Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hosea 2  Verses 1-13 portray the adulterous actions of Israel as she turned to Baal and prostituted herself, pursuing her "lovers"..  She gave credit to Baal for the very blessings that God alone provided- bread, water, wool and flax, oil and wine.   God's just punishment was to cut off those things.  He took back the grain at harvest time.  He took away the vines, the wool and the flax.  He took away all the gifts - the festivals and the feasts of celebration.  Everything was lost, because she "forgot Me".. the Lord proclaimed.

But, the Lord does not forget His people. Verses 14-23 speak of the restoration of Israel.  God will take back His people with compassion and kindness.  He will "marry" her once again.. 

" And I will betroth you to Me forever; 
Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, 
in lovingkindness and in compassion,
 and I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness.  
Then you will know the Lord ." 

There is coming a day, when God's relationship with His people will be completely restored.  And along with that there will people "who were not My people"  who will then be called His people. That is us too!

Father, thank You for Your great compassion and lovingkindness. Thank You for calling me to be Your child and for restoring Me to a love relationship with Yourself.  Thank You for being a patient and persevering God.. for never giving up on me.  You are My God and I never want to stop serving and loving You.  Hold me close to You, I pray, in Christ Jesus the Beloved...amen. 

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