received the Spirit of God. v12
So that .. " we might know the things freely given to us by God". 
We are "taught by the Spirit" - so that we can have "spiritual thoughts" and "spiritual words". v13
It by the Spirit that we can accept "the things of the Spirit of God" v14
 And that we can then appraise - examine- discern - judge ( anakrino - scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, determine, ask, question)   the things of God.

We have been given.. " the mind of Christ." v16  The mind ( nous) - in thought, feeling, or will - the understanding..

In other words - it is God's doing!  We can never know God, never receive His Word, and never begin to comprehend His salvation through Jesus Christ... unless there is a supernatural - spiritual - action taken by the Spirit of God -Who opens our eyes to see and our ears to hear and gives us a heart to receive -what God freely gives!

Spirit of God, come and teach us the great truths of Your Word and reveal to us the wonderful things that God has prepared for us who love Him. May the mind of Christ, that we have been given, enable us to understand the hidden wisdom and mystery of God's great plans for us.  Thank You for bringing us to know these great truths.  Glory and praise and thanksgiving to the One True God and to the Eternal Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.   I pray that You will do that spiritual work in the lives of our unsaved loved ones, Lord God.. for they are blind and deaf and dead in their sin.. unless You reveal the truth to them through the Holy Spirit.  This I ask in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save the lost.. Amen.

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