Friday, September 28, 2018

I Corinthians 5 - In this chapter, Paul deals with a particular man in the church who is living in sin.. having a sinful relationship with his father's wife.  Paul pulls no punches in condemning the man and also the church's tolerance of this sin.  This man should be removed from the church immediately, Paul commands.  This step of discipline is meant to (hopefully) cause repentance.. but also to protect the church as a whole.

Paul preaches that this tolerance of sin in the church is like leaven in a lump of dough.  It will expand and spread.  Leaven/ sin brings "malice and wickedness".   Unleavened bread - "sincerity and truth " is what the church must have and that is found only in Christ Jesus.

The world is full of "immoral people" - "the covetous and swindlers... idolaters" etc.  We know this is true. They will always remain.    But, the church, those who call themselves Christians,  should never have this kind of reputation.  Nor should they be revilers or drunkards.  Those who live in these ways should be removed from the church.. Paul declares  this "in the name of Jesus" and with "the power of our Lord Jesus". 

Paul cuts right through our use of the Words of Jesus when He taught us "Do not judge lest you be judged."  There IS a time and place for spiritual judgement.... and that is when unrepentant sinners arrogantly infiltrate the church.. the temple of the Holy God.  The life of the church is at stake.

Sadly our world today is facing these same issues on a much larger scale..  there are whole churches and denominations that not only accept those living in immorality, but they have embraced the sin as a "lifestyle".   We are considered intolerant and bigoted when we speak the truth.   The Word of God is ignored and God's Spirit quenched.   It is heartbreaking.

Father God,  You are our Creator and our Sovereign Lord.  Your name is holy and Your Word is Truth.  Forgive us, Lord, for the leaven that has been allowed into Your church.  Please send Your Holy Spirit to convict Your people of sin.. and to bring us all to sincere and holy living by the Power of our Lord Jesus Christ.  It is in His name that we pray. Amen.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

I Corinthians 4  Paul sums up his message about the divisions that the church in Corinth had been displaying .  He and Apollos, and Peter  and/or any of the apostles.. were all "servants of Christ". They all had been called to be "stewards" of the gospel.. the "mysteries of God."  As servants and stewards they took their responsibilities seriously and served as examples of how to live according to the Word. But, they weren't in it for fame or to be looked up to..
They had learned to "not exceed what is written."
They had learned humility.

The Corinthians were arrogant and thought themselves "kings".   They thought themselves to be wise.
But, they were still "babes in Christ".  

Paul gives them a picture of what true servants of God looked like:

They looked like "fools for Christ's sake" . v10
They were weak and without honor. 
They were hungry and thirsty, poorly clothed, roughly treated, and homeless. v11
They toiled, working with their hands; they were reviled; and they were persecuted. v12
They were slandered.. called "scum of the world" and the "dregs" of the world. v13

And in spite of all that they blessed those who cursed them; endured the suffering; and consoled those who slandered them. 

This is the lesson that Paul desired his "beloved children" to learn.  Not because he wanted to shame them, but because he wanted them to walk in Christ.  He wanted them to belong to the kingdom of God.. not just in words but in "power"... in the power of the Holy Spirit.

Spiritual maturity does not come through arrogance, pride, wisdom, or riches.
It comes when the hard things of life bring us to Jesus. It comes when we are most weak, most humbled, and most needy.  It is  only by the power of the Holy Spirit that we can admit our weaknesses, humbly trust God to provide in our neediness, and bless those who curse us.
It is in the suffering that we see the power of God displayed.. when the "supernatural " overcomes that which is "natural".

Father in heaven, I hallow Your Name, for You alone are God.  You alone are worthy of worship and praise.  Thank You for the salvation given to me in Christ Jesus.  Let the power of Your Spirit be displayed in my life as I walk in the ways of Christ Jesus my Lord.  Truly it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit.. that any of us can live.. and move.. and be Your beloved ones.  Let Your kingdom come and Your will be done in me.. in us today.  I ask this in the precious name of Jesus. Amen .

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

I Corinthians 3   In verse 1 Paul says that his brothers - those he called saints, those in Christ Jesus - were NOT "spiritual men" - but "mere men" - "men of flesh" - and "babes in Christ". 

