Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hosea 12-14  Once again Hosea gives the Lord's request to Israel, " .. return to your God, observe kindness and justice and wait for your God continually." ( v6)

Israel is reminded to look back and remember that it was the Lord who called them to be His people. It was the Lord who delivered them from Egypt.  It was the Lord who gave them life.  It was the Lord who saved them.   When they were in the wilderness, He provided every need.  But, when they came into the land that He provided.. they began to be "satisfied".. and "proud".  And they forgot all about the God who provides everything. They turned to graven, manmade, worthless idols.. and kindled His anger against themselves.

Even after all of this... the Lord loves His people.  He still calls them to return to Him.  He still promises to restore and renew.. to bring them back to Himself.  He will heal them and love them. .. for His love endures forever.    What amazing grace!

"Whoever is wise let him understand these things;
Whoever is discerning, let him know them. 
For the ways of the Lord are right,
and the righteous will walk in them, 
But transgressors will stumble in them." 

Father in heaven,  great is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the One and Only True God.  You are the God who created all the heavens and the earth.  Your wisdom and understanding is far above our imaginations!  Thank You for loving us and revealing Your Word to us that we might truly worship in righteousness.  Fill us with Your Spirit that we might know the fulness of Christ Jesus our Lord, and that we may know You more and more..  for we ask this in His name. Amen. 

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