Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I Corinthians 3   In verse 1 Paul says that his brothers - those he called saints, those in Christ Jesus - were NOT "spiritual men" - but "mere men" - "men of flesh" - and "babes in Christ". 

They were "fleshly".  Jealousy and strife were keeping them from spiritual growth and maturity.
Their thinking was wrong.  They were arguing about Paul, Apollos, and Peter - not understanding that all three of them were "servants".  They were "fellow workers" in God's field.   There was no rivalry between them, because they worked together - one sowing and one watering - but the field, the seed, the growth, and  the harvest all belong to  God!

Paul then switches to a different illustration - a building.  As believers we are God's building.. actually "a temple of God".   A foundation had been laid - the only One that matters - the Lord Jesus Christ.  The life of each man - the work that he does to build on this Foundation will be tested.. by fire.

Anything worthless - wood, hay, or straw - will be burnt up.

Anything that is able to remain - gold, silver, or precious stones - will be rewarded.  

Worldly wisdom - even that of men like Paul, Apollos, or Peter - will not survive the fire of God.
Only what is in Christ will last.
In Him.. we have all things.. for we belong to Him and He belongs to the Father.

Why argue about anything else?  That is a carnal, fleshly, external focus.
All who belong to Christ are to be holy, spiritual - temples of God.  That is who we are.. and we need to feed on that spiritual food... and no longer live according to the wisdom of this world.

Father in heaven, You have given us spiritual life in Christ Jesus. Your Holy Spirit lives in us who have believed.  The firm foundation - Jesus Christ - has been laid for us.  We desire to live a life that is holy and set apart for You.. temples of God.  Help us to recognize those fleshly thoughts that keep us from spiritual growth and maturity.  Move in our lives to strip away all that is hay, wood, and straw.. and  built us  up in Christ' s wonderful provision that is eternal and worthy.  Let Your will be done in each of us, in Christ's name I pray. amen.

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