They were "fleshly".  Jealousy and strife were keeping them from spiritual growth and maturity.
Their thinking was wrong.  They were arguing about Paul, Apollos, and Peter - not understanding that all three of them were "servants".  They were "fellow workers" in God's field.   There was no rivalry between them, because they worked together - one sowing and one watering - but the field, the seed, the growth, and  the harvest all belong to  God!

Paul then switches to a different illustration - a building.  As believers we are God's building.. actually "a temple of God".   A foundation had been laid - the only One that matters - the Lord Jesus Christ.  The life of each man - the work that he does to build on this Foundation will be tested.. by fire.

Anything worthless - wood, hay, or straw - will be burnt up.

Anything that is able to remain - gold, silver, or precious stones - will be rewarded.  

Worldly wisdom - even that of men like Paul, Apollos, or Peter - will not survive the fire of God.
Only what is in Christ will last.
In Him.. we have all things.. for we belong to Him and He belongs to the Father.

Why argue about anything else?  That is a carnal, fleshly, external focus.
All who belong to Christ are to be holy, spiritual - temples of God.  That is who we are.. and we need to feed on that spiritual food... and no longer live according to the wisdom of this world.

Father in heaven, You have given us spiritual life in Christ Jesus. Your Holy Spirit lives in us who have believed.  The firm foundation - Jesus Christ - has been laid for us.  We desire to live a life that is holy and set apart for You.. temples of God.  Help us to recognize those fleshly thoughts that keep us from spiritual growth and maturity.  Move in our lives to strip away all that is hay, wood, and straw.. and  built us  up in Christ' s wonderful provision that is eternal and worthy.  Let Your will be done in each of us, in Christ's name I pray. amen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

I Corinthians 2  Paul continues to emphasize the message of the cross - Jesus Christ - crucified.
His message is not about what persuasive words he uses or about his own wisdom or thoughts on the subject.
His message is based on and demonstrated in "the Spirit.. and power of God." 

God's wisdom was hidden and mysterious, not able to be understood by natural man.  No ruler, no human ever... could comprehend what God planned and completed in Christ Jesus.

"... God revealed them ( the things He prepared)  through the Spirit.. "v10
No one but the Spirit knows the thoughts of God. v11
We have received the Spirit of God. v12
So that .. " we might know the things freely given to us by God". 
We are "taught by the Spirit" - so that we can have "spiritual thoughts" and "spiritual words". v13
It by the Spirit that we can accept "the things of the Spirit of God" v14
 And that we can then appraise - examine- discern - judge ( anakrino - scrutinize, investigate, interrogate, determine, ask, question)   the things of God.

We have been given.. " the mind of Christ." v16  The mind ( nous) - in thought, feeling, or will - the understanding..

In other words - it is God's doing!  We can never know God, never receive His Word, and never begin to comprehend His salvation through Jesus Christ... unless there is a supernatural - spiritual - action taken by the Spirit of God -Who opens our eyes to see and our ears to hear and gives us a heart to receive -what God freely gives!

Spirit of God, come and teach us the great truths of Your Word and reveal to us the wonderful things that God has prepared for us who love Him. May the mind of Christ, that we have been given, enable us to understand the hidden wisdom and mystery of God's great plans for us.  Thank You for bringing us to know these great truths.  Glory and praise and thanksgiving to the One True God and to the Eternal Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ.   I pray that You will do that spiritual work in the lives of our unsaved loved ones, Lord God.. for they are blind and deaf and dead in their sin.. unless You reveal the truth to them through the Holy Spirit.  This I ask in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ who came to seek and save the lost.. Amen.

Monday, September 24, 2018

I Corinthians 1 : 9-

Paul reminds his readers that they have been "called into fellowship with.. Jesus Christ".
Fellowship - koinonia - partnership/ participation/communion.  This fellowship should bring unity, not divisions in the church.  The church in Corinth was struggling with this.. quarreling over things.. perhaps doctrinal issues?   Paul rebukes that spirit of division and focuses on the one thing that is the most important.. the cross of Christ.

"For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, not in cleverness of speech, that the cross of Christ should not be made void."    Paul's priority is the good news of Jesus Christ.  He didn't want to distract from the only crucial message by using "cleverness of speech".  The only thing that should be heard is the "word of the cross... the power of God". All the quarreling and division over who they followed.. Paul, Apollos, Cephas.. distracted from the only thing that really mattered - Jesus Christ!

Paul says, "Jews ask for signs and Greeks search for wisdom." ( v22)  The message of the cross - that Jesus Christ was crucified for the sins of all.. sounded like foolishness to those who wanted wisdom.. and a stumbling block to those who wanted a sign.  (Foolishness - absurdity, silliness;)

But, "God was well-pleased through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe."  For  even "the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men." 

God chose "The foolish things of the world to shame the wise." v27
He chose " the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong." 
He chose "the things that are not, that He might nullify the things that are." v28

Why?  So that "no man should boast before God." v30

Salvation is ONLY by "His doing".  
By "His doing"- Christ Jesus "became to us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption." 

In other words - nothing else is important enough to become a division between those who have been called into fellowship with Jesus Christ!  There is not enough wisdom or strength,  nor miraculous signs in this world that can save a soul.  God made it so!  He chose.. to bring salvation through His Son.. and nothing else will do it.

Thank You Father for the wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus Christ the Lord.  Thank You for calling me into fellowship with Jesus, my Redeemer, my Sanctifier, my Righteous King.. the Wisdom of God!  O how wonderful that You have given us the word of the cross.. the message of salvation to all who will believe.  Thank you that You are faithful to do all that You have said You will do!  I eagerly await that day when the Lord Jesus Christ is revealed and we are found in Him, blameless..
What amazing grace!  Amen.

Friday, September 21, 2018

I Corinthians 1   Verses 1-9 are words of greeting and introduction. Paul, the "called" apostle - writes to the church at Corinth.   He addresses them as:
"those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus"
"saints by calling" along with all who "call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"

He blesses them with grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus.
He gives thanks for them because of the "grace of God which was given [them] in Christ Jesus." -
and then he adds this really stunning sentence -  "that in everything you were enriched in Him, in all speech and all knowledge ." enriched - made rich; wealthy- fullness;  

In Christ "all the fulness of Deity dwells in bodily form" (Colossians 2:10) tells us.. and "in Him, you have been made complete ( full).. " v11

Just read this yesterday and was struck by it.. and now here it is again.. when that happens I always feel like the Lord is talking to me!  Here Paul writes that we are enriched in speech and all knowledge.   How are we rich in speech?  What does that mean?  How can we be rich in "all knowledge "?   It says that this is by the "grace of God.. in Christ Jesus"... and that "you are not lacking in any gift". 

II Corinthians 8:7 says " But just as you abound in everything, in faith and utterance and knowledge and in all earnestness and in the love we inspired in you... "  and 9:11 ".. you will be enriched in everything for all liberality which through us is producing thanksgiving to God." Which points back to verse 8 " And God is able to make all grace abound to you ,that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed."  

So the abounding grace that God gives to us.. so that we have everything ... is meant to produce thanksgiving as we generously give to others:
through good deeds
through all we say,
through the knowledge of His Word ;
through our faith and
through love.

As Paul writes in II Cor. 9:10 " Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness."  Which takes us right back to Hosea " Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness.." (10:12)  And I am reminded again of the Truth that we reap what we sow..

God gives us everything... EVERYTHING by His grace!
He gives to us so that we may sow/ plant - for the purpose of righteousness.
And then He allows us to reap a wonderful harvest.. a crop that produces thanksgiving!

Father in heaven, You have given us "all knowledge".. what an amazing thought. Help us to receive it and live by it and sow it.. and reap a harvest of thanksgiving- to the praise of Your Holy Name.  What is lacking in my understanding, Lord God, please fill me.. that I might also have the testimony and the confirmation.. that I may be "blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ".  Let Your will be done and Your kingdom come in all its fulness, I pray, in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Hosea 12-14  Once again Hosea gives the Lord's request to Israel, " .. return to your God, observe kindness and justice and wait for your God continually." ( v6)

Israel is reminded to look back and remember that it was the Lord who called them to be His people. It was the Lord who delivered them from Egypt.  It was the Lord who gave them life.  It was the Lord who saved them.   When they were in the wilderness, He provided every need.  But, when they came into the land that He provided.. they began to be "satisfied".. and "proud".  And they forgot all about the God who provides everything. They turned to graven, manmade, worthless idols.. and kindled His anger against themselves.

Even after all of this... the Lord loves His people.  He still calls them to return to Him.  He still promises to restore and renew.. to bring them back to Himself.  He will heal them and love them. .. for His love endures forever.    What amazing grace!

"Whoever is wise let him understand these things;
Whoever is discerning, let him know them. 
For the ways of the Lord are right,
and the righteous will walk in them, 
But transgressors will stumble in them." 

Father in heaven,  great is Your Name in all the earth!  You are the One and Only True God.  You are the God who created all the heavens and the earth.  Your wisdom and understanding is far above our imaginations!  Thank You for loving us and revealing Your Word to us that we might truly worship in righteousness.  Fill us with Your Spirit that we might know the fulness of Christ Jesus our Lord, and that we may know You more and more..  for we ask this in His name. Amen. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hosea 10-11  Israel has come to its end.. not heeding the warnings and refusing to give up its idols.  Punishment is coming.. and yet, God's heart still yearned for His people.
"When Israel was a youth I loved him." ( 11:1)
"I took him in My arms.." v3
" I led them with cords.. with bonds of love." v4
".. I bent down and fed them.." v4b
" How can I give you up, O Ephraim?" v8
"My heart is turned over with Me."
" All My compassions are kindled." 

The message of love and truth is still preached.. urging Israel to turn back to their God:

" Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness; 
Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord until He comes to rain righteousness on you. " ( 10:12)

But instead, they had sown wickedness, reaped injustice, eaten the fruit of lies, and trusted in their own ways . ( v13)

We.. I have never lived on a farm.. and our society is no longer as familiar with sowing and reaping as we should be. After all, we are consumers of what hard working farmers produce and provide.
But, looking at these verses.. still brings a picture to our minds.
The plowing is important.. to break up the ground in order for it to receive the seeds.. they cannot grow in hard, dry ground.. Jesus talked about this in the parable of the sower. That seed that landed on the path, the hard ground... the hard heart, was snatched away.

To sow... to plant the seeds.. "with a view to righteousness" - is to plant truth.. the Word of God, good seed!
To sow, or plant wickedness.. is to plant lies and result in the "fruit of lies".  A harvest of  injustice- perversity, evil, iniquity, mischief, and punishment.

Proverbs 11:18 says "The wicked earn deceptive wages, but he who sows righteousness gets a true reward."  And Paul wrote in Galatians 6: 7-9 " Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. For the one who sows to his own flesh shall from the flesh reap corruption , but the one who sows to the Spirit shall from the Spirit reap eternal life. And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." 

God's great love and compassion.. is for all of His people.. including me!  He desires me to live in the same way as He desired Israel.. to turn to Him, to trust in Him alone, to do what is right and kind and good.  To live according to truth and not lies.  To sow.. to plant.. good seed so that I can harvest what is best!  

Father in heaven,  daily show me the soil that needs to be fallowed in my life and in my world.  Show me how to plant the seeds of kindness, truth, and love in this world.. in all I do and say.  Make me a sower of righteousness today, I pray.  In Jesus' name.  amen.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Hosea 8-9
The fate of Israel was sealed.. they had ignored every warning.
They had "forgotten their Maker." 
They had forsaken the Law and lost their innocence.
They had "gone deep in depravity". 

God remembered their iniquity and punished their sins.
They were driven out of the land.
They lost any glory that they once had.
They were cast away from God.
They were made unfruitful.. in their land,  and in their families.

 Father in heaven,  You are our Maker and we do not ever want to forget You or forsake You.  Draw us nearer to You and fill our hearts with Your Spirit.  Thank You for the forgiveness that we have in Christ Jesus.  Thank You for giving us Your Word that we might learn more of Your Truth.  May we be reproved and chastised when we step away from the Truth and trust in anything or anyone besides You alone.  You are worthy of our worship and of our loyalty.  Guide us in paths of righteousness for Your Name's sake, we pray.   You are our hope, our peace, and our life.. all glory and praise to You we bring, in Jesus Christ our Lord's name. amen.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Hosea 6-7

  Oh the wonderful grace and love of God!  We make it so hard.. we ignore, forget, and deny the truth of His Word.. bringing destruction upon ourselves, when all the while He stands before us with arms open wide.

He desires for us to come to Him.
He desires to heal us.
He desires to revive us.
He desires to raise us to life!

"So let us know, let us press on to know the Lord."
The truth is that God is not looking for sacrifices and burnt offerings.. but He is looking for what delights His heart - mercy/ loyalty;  knowledge of Him.

He wants us to acknowledge Him and to realize the truth about ourselves.
We are sinners.
We have "dealt treacherously" against Him.
We have committed crimes.
We have not considered our sins.
We have not remembered that HE SEES US!

He wants us to call on Him.
He wants us to return to Him.
He wants us to seek Him.
He wants to redeem us.
He wants us to cry out to Him from our hearts.
He wants us to turn to Him and not to any one or anything else.

God is not far, He is not uncaring,  and He is not vindictive...
He will punish sin.  He will chastise the wicked.
He will uncover evil.
But, His purposes in all this is that we might come to Him and find health and life.

Father, blessed is Your name in all the earth.  Theses truths help us to know You.. who You really are and not our false ideas about You.  Thank You for loving us and desiring us.. wanting us to know You and be with You forever.  Thank You for speaking through Your Word and touching my heart. Amen.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hosea 5   Israel went into captivity - into Assyria.  Judah would be taken to Babylon.  Judgement had come.  The priests and the kings had failed in their responsibilities.  The nations had gone down the slippery slope and ended up "deep in depravity".   They could not even return to God because of their deeds. ( v4)  "For a spirit of harlotry is within them, and they do not know the Lord." 

The "spirit" - the breath, the wind, the mind of a living rational being, and the seat of emotions; The very life of Israel had become idolatrous. They could not even acknowledge the Lord any longer.

In their pride, in their iniquity - Israel and Judah "stumbled".  They tottered, they wavered, their legs weakened and they faltered. They fell.  They failed. And they were overthrown.  If they even wanted to seek the Lord, they would no longer find Him. " He has withdrawn from them." (v6)

Israel was desolate and Judah was wounded. Rottenness.. sickness.. incurable disease.. they were torn to pieces by the judgement and chastisement of God.

But, a time will come, when once again they will "acknowledge their guilt and seek My face; in their affliction they will earnestly seek Me." the Lord says.

America is headed down that same slippery slope of deep depravity.  A spirit of harlotry lives on in our present world where many do not know the Lord and want to keep all others from even acknowledging Him.  They are stumbling, tottering, and falling down all around us..  Rottenness and sickness abounds.. rising up in acts of violence and senseless killing.   School shootings... mothers who kill their own children.. a man who pulls a gun and shoots another.. for nothing.. over a cell phone call or a parking space!  Daily murder counts among children in big cities like Chicago..
Pride.. a word that the homosexual community has adopted as their own.. not realizing that the word they use as a banner is actually a word of condemnation and shame in the eyes of the Creator God.

When will America "acknowledge their guilt" and seek God's face?  What chastisement from the Lord's hands will come and bring the affliction that causes us to seek Him?

O Father, let us come and return to You.. Let our nation call out to You, repent before You, and find You once again.  You are the Healer.  You are the Redeemer.  You are the only One who can bring us back to the Truth.. Jesus Christ.   Have mercy on us.. Gracious Lord.  We ask this in the Name of the One who came to seek and to save the lost,  Jesus, our Lord and King. Amen.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Hosea 3  Here is a beautiful picture of God's love portrayed through His willing servant Hosea.  The Lord tells Hosea to go and love his adulterous wife once again.  So, he goes and finds her and he buys her.. pays the ransom price of 15 shekels of silver and some barley.   He takes her home and tells her that she is to stay with him "for many days."

The Lord proclaims that Israel will be removed from His kingdom.. but there will come a time when they will return.... " and they will come trembling to the Lord and to His goodness in the last days."

Hosea 4 lays out God's case against Israel.. and it is sobering how this totally describes America today -

There is "no faithfulness".
There is no "kindness".
There is" no knowledge of God in the land."

There is "swearing, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery. They employ violence, so that bloodshed follows bloodshed. Therefore the land mourns, and everyone who lives in in languishes along with the beasts of the field and there birds of the sky; and also the fish of the sea disappear." 

No one finds fault ( contends) with the sinners.. No one offers reproof.. correction.
Those who should do so.. the priests and prophets in Israel's case.. stumble right along with the rest of the people.

" My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  Because you have rejected knowledge .. "
They stopped listening to the Lord.
They lost any understanding of Truth.
They became more and more stubborn in their sinfulness.

We are in the same place here in this country and in this time.  " Harlotry, wine and new wine take away the understanding." v11 says.. and we see it in the news every day!  Sexual immorality, drugs and alcohol.. a "spirit of harlotry has led them astray". 

"So the people without understanding are ruined." 

Knowledge - awareness of truth
Understanding - to separate mentally; to distinguish ( truth).. to think, look well to; have intelligence

If a lack of knowledge and understanding bring destruction and ruin ( which we know is true)  then we need to seek those things.. we need to listen to the Lord through His Word so we can KNOW the Truth!  We need to pray that we will grow in the knowledge of the Lord and in His grace. We need to accept reproof and correction.  We need to reprove those who are walking in sin.. as appropriate, with love and compassion. We need to love as the Lord loves and forgive as He forgives..

Hosea restored his wife, buying her back from her sinful life.. God restores people from their stubborn, ignorant, and sinful lives.  This is the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Father, thank You! Let Your Word be proclaimed across the land.. with love and compassion and grace.. may we shine the light of Christ's love wherever  we are! Amen.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hosea 2  Verses 1-13 portray the adulterous actions of Israel as she turned to Baal and prostituted herself, pursuing her "lovers"..  She gave credit to Baal for the very blessings that God alone provided- bread, water, wool and flax, oil and wine.   God's just punishment was to cut off those things.  He took back the grain at harvest time.  He took away the vines, the wool and the flax.  He took away all the gifts - the festivals and the feasts of celebration.  Everything was lost, because she "forgot Me".. the Lord proclaimed.

But, the Lord does not forget His people. Verses 14-23 speak of the restoration of Israel.  God will take back His people with compassion and kindness.  He will "marry" her once again.. 

" And I will betroth you to Me forever; 
Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, 
in lovingkindness and in compassion,
 and I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness.  
Then you will know the Lord ." 

There is coming a day, when God's relationship with His people will be completely restored.  And along with that there will people "who were not My people"  who will then be called His people. That is us too!

Father, thank You for Your great compassion and lovingkindness. Thank You for calling me to be Your child and for restoring Me to a love relationship with Yourself.  Thank You for being a patient and persevering God.. for never giving up on me.  You are My God and I never want to stop serving and loving You.  Hold me close to You, I pray, in Christ Jesus the Beloved...amen. 

Monday, September 10, 2018

Hosea 1   To be called as a prophet of God was not an easy thing... Hosea's first encounter with God's calling on his life was the command to go and marry "a wife of harlotry".    Imagine what his mother thought!   Yet, Hosea was obedient and married Gomer.  They immediately had a son and they were commanded by the Lord to name him "Jezreel", which means" God sows."   It was downhill after that.

Gomer had 2 more children right after the other, but they were not Hosea's children.  The first was a daughter named "Loruhamah" - meaning - she who receives no compassion.  The next was "Lo-ammi" meaning -  not my people .

The message was meant for Israel.  They were going to receive what they deserved because of their harlotry with idols.  God's compassion would be withheld and they would no longer be called God's people.  The nation of Israel would go into captivity and would not return .

However, God had a plan that would still unfold .. a plan to bring the "sons of the living God" - the descendants of Israel and Judah back together.  They would have "one leader".  God will still fulfill His promises to Abraham and to David.

Paul quoted Hosea in Romans 9 when he wrote about the Gentiles who were not God's people, but who would be called "My people".  Like Israel, every single person has failed to remain faithful to the One True God.  We all were "not [His] people".. but through Jesus Christ, we have come into the family and are His true children.  What grace and mercy!

Father God, may we hear Your Word and Your heart for us.. remembering that Christ died for us even while we were yet sinners.  We rejoice in the sweet and wonderful work of salvation!  Thank You!  Bless Your holy name!  Father, as Your children, called by Your name.. help us to walk in complete faithfulness and purity.  Keep us from the evil one.  Lead us in Your righteous paths. Be exalted in all the earth, Lord, as You show compassion once again, bringing many sons to glory!  Amen and amen!

Friday, September 7, 2018

Romans15-16  In all things, we need to remember, Christ is our example.  Paul has called us to have clear convictions in the things we do or don't do.. and to not judge anyone else's convictions.   He encourages us to pray that God, "who gives perseverance and encouragement grant [us] to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus." v5

Jesus came as a servant.. both to the Jews and to the Gentiles.. that we all might have hope. (v8-12)

We have hope "by the power of the Holy Spirit".  And, we are filled with "joy and peace in believing".. because of our God.  Through Him we can also be "full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able to admonish one another." ( v13-14)

Paul gives some details about his plans and greets those in the church at Rome.  It was his heart's desire to go there and meet them face to face.. and we know this did happen, but not quite in the way he expected.  What joy they must have had anyway, as he was able to spend time with some he considered "kinsmen" and some he called "beloved".  Paul's benediction is another one of those passages that would be good to memorize and meditate on.. a deep and wonderful prayer:

"Now to Him who is able to establish you
according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the mystery
which has been kept secret for long ages past,
but now is manifested and by the Scriptures of the prophets,
according to the commandment of the eternal God,
has been made known to all the nations
leading to obedience of faith;
to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ,
be glory forever, 

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Romans 14  As followers of Christ, living according to the Spirit and not according to the flesh, we are called to love.  At the end of chapter 13 Paul has told us to put on the "armor of light" and to "put on the Lord Jesus Christ".   To do this, Paul teaches, we need to look to our own consciences AND be careful to not harm anyone else's spiritual walk.  He lays out some things that we need to consider.

We are not all the same.  Some have a different "opinion" about how they must live than others.  "opinion" comes from the Greek word - dialogismos - discussion, consideration, debate, dispute, imagination, reasoning, thought ..
Paul teaches, " Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind".. regarding things like - foods we eat, or don't eat; days we observe or don't observe; what is clean or unclean.

Each of us.. who believe in Christ.. need to know that:

v3  God has accepted us.
v4 God is able to make us "stand"
v8 "we live for the Lord.. we die for the Lord; therefore whether we live or die, we are the Lord's"
v10 ".. we shall all stand before the judgement seat of God"
v12 " ... each one of us shall give account of himself to God".

We cannot judge each other's convictions, because that is between them and the Lord. v4
But, we need to be mindful of our own convictions.. "fully convinced" v5; truly thankful ( v6);
and "walking according to love" ( v15) .
We need to make our own decisions.. between us and the Lord.. keeping in mind that the "kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit". 

Our thinking and actions should then focus on:
serving Christ with His priorities in place ( righteousness, peace, and joy)
pursuing "the things which make for peace" v19
"building up .. one another" 
Being careful to not "tear down the work of God". 

We are to walk by faith.  We are to behave according to the convictions we have in relationship with our Lord.  And we are to not do anything that we have doubts about or cannot do from faith. ( v22-23)

This is one of those important lessons that we must meditate on and really think about.. for ourselves and for our opinions about others..

So Father, I pray that You will speak clearly to my heart that I might live by faith and walk"fully convinced" in regard to everything I do.  May I joyfully give thanks in every good and perfect gift that is mine in Christ Jesus.  May I never cause a brother or sister in Christ to stumble by my actions or judge them because of their beliefs.  May I serve Christ in the way that is acceptable to both Him and to others.  I ask this in the Name of Jesus, my Light.. my Savior.. and my King.  Amen